Pirates of the Carribean 3 spoilers banned

potc23.jpgDisney has been hard at work it seems. When we posted about the magically vanishing script review of the Pirates of the Carribean movies the script had just been taken offline by Latino Review after some Disney pressure. Despite that the story had leaked and Disney was hot on its heels.

Even over at Cinematical they have felt its heat. They posted a few short paragraphs on the topic of script review after catching a glimpse before it was removed, and in it were a few spoilers. So today Disney comes knocking and asks for their removal. Fair enough really, and it seems a nice enough request.

My name is [deleted] and I work with Disney on the film releases. As you know, Latino Review posted a review of the POTC 3 script earlier this week. They have since removed the review and we have been working to get it removed from other sites, as well. I saw that you are hosting the review…Is it possible for you to remove it? We are very sensitive to surprises from the 2nd and 3rd films to be ruined for fans.

It’s a nice enough email, but the followup conversation may have been a little harsher.

A brief follow up correspondence with Disney indicated to us that not only is it “possible” for us to remove it, it is in fact imperative.

Oh well, if you’re lucky enough to find the spoilers, and you want to read them, then go ahead and leap in. Yet is this any different from the hundred and one rumours around the net day to day?

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  • 1. Redcon11 replies at 23rd November 2005, 12:23 pm :

    I saw this page a couple of days ago, but didn’t have time to read it then. I guess it’s just as well. I’m not sure if I really wanted to read the spoilers anyway.

    Well, with regard to POTC 2, I found the new trailer, recently posted at http://www.blackpearlracing.com/base.asp. Click on “The Movie” on the upper right and it will start playing.

  • 2. Pudie replies at 25th November 2005, 2:28 pm :

    Someone email me the spoiler. I missed it.