Hollywoods sexiest Mums!

DeniseRichards.jpgOh this one is important, this has to be one of the Top Lists we’ve had to date. The sexiest Mums in Hollywood!

Funnily it’s produced by BANG Media…ahem…and it’s through eircom.net, yes, that’s what I said.

So who’s on the list? More importantly who’s number one? (Please don’t sing).

10. Sarah Jessica Parker
9. Gwyneth Paltrow
8. Courteney Cox
7. Heidi Klum
6. Kelly Ripa
5. Britney Spears
4. Kate Hudson
3. Angelina Jolie
2. Reese Witherspoon

Woah, just a minute, Witherspoon at 2? Spears sexy at 5?…I doubt she’s sexy at any hour of the day right now! So who is at the top spot?

1. Denise Richards

Oh yeah baby…flubber, blubber, wibble…Sorry, I have lost the use of my hands.

12 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Cole

    So i guess the list doesnt take into account that Sarah Jessica Parker’s face looks like a horse.

  2. adam

    LOL Cole, you beat me to it. SJP is one of the ugliest celebs out there. It boggles my mind how she would make it within a mile of a list like this. Kelly Ripa is f-ing hot though.

  3. Chrismari

    I have to agree SJP is not my number one choice, she wouldn’t even reach my top 500 list. Angelina Jolie, although she looks a bit anorexic these days, must take first place.

  4. Pablo

    Heidi Klum is the winner for me… although i wouldn’t turn away the rest if they came knocking. ‘cept for the horse of course.

  5. Simone

    But technically, Angelina wasnt the birth mother to her kids, (both being adopted) so does that still count?

    And I guess if people dont find SJP very pretty, she does exude sexiness.

    I will go for Kate Hudson on this one & maybe, Gwyneth Paltrow.

  6. Marc

    Well, if Angelina is in as an adoptive mother, then where’s Nicole Kidman???

    Also, I think Reese Witherspoon has a lot more going on for her than Mrs. Sheen….

  7. Simone

    Re: Nicole Kidman.

    My point exactly Marc.

  8. Pablo

    Oh yes please. We all love Ms Kidman. Best thing that ever happened to her was to ditch the self-destucting-cruise missile.

  9. darko

    Monica Bellucci anyone ?

  10. hap

    Hard to believe we didn’t see Demi Moore on the list.

  11. Grizzly Bear

    I would also agree that 1st : SJP is not on the top of my list either but feeling sexy starts in a women’s mind and transcends eventually to the body which exudes the sexy that the males perceive ! I think she would be ok if she got a nose job and had a couple 1/2 lb double champ burgers with cheese !!!! :-) She does dress better ‘n any of’m! & lose the scream !

    Nicole Kidman ….I mean Nicole Kidman…When I saw her walking away from TC in “Eyes Wide shut” with nothing on but a pair of heels I was toast…AS for him …he’s like an eclair with no filling …looks great on the outside nothing inside ! Cheesy ?

  12. Simone

    Hap says, “Hard to believe we didn’t see Demi Moore on the list”.

    Sacrilege indeed! Demi Moore should be on top of this list! And Catherine Zeta-Jones!

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