Kung-Fu Knight Rider movie trailer online

KnightRider.jpgRember we talked about that Scottish Knight Rider Kung Fu movie called Night Rider? Well you can now catch a trailer and also purchase it online direct from the man himself.

Ara Paiaya is selling copies of his new movie on Sublime through his own site. Very cheap too at only £9.99 or $24.99 postage paid. (There’s a nice little advert).

Want to see what you’re paying for? Well you can see the Night Driver trailer downloadable from Sublime at 6.5Mb in WMV format, as well as a trailer for his previous trilogy Dubbed and Dangerous, which is also in WMV and comes in at 4.1Mb.

Both look pretty cool with some very smart stunts (note Hollywood, no reliance on extreme close-ups, shaking cameras and fast edits here), and some very recognisable Aberdeen locations! Oh, memories! I have to hand it to Paiaya, I am surprised at the trailers, especially for Night Rider. What do you think?

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  • 1. TM replies at 29th December 2005, 12:23 pm :

    One word….HORRIBLE!!! Can I get the 5 mins. of my life back?

  • 2. Triflic replies at 30th December 2005, 1:51 pm :

    Hilarious junk-food. The trailer was long enough for me though, I couldn’t tolerate a feature of this…

  • 3. ChrisP replies at 1st January 2006, 4:17 am :

    It looks like a bad student film… what the heck was that?

  • 4. SpideyFan replies at 2nd January 2006, 5:35 pm :

    Seriously, is this guy a friend of yours or something? I’ve seen fake trailers for Spiderman 3 that look better and real full length movies from Star Wars fans with better special effects.
