PacMan movie planned

PacMan.jpgThis is totally ridiculous and takes the idea of adapting an idea to a movie to ridiculous proportions. Creating a movie of the videogame PacMan is a good idea as making my left nostril into a thriller. Yet it’s happening.

From Digital Spy comes the story that the Independent studio Crystal Sky are planning the stupendous move. When you see what else they have on their books you might just understand why.

Also in development by Crystal Sky are adaptations of beat-’em-up Tekken and Castlevania, the latter being directed by Paul W.S. Anderson, the filmmaker responsible for Mortal Kombat and Resident Evil being brought to the big screen.

Explain a lot? It actually makes Tekken and Castlevania look positively plot rich! I guess it does mean cheap CGI.


  • 1. darren seeley replies at 30th December 2005, 10:13 am :

    while Pac-Man has been done as a spinoff short lived cartoon in the 80’s, (I think-’Pac Family’) I don’t see how it could be done as a thriller. Now, if they took ‘Centipede’ and did that, alright…’Bezerk’…okay…or the 90’s game ‘Crackdown’- maybe.

    The Castlevania thing has been talked about before, but while there was an okay but nothing special Tekken animated movie, I’m not too keen on a live action film.

  • 2. Simone replies at 30th December 2005, 11:25 am :

    They’re really running out of original ideas arent they???

  • 3. Triflic replies at 30th December 2005, 2:02 pm :

    Tekken looks like it will star Jet Li & Vikki Zhao (for starters)

    Twitchfilm article:

  • 4. CBlaze replies at 30th December 2005, 6:17 pm :

    Wagga wagga wagga wagga wagga wagga wagga… For and hour and a half - I CAN’T WAIT!! Wagga wagga wagga wagga wagga wagga wagga wagga wagga wagga wagga wagga wagga wagga

  • 5. mogulus replies at 30th December 2005, 6:36 pm :

    wow… i just felt my brain commit suicide by drinking brain poison in it’s most concentrated state. It vomited twice and then shuddered, then took another gulp and started bleeding all over the place. it then took one final gulp just to make sure and keeled over.

    unfortunately i finished reading the post anyway.

    ok… so we’re looking at a movie where the hero’s motivation is to grab little white pellets, avoid pink ghosts and find the fruit for extra points…. they could get Peter Jackson to direct it and you STILL wouldnt have more than ten minutes of screen presence here.

  • 6. Draken replies at 30th December 2005, 11:58 pm :

    You got that right dude!!!! Wagga Wagga Wagga Wagga, I cant wait either.. i wanna see how he eats the villains.. wahahah Wagga wagga wagga

  • 7. Alfredo replies at 31st December 2005, 12:32 am :

    It’s not wagga it’s macca macca macca macca macca macca macca macca macca macca macca get it right. macca macca macca macca macca macca

  • 8. Steve replies at 31st December 2005, 7:20 am :

    What if pacman was the nickname of a cop or something and it was a serious movie about a cop trying to save the girl from the underworld (hence the ghosts etc)??

    Could that not work?

  • 9. unfbastard replies at 31st December 2005, 11:23 pm :

    It depends on what’s going on in your left nostril. Let’s say there’s a murder or two, and lots of sex…maybe a charming leading man and a hottie love-interest. You never know.

  • 10. Alfredo replies at 1st January 2006, 12:51 pm :

    What if the movie is like Tron? A guy gets sucked into a pacman game and has to play all 255 levels until the game crashes.

  • 11. Brian replies at 1st January 2006, 1:05 pm :

    This is wrong! oh so terribly wrong! WHy aren’t they making good games into movies, or at least games that can be succesfully translated into a movie. Maybe Zelda or Prince of Persia or True Crime. Games that can be easily transformed into a movie. Come on, pacman? Looks like someone slipped those guys a couple of pills…