Psylocke joins bulging X-Men 3 cast

Psylocke.jpgThe character of Psylocke is reported to be added to the already overweight band of characters in X-Men 3.

According to reports all over the web, and this one caught from The Hollywood Reporter through Coming Soon (because we always credit our sources), the baddie mutant will be played by…

…Filipina actress Mei Melancon, who previously worked with “X3″ director Brett Ratner in Rush Hour 2.

Psylocke, who has had several incarnations in the Marvel comic book series, is best known for her fighting and telepathic skills as well as an ability to transport herself and others through shadows.

Is this cast just growing too big? Are we going to see loads of mutants and no real depth to any of them, or is it going to focus on a few mutants with many more on the outside to make up the numbers for the big scenes? I hope the latter, and so far the character choices for appearances have been good. What do you think?

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  • 1. Josh replies at 30th December 2005, 11:31 am :

    As far as the new casting goes, I’m very pleased. Beast, Angel, and Juggernaut are all great selections, and the cameos of some people are important to life-long X-Men fans. Omega Red may be random, but I won’t have complaints if he and Colossus go at it (I don’t really care if the plot moves along from their fight or not).

    With casting, I wish they would 3 things:

    (1) Replace Rogue with a better actress (though I’m not usually one that likes replacements in movie sequels; new person does not have to super hot, but older and more attractive)

    (2) Introduce Gambit somehow

    (3) Bring back Alan Cumming as Nightcrawler (opening scene was why I was sucked into X2)

  • 2. Cole replies at 30th December 2005, 12:14 pm :

    Its pretty clear that there are too many characters. How the heck can you have character development when you can’t even get past character introductions?

    Sure, old comic fans can recognize who’s who but imagine what its like for new fans who have to figure out real names, code names, hero or villain and powers. Its just plain stupid to get so crazy with the characters when most of them would require their own movie in order to tell the story right.

    Just spin off Wolverine already and make it an R movie.

  • 3. Cole replies at 30th December 2005, 12:39 pm :

    I forgot to give my opinion on Psylocke. Definitely one of my favorites when i was a kid. First of all, she was super hot for a drawing. But also because her story was just so twisted and cool.

    She’s started off as a British girl (Captain Britains sister) with telepathic powers. (Yawn). But then got messed up big time. She lost her eyes, she got them replaced by bionic ones from Mojo who used it to spy on the Xmen. She also got sucked into this “vortex” and landed in Japan where she was destroyed and transformed from a Brit to the hottest Asian ninja assasin you’ve ever seen. So not only was she a telepath, she also could fight AND she made this psionic blade where she would stab people in the brain. Tell me thats not an insane character.

    Anyway, the biggest crime here is that they hired an “average” asian chick to play one of the sexiest chicks in comics. Boo.

  • 4. Simone replies at 30th December 2005, 12:49 pm :

    Mei Melancon WHO???

  • 5. Brian replies at 30th December 2005, 3:05 pm :

    Well, I just saw the preview 3 minutes ago on TV, and I got to say it looks awesome. They obviously have tons of mutants in the brotherhood, and so far we only have 4 named- juggernaut, magneto, mystique, and pyro. So why not have more characters added? They will just be cameos. They’re not gonna be full fledged main characters. This film will be on more of a grand scale than the previous two, so there will be plenty of battle scenes with unknowns participating.

  • 6. Steve replies at 31st December 2005, 7:16 am :

    Can’t wait for this movie.

    I have no problem with them cameoing more characters from the comics. Filming has already been done I assume so to be added in now means he must have a few plot holes to fill. No problem with him adding a baddie or two.

    I’d rather he left Gambit out though. I never did like that character.

  • 7. Stacey replies at 6th January 2006, 4:23 am :

    I believe that “X3″ will be good no matter how many people. I think that it will leave an opening for more great movies. And to the person that said change “Rogue” Hell no!! I like that actress and it works better with the storyline the writers are giving the character. I like the actress and it makes everything a bit more real in terms of a kid crush on Wolverine. I hope to see more faces added to the X-Men and maybe a few go…I am not digging “Storm” anymore i would like to see Colossus…he actually could be considered already seen briefly in “X2″ but I want Gambit and Jubilee(Spelling??) like on the cartoons…and I cant wait to see Juggernaut…maybe even more of Pyro. Ok I just thought that I would back up the trade in Rogue for an upgrade theory.

  • 8. ruel replies at 9th January 2006, 11:08 pm :

    I’m just so happy and proud that a Filipina played psylocke. Good Luck Mei…….. Make Filipinos proud. And those who think that she can’t do better because she is an unknown, please give her a chance. Every known actor are unknowns before they became popular. Peace……..

  • 9. Mike W. replies at 15th January 2006, 10:30 pm :

    I wish they would use apocolipse… he was the best villan the X-men had. I think its cool that they are adding on Juggernaut, Psylocke, Angel, and Beast. I do think they should ditch Rouge. She sucks But they need to kill off some characters if they are going to keep adding more on!