Audio Edition - October 14th 2005

Welcome to the final Audio Edition for the week. Let the weekend begin!

Today Doug and I discuss the new James Bond announcement (finally), the Fog and what not releasing advanced copies of the films for critics to review really says about how much confidence the studio has in the movie, the new iPod video edition, Arnold passing an anti-violence law against video games and much much more.

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  • Boston Man

    Also, Roger Moore does not get down and dirty with the mandingo chick from a view to a kill…Tanya Roberts was the one he fornicates

  • doug nagy

    “Take the Whore’s Head” is a game that teaches youngsters important life lessons.

  • John Campea

    Hey there Drewbacca.

    Thanks for the comments. Let me address them a little.

    1) First of all… the show isn’t scripted or preped. We purposfully made that decision when we started the show 11 months ago. It’s conversational.

    We want to make sure we don’t sound like we know more than we do… so I don’t have pages of information in front of me when we do the show… because then it sounds contrived (trust me… I’ve listened to other movie related shows that TRY to sound like they know everything… and it just comes across as fake and forced).

    Our style is to be off the cuff and conversational.

    2) I think we do a very good job on making sure we say that we’re “uncertain” when we’re not 100% sure of what we’re talking about. For instance… with the Timothy Dalton thing… I never said “For certain his name is Halton”. Instead, I said something like “I’m not sure of his name… Halton… Dalton… Malton… or something like that”. Same as with the iTunes thing… I wasn’t sure if there was ads on it or not… so I said I didn’t think they’d take them off… I never said “Oh no… the ads are there”. At least I don’t think I did.

    We have talked about going to a more “professional” sounding show were we prep in advance and carefully prepare what we’re going to talk about. But up until now I’ve resisted that. I prefer the free unscripted and conversation style of the show as it is. But that means sometimes we’ll be uncertain about some things. But we’ll always point those things out.

    The idea of the show is not to “teach” anyone anything… it’s to talk… and get conversation going. I hope we accomplish that… well… at least sometimes. :P

    Thanks for your input. We’ll try better!


  • Drewbacca

    Okay guys, love the show, but I gotta be the asshole for a second.

    Please know what you’re talking about when you speak. A lot of people (including myself) believe what you tell them, and when your facts are off, it makes me wonder how much stuff you say that is wrong or untrue. These items may be trivial, but how much stuff do you speak of that is wrong that maybe isn’t so trivial. All I’m asking for is the slightest bit of research before speaking.

    1) It’s Timothy DALTON..not Halton.

    2) Grace Jones was NOT in any James Bond film with Timothy Dalton. She was in the Bond film entitled, “A View to a Kill” with ROGER MOORE (and BTW, a great Christopher Walken role).

    3) There are no commercials on the TV shows you can download from iTunes. It says so right there at in plain view. Have you even been there?

    4) Although you’re not wrong about the bill Schwarzenegger signed, why wouldn’t you even mention the fact that there are already ratings on all video games that most retailers voluntarily restrict selling to minors (i.e. those 18 years and younger). And Doug, the fact you would let your 12 year old son/daughter buy and play a game entitled “Take the Whore’s Head,” makes me weep for the future. Should we get rid of all ratings on movies too? It should be NC-17, but let’s let any 10 year old kid who pays the money see it? Crazy.

    Last, I love the show and will continue to listen daily.


  • reuben

    hey, just lettin u kno, that the episodes that u dl from itunes, the comercials are cut.

  • darren seeley

    Okay. I know what I said earlier. But due to other circumstances, I didn’t get to see “The Fog” update last night. Curious, I went to Rotten Tomatoes today and discoverd that thus far “The Fog 2005” has only one mildly favorable review. The other ten reviews thus far are “Bad’ to ‘Really Bad’. 11% on the meter.

    I couldn’t believe it. So I checked out some of the reviews.

    When I heard the following:

    *The fog has a power to ‘hurl knives at people’ and ‘throw people through windows’, I thought, ‘you’re kidding’.

    *The Fog is entirely CGI. With the exception of one or two shots in the trailer, I did not know this. For this fact alone I will wait for DVD. Gosh, I never thought I’d say that in my life.

    *I stand corrected. With the exception of Selma Blair, They DO make the characters a bit younger than the 1980 counterparts. On top of this, Blair’s Stevie is (Welling) Nick Castle’s ex. It is also no longer an enseble cast. I never thought I’d say this either, but now I’ll wait for DVD when it is been on the shelf for a year or more. Or a Two For Tuedsay. Rent one free coupon. Something.

    *Antonio Bay is now Antonio Island. No longer a CA coastal town, it is now on the coast of Oregon, on (of course) a small island. Ewwww…

    *The ghosts are now dead lepers. All of them. Ewww…

    *I need confirmation on this one. 1:85 aspect ratio as opposed to Carpenter’s 2:35. Say it ain’t so!

    I’ll bet you guys cover most of this in the next audio edition.

    But I re-watched the original on my DVD player, and enjoyed all the moviemaking magic that made the film wonderful. Remember in the commentary John Carpenter and the late Debra Hill mention a sequel possibility? If the Fog remake is as sucky as what is being revealed, maybe it should have been a sequel.

    I made up my mind. I’m not seeing this film.

    On a related note, does anyone think remakes/updates can backfire on the studios when they hype the new, and the curious sees the original film/old show first or after seeing the update/remake and comes to the conclusion that the vintage stuff is beter than the heaps of garbage the studios dished out?

  • Donna A.

    Once again guys a great show. I am glad this whole Bond thing is over.

    Donna A.

  • Dom Dunc

    I’m confused, is it not already illegal in the US/Canada for a kid to buy games rated higher than their age? Until now, have they been able to buy any games they want? Or has this law just restriced it further?

    In the UK, GTA has always been an 18s, meaning that it is illegal from a shop to sell it to anyone under that age.

    Can someone explain this to me? Or link me to a page with more details?

  • darren seeley

    1) Bond. There is nothing that suggests that Layer Cake’s Daniel Craig can’t die his hair dark; although in theory, he could keep his blonde hair (working as a spy). But…the actor with the two Bond films was Timothy Dalton, who I thought was alright. However, Grace Jones was in Roger Moore’s last Bond, View To A Kill (Dolph Lundgren also appeared as a bodyguard in the film. BTW, Christopher Walken was the Bond villian). I think the Dalton films are frowned on is due perhaps to “License To Kill” where the Bond villian was a drug dealer stepping up in Stinger missles (note: a young Benicio De Toro is the henchman!)

    2) No Press screenings for critics means a film is ‘bad’. No, it does not always mean that. Can I offer another theory? When the original film came out, critics trashed it. It wasn’t until later when the film got respect it deserved. Even Carpenter’s remake of “The Thing” was savaged by critics in ’82. Later on, it got respect. It could have to do with less faith in critics than the audiences. While Carpenter isn’t directing the update, he does have his stamp on it; the late Debra Hill, who produced and co-wrote thhe first movie, was also a co-producer of the remake. How come you guys don’t mention this?

    3) The Kindergarden Cop aka Arnie and violent games. First, I don’t see it as censorship. He isn’t calling for boycotts, he isn’t banning them (nd I’m glad you mention it on the show), he’s just putting some restrictions for the younger set, who cannot buy such video games unless an adult buys them for them. Which is what the parents will do anyway, because they really don’t know what Grand Theft Auto is all about :)