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Underworld: Evolution site online

By Richard - December 30, 2005 - 09:44 America/Montreal

UnderworldEvolution.jpgThe official website for Underworld: Evolution is online and is packed with goodies with photos, screensaver, wallpapers, icons, multiplayer game, and all sorts of other marketing ploys.

The site is over at Sony Pictures through Coming Soon, and actually has some good photos, including some cool creature shots. There’s the trailer as well so it has more use than a marketing store!

Call me a bit cynical, but I get bored of these sites popping up for every movie. They’re usually highly over developed (as this one is with all the noises and delaying animations) and contain just the same old stuff for every movie. At least they haven’t started a Blog written by the marketing team…I mean one of the crew.

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