Billy Crystal Not Hosting Oscars

Looks like the Academy decided that they’re host this year should be Billy Crystal. Not a bad decision… but as it turns out Billy Crystal said “no thanks”. It’s not because he’s not interested in doing the show again… but this is a really busy time for him.

According to MSNBC, the actor/comedian is right in the middle of getting his 1 man stage show “700 Sundays” ready which opens in Los Angeles next month, as well as preparing to direct another film and is in the midst of writing a book. The dude just doesn’t have the time.

So this raises the question… who should host the Oscars this year? Dear God please don’t let it be Ellen (as some of you may know I really hate the idea of a non-movie industry person hosting the biggest night in the movie industry… call me crazy. Not to mention I think that lady is seriously over-rated).

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  • 1. JAGMIR replies at 28th December 2005, 11:10 am :

    Billy Crystal = Ellen = Cris Rock = 3-day old vomit

  • 2. Brad Shipston replies at 28th December 2005, 12:13 pm :

    Steve Martin. I think he did a fine job last time, and I would love to see him do it again.

  • 3. Michael replies at 28th December 2005, 1:46 pm :

    What makes you think that Ellen is not a movie industry person? I know she works as a talk show host right now, but she has acted in several movies in the past and will continue to act in more movies in the future. And if you pay attention to her show, most of them are focused on those that are in the movie industry. And I just flat out disagree. She is not overated, she is funny, quirky, and a perfect person to host the oscars. Maybe you are just homophobic? I can’t think of any other reason you would dislike her.

  • 4. Meli replies at 28th December 2005, 11:11 pm :

    Hell, they gave friggin Chris Rock a chance. Why not Ellen? I think she has the charm to pull it off.

    John, I do understand your point of view, but I still think Ellen could be a decent, if not good host for the Oscars.

  • 5. Terry Letourneau replies at 29th December 2005, 12:07 am :

    I agree with Brad. Steve Martin was a great choice to host a couple years back.

  • 6. Leeanne replies at 29th December 2005, 4:16 am :

    Billy Crystal was a great Oscar host….but I’d love to see Robin Williams. I think he’d be a terrific host for the Oscars! He’s hilarious if anyone’s ever seen his live stage shows, the dvd is priceless!

  • 7. Simone replies at 29th December 2005, 5:52 pm :

    What about Craig Ferguson? He might do a good job.

    What dya think Richard?

  • 8. Rich replies at 30th December 2005, 1:09 am :

    bring back David Letterman!