This entry was posted on Friday, November 25th, 2005 at 6:41 am.
Categories: News Chat.

TwinPeaks.jpgThere’s a very slim chance that there could be, but the early rumblings are being made from Mark Frost the co-creator that there has been talk about continuing the storyline.

From Cinematical:

“We’ve talked a little about [a new project], and it’s a possibility down the road,” Frost said in an interview with MTV. “I think it would be hard to re-create the world of Twin Peaks at this point, but Kyle is still there and still a terrific actor, and that’s a character we could possibly take other places.”

As they report, after Twin Peaks there was a desire from David Lynch and Frost to continue with the story and see what happened to the characters. Unfortunately Fire Walk with me was destroyed and therefore brought many bad reviews. So what chance is there? Well the creators are talking about it and Kyle MacLachlan still has a high profile in successful shows, so why now?

What’s the desire to see a true Twin Peaks movie? Frankly it’s one of the sequels that does make my wanna list.

7 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Stuart @ Cinema Blend

    I’d love to see a new Twin Peaks movie, especially if Lynch, Frost and McLachlin are involved.

    I know David Lynch is still fighting legal battles to secure rights to allow his to create a director’s cut of Fire Walk With Me, but right now the chances of that are about on a par with us ever seeing that ultimate 3-disc, 3-version DVD of Blade Runner that Ridley Scott wants to release.

  2. darren seeley

    The #1 problem with “Fire Walk With Me” was that it filled in the events leading up to Laura Palmer’s death. What’s wrong with that? Well, like me, if you are a die hard fan of the TV show at the time (and still are) then you already know who killed Laura Palmer. You also already know Laura was doing drugs, smoked, drinked and was accomplice to a murder. (She was with Bobby in the woods when he shot a drug dealer) Laura also whored herself on the side.

    “Fire” felt that it needed to explain all of this while adding new characters (such as those played by Chris Issak, David Bowie and Keifer Sutherland) new clues…No Sherilyn Fenn.

    No Michael Ontkean. Lara Flynn Boyle is replaced by Moria Kelly.

    When we left the series:

    1) Coop was trapped in the Black Lodge while Bob (the bad spirit) manifested himself into Coop’s evil mirror image.

    2) While Audrey stages a protest at the bank by tying herself to the vault door, a bomb goes off.

    3) Leo and the spider.

    4)Audrey has a long lost sister.

    …and I’m sure I forgot a few. Point is, such things were not resolved in “Fire”, although one line in the film suggests that The Black Lodge may have no concept of time (”The good Dale is still trapped in the Lodge”).

    I’m not sure about a new Twin Peaks film, some characters would have to be killed off or recast (simply because the actors who played them have passed on) but with the cable channel explosion, such as FX , USA or Sci-Fi etc, who were not around during Twin Peaks airing, I think it would be better off as “Twin Peaks: Next Generation” or something like that. Either way, answers have to be given, revelations have be addressed, and there has to be a reason to lure viewers back, aside, of course, from the remaining loyal few.

    -Last of The Bookhouse Boys,

    Sealer out.

  3. dave j

    I would love to see a return to Twin Peaks, so many unresolved issues!!! GAHHAHA! I can’t take it.

    Lynch has been quietly working on some other project (can’t recall the name, but its up in IMDB) which will be nice to see.

    May your drape runners glide silently,

    Dave J

  4. Borloff

    While i am all for a Twin Peaks sequel…… what i really would like to see is the rest of the show’s run on DVD.

    That being said, i would welcome a return of Twin Peaks.

  5. Borloff

    Okay, Okay……… thanks to them nifty little “ads by Google” on the site, i see that there is a Complete Series set of the show from Spain……. let me ammend my previous statement and say ” I want a domestic Season 2 Set.” ……… since i already have season 1 . 8 )

  6. mike duncker

    My god i have dreamed for years that Twin Peaks would be back on tv, or as a movie at the theaters.I have had dreams that i am trying to convince David Lynch to bring back twin peaks.It was my favorite tv show of all time,and i really haven’t watched any other drama series on tv since then.Twin Peaks was so different from anything else.Most what i loved was the shows story lines that delt with Bob,the Giant,and Black Lodge.It added a certain kind of suspense/sci-fi-horror to the show.The other story lines i did not care that much about!With so much junk on tv now (all these stupid reality shows).It would be a dream come true if Twin Peaks made a comeback.

  7. Brad

    It’s hard to deal with the way it was left unresolved at the end of Season 2.

    To develop Cooper into such an upstanding character, only to have him meet such a horrible fate? He deserved better.