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Jim Carrey In “Believe It or Not!”

Believe It Or NotWhat?!?! A Tim Burton directed film that’s DOESN’T have Johnny Depp as the lead?!?! What is the world coming to? The word going around right now is that the new Burton project “Ripley’s Believe it or Not” (which is actually about Robert Ripley) has snagged Jim Carrey to play the lead role.

It’s an interesting choice (and pretty unexpected). But it wasn’t the studio heads who picked Carrey. The following tid bit is from the good folks over at MovieHole:

According to Variety, it was Burton who suggested Carrey play the lead role in the movie, which will tell of Ripley’s attained celebrity status through the ‘Believe it or Not’ column, and the man’s ongoing hunts for the odd and wild.

You know… after thinking about it for a minute, this COULD actually be interesting. I’m not a big Tim Burton fan, but something like this sounds like his sort of thing… and it’ll be interesting to see how he and Carrey work together.

10 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. darren seeley

    Whether or not Carrey is a surprise choice for the lead- he’s great. Not only would be great to see him working with Burton (did they meet on ‘Batman Forever’ of which Burton was a co-producer?) but the mere fact that a ‘Richard Ripley’ movie is in the works is a draw by itself.

  2. darren seeley

    Did I say ‘Richard’? I meant Robert. Damn, I need stronger coffee this morning…

  3. Simone

    Oh sure this will be very interesting indeed, “believe it or not!” LOL

  4. crackerjack

    I certainly like Burton and Depp working together but Burton make good films with other leads like Big Fish. Ofcourse Ewan McGregor is a great actor but I think Burton could really use Carrey’s talents for the best.

  5. Marla Singer

    HAHAAHAHAHAHAA!!! This sounds wicked. i dont know how burtons gonna pull it off but i know he will! and jim carrey is so good, i love all his movies(except the majestic) wow i’m looking forward to hearing more about this.

  6. Drewbacca

    Carrey and Burton together? Yes!

    Carrey is the one huge actor in Hollywood right now whom I feel has been most snubbed by the Oscars. It is riduculous he’s never been nominated for anything he’s ever done…”Man on the Moon” anyone?

    Anyway, hopefully Burton can help him change this fact.

    I wrote an article about how Oscars snub comedy year after year here:


  7. Bingo Wentworth

    Great post!


  8. diskjokk

    I’m really excited about the possibilities this film could have. Burton and Carrey? Man, this will be awesome. I’m also happy to learn that there is a film in production about Robert Ripley. I’ve always been fascinated by Ripley ever since I visited one of his museums for the first time some 30 years ago.

    See Hollywood? You don’t have to pump out a bunch of sequels. There are some really good stories still left to tell.

  9. Marla Singer


  10. Evelyn

    it’s going to be a good movie. i mean, JIM CARREY is in it. and i agree that Jim has been snubbed by the oscars. but he doesnt really care about it and plus, he doesnt need a frikking oscar to show what a talented actor is he. good looking too

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