This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 27th, 2005 at 1:49 pm.
Categories: Top Lists.

HarryMetSally-Orgasm.jpgThis story on the best movie orgasms seems close to the real thing, but not quite there. It’s surprising to know that what you thought would be number one isn’t.

From Yes But No Yes through Cinematical…

10. Jennifer Anniston in Bruce Almighty
9. Jane Fonda in Barbarella
8. Gina Davis in Thelma & Louise
7. Ben Stiller in There’s Something About Mary
6. Woody Allen in Sleeper
5 Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet
4. Woody Allen in Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Sex
3. Madeline Kahn in Young Frankenstein
2. Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally
1. Shirley MacLaine in Being There

Let’s say for the sake of this post that the movies produced by the Adult Movie Industry are excluded, and we’re just looking mainstream movies (as they say in the original list). Do you think these shape up as the top ten? I’m far from convinced, although I’ve not seen them all I would say that an orgasm would mean you actually reach one, (well in the acting sense anyway) so Number 2 is acceptable, but is Number 4 a stretch? What do you think, does this list do it for you?

9 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. bukezilla

    5. Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet

    Classic lines…. “mommy” “don’t fucking look at me”

    love it-


    Let’s not forget Sean Penn everytime he looks at himself in the mirror. Of course, he never tells himself that he faked it.

  3. Goon

    what about this one

    “never. stop. fucking. me. Jerry Maguire”

  4. darren seeley

    ‘When Harry Met Sally’ should not be on the list; because it is, those who made up the list forgot one important detail. The scene in question is how women fake orgasms.

  5. Richard Brunton

    What, and we can tell the difference?

  6. Kristina

    Actually, if you aren’t busy busting your own nut, you CAN tell the difference. There are telltale physical signs(redness of skin,swelling and lurication in certain areas) that you cannot fake. It ain’t all about what’s coming out of your mouth(or going in, for that matter).

  7. Richard Brunton

    Woah there lady! I’ve never slept with you so you’d not know!

    That was a joke to the age old assumption that men can’t tell, and meant as a comment to Darren that it doesn’t really matter if it’s faked or not in this top ten.

    People take things so seriously!

  8. ol' ron

    whoa there! easy richard. I’m a complete idiot with no idea how to relate to other people or to behave in any way like a gentleman. I tell you what though this site is superb and I love your posts in particular. I just wish I wasn’t such a lowly excuse for a human that can only find an outlet for my megre voice on the Internet. Normally people won’t speak to me, mainly because of the locked padded cell and me not being allowed visitors, and my daily allowance of Internet time it almost up. It’s back to my crayons and rubber walls.

    [Edited by Rich to remove completely inappropriate and vile language]

  9. Simone

    That last post is very inappropriate and uncalled for and needs to be deleted. Please have a little bit of class and some responsibility when posting here, you are ruining it for some of us.