Conan in 2007

As we’ve been talking about for some time here on The Movie Blog, it looks like it’s pretty much in stone that there will indeed be a new Conan movie coming our way in 2007. Just don’t expect to see Arnold in the role again.

The good folks over at MovieHole give us the following:

Warners’ Production President Jeff Robinov tells Hollywood North Report that the studio has plans for a “Conan 3” and “is committed to producing the film within the next year.”

Robinov tells the site that the new “Conan” - which many suspect will feature a new star and not original swordswinger Arnold Schwarzenegger - will be a big-budget tentpoler.

“I love the character,” Robinov, who is going back to the original Robert E. Howard stories for inspiration, said. “You have to get to the core of who the Conan character was.”

Personally, I love the idea of a new Conan film, and I’m totally fine with the notion of a new actor taking up the big steel. But I know there are others out there who think Arnold IS Conan, and that any Conan film without him is herasy. I’m not one of those people.

So what do you think? Do you:

1) Not care if a new Conan film is made?
2) Love the idea with or without Arnold?
3) Love the idea but ONLY if Arnold is the man once again?

Give us your thoughts.

19 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. gene ariani

    If they are smart they will bring back the Wachowski brothers on this

  2. matlot

    I am completey happy with Conan 3 without Arnie. He just isn’t gritty enough for the role anymore. I will DEFINATELY pay money to see it, in fact, I can’t wait.

  3. Peter

    Now… only interested in a Conan film under these premises:

    1) Arnold. He is Conan.

    2) The script must be Conan King: Crown of Iron (as seen in this beautiful beautiful link

    3) It must be directed by John Milius

    4) Music by Basil Poledouris.

    Any of these three premises should fail, to hell with the movie!!!! By Crom!!!! Any true Conan lover should agree with me or die.

  4. Peter

    Four premises. It´s four. Damn editor.

  5. Bryson J.

    I’m all for it even if they don’t have Arnie in it. Am I the only one who is getting tired of all these actors making sequels to the films they were in 20 years ago??

  6. darren seeley

    Any chance of Ralph Moeller reprising his ‘Conan’ role? (He played the character in the TV series ten years ago) No? Well, it was worth a shot.

    I think that the best way to do a new Conan film is to go all out, balls to the wall, blood and guts, and anything to ‘hear da lamentations of da wemmen’.

  7. Bullet in the head

    It could be Ok without Arnold; he is getting a bit old unless they do a kind of “Unforgiven” style reprise on the character. What would bother me more is if they went for a PG-13 type watered down movie.

  8. sup3rbuck

    Would just ruin the collection if they choose to make a sequel. First with Arnold next with The Rock etc. Theres only one Conan now, thats Arnold.

    Just dont work.

  9. Brian

    Written and directed by John Milius or bust!

    Milius and Arnold were on the verge of doing a Conan 3, but the governor thing put an end to it.

  10. Simone

    Hey Peter, that’s 4 euros again for ya! LOLOLOLOLOL

  11. Ricksta

    I think this is a good idea, but lots of good “ideas” always emerge in the movie scene, although they usually end up crap and and resemble scum, and not that regular kind of scum, i mean the real bad scum, like bathroom scum.

    what im trying to say is, the original King Conan: Crown of Iron plan seams very good, but the previous conan movies arent just regualr good movies, they are seen as signiature and classic.

    Therefore if Arnold dosent play Conan it can turn the real fans against the film as they do not choose to see conan in any other form of actor. The original idea for King Conan:crown of iron was that many years have passed and he is still king and he has a son or something like that, i think they chose Triple H from wrestleing to play his son also, so Arnold being much older would perfectly suit him for the part as well as attracting the true fans and people will refer to the film as a continuation of the story and not a remake which can turn audiences away from it slightly.

  12. tracy

    Peter, you took the words right out of my mouth. Or off my keyboard - whatever.

  13. Sijil the White Wolf

    Bring back Arnie for Conan 3, (Robert E. Howard may roll over in his grave if you don’t)…he’s a lousy politician…he may need the acting job…We need to see more Crushing of thy enemies, and hear more lamentation of the women!!!

  14. Kortoso

    Start over. Start over from scratch. It would be pretty pathetic to see Arnold running around and trying to look heroic at 60 years of age. I would see it but I wouldn’t enjoy it.

    Go back to the roots. Read the stories again. Conan never would have been a “happy slave”. If you so much as showed the original Conan a chain, you’d get an instant broken neck, if not cleaved in half. Conan was more of a panther than an ox.

    If the filmmakers take this approach - and by accounts that’s the road they’re on - they have plenty of powerful young actors to choose from.

  15. Krom

    If Arnold does not play as Conan, the movie will not be worth watching; simply put, Arnold is the definition of Conan.

    Indeed, Conan will continue to wear his crown upon a troubled brow, if production begins without Arnold in place as the indomitable Conan.

    Be warned, Krom hath spoketh.

  16. Kortoso

    Well, it’s pretty obvious that the next Conan movie (Red Nails) will not use Arnold, since it’s animated and Ron Perlman’s doing the voice.

  17. Usher

    I studied my degree in Film and wrote a dissertation on the original Conan film (which got a 1st) and from all the analysis of what is successful and what creates classics, it seems absolutely ridiculous to make a sequel to this film without Arnold Schwarzenegger as the lead Conan. Any film maker reading this i ask you to watch this film and remember seeing Arnie as that character. He is Conan! Throughout the ups and downs in the life of this character; Arnie became that man onscreen. Now, considering the age of Conan in the script and the age of Arnie surely its ideal to take him on. Just hold the project until he is ready, or else we will probably see a less than classic sequel, quickly forgotten!

    Also we definitley need John Milius and Basil Poledouris on-board. The stirring soundtrack really created an atmosphere!

  18. Jack Bazalgette

    Old Mr Jeff Robinov better know the riddle of steel, as whenst i cast him from this earth plane to meet thy mighty Crom, the wrath that shall be bestowed upon him shall be second only to the mighty horror of the film his accountants and marketing advisors have inspired him to make.

    Good idea jeff, go with your own instincts over the wishes of the thousands of fans of the original. Dont build upon the original using the elements that made it great, but change everything but the name and use it to prop up the next action star/wrestler. Another piece of trash to look forward to.

    Crom is watching and so am I, The four winds. Grrrr

    King Conan lives.

  19. Kortoso

    That’s funny.

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