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Batman Begins villains revealed?

BatmanInternationalPoster.jpgWe’ve had rumours galore on Batman Begins already, but now it seems we’re hearing more on the villains in the movie, covering the previous rumours of Scarecrow, Joker and even Penguin!

You can read the summary in the full story, but beware there may be spoilers, if the rumours are true. Comic Book Movie carry the alleged exclusive revelations.

…Joker in the Batman Begins sequel won’t be zany and clowny but rather, in keeping with the tone of director Chris Nolan’s films, will be dark and frightening with a broad smile under his wide-brimmed hat…

…will be an x-factor in the Gotham crime scene, sometimes acting against the Batman and sometimes acting against the Mob still taking orders from the League of Shadows…

…the Penguin is rumored to be a Russian arms dealer working with Gotham gangsters. No word on the imminent return of the Scarecrow…

Mmm..not really much more, and rumours again, but it does sounds promising. Are two villains one too many? Even three? Is this threatening to go the way of the old franchise by throwing characters at the movie? Is it just a load of rubbish rumour? I don’t know!

13 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. hi

    Well, i did expect Scarecrow to return

  2. Randall

    As long as Nolan sticks around it’s all good for this franchise.

    Riddle me this though, how come David Goyler can write the best Batman movie ever and yet be so droolingly incompetant as a director? (see Blade Trinity)

  3. darren seeley

    I’d much rather see Deadshot and Penguin, with a cameo from Scarecrow.

    But most everyone is hyped to see the “new” Joker.

    Casting of Joker, I think should be thought about in the way ‘Spider-Man 3′ went about playing guessing games with the rouge gallery (that was fun while it lasted) but do a reversal: try to guess the ACTOR. Because unless they get Christian Slater or Crispin Glover or, heck, Michael Keaton, any other actor will be compared to Jack Nicholson.

    Slater has been compared to a young Nicholson before (especially in 1989’s ‘Heathers’) so further comparisons won’t distract. Much of the fanbase seriously wants Glover, and he would be excellent, Keaton would not be compared much because if he were cast, he would literally be the mirror image of Wayne/Batman.

    But if they get other actors, I hope either the actor (for a time) uses a psydonym (like Pacino did in 1990’s ‘Dick Tracy’) or goes uncredited (should it be more than two bad guys) and/or is not well known- which is why, I think, Lachey Hume was an early popular choice. The essence of the Joker is that his orgins are mysterious, his past before he was The Clown Prince Of Crime in dispute, (not counting the ‘89 film) and -

    Well, I’d much rather have no Joker in the sequel, at least, not seen. You know he’s around, he’s a bit elusive, but when Batman starts rounding up more villians, Joker’s crimes/murders escalate, leading up to confrontation in the third film.

  4. Aaron Myers

    Well, this is the way that I assumed that he would go with the Joker. I mean, think about it. Dark suited with just a little purple pinstriped lines. Has a nice brimmed hat on that is also dark, and you never really see his face until it is imperative that you do, like at the end of the film to see just how crazy he is. But instead, you just see the big smile from underneath the hat. This is the reason I want to see Sean Penn in the role. I think he would pull off that dark feel so well. I think that as long as they don’t try to make all of the bad guys the main bad guy then it will be fine. That was a lot of the problem with the first franchise, they tried to make all of the villains the main villain. That doesn’t work. You can have multiple villains, but there needs to be the one guy who keeps it going in a certain direction. I mean, with the first X-men movie, they could have had all of the villains that were in it as main characters that brought the movie down, but instead, Magneto was the main character and then the rest were there to further the story. Yes, this is only my opinion, but my opinion is right.

  5. Jay

    I don’t really like his acting, but I think Dennis Quaid would have the right look for the Joker… because of his annoying wide smile

    My choice would be Slater, you’d swear he was related to Nicholson

  6. crackerjack

    Going off Begins it seems they like to cast british actors as much as possible so I would start looking there like Paul Bettany especially as he is recognizable but not a big star and he would not be trying to remake Nicholson’s Joker.

  7. Koko

    Aussie actor Peter O’Brian for The Joker … Uncanny! Just Amazing!

    He’ll never get it though, bloody disappointing!

  8. B A T M A N

    they can go through as many villains as they want, as long as batman stays the central focus. gotham is a huge universe and the introduction of new characters supports this. they did this in the first film with the supporting cast giving strong performances.

  9. drake

    Since Topher Grace is Venom, I expect Ashton Kutcher to be cast as Harvey Dent. For Joker, they gotta go with Andy Dick. He looks the character, and he can be extremely creepy. He’s one of those comedians who thinks he’s funny, but really isn’t that funny, much like the Joker. Plus he’s got that whole “is he or isn’t he gay” thing going, just like the comic book version of the Joker. I wouldn’t care to see the Penguin in it, nor a return of the Scarecrow, but I would like to see Harley Quinn appear, perhaps played by the gorgeous and talented Jessica Simpson. I can really picture her bringing the animated Harley to life.

  10. Brian

    Drake, I hope to God that you’re kidding, because if your serious, there is a warped mind in there.

  11. drake

    Yeah, well Batman is one of the more warped superheroes, so it should be like that.

  12. Adam Fields

    My 5 list for the Joker:

    1) Robert Downey Jr. (go watch Chaplin again)

    2) Enrico Colantoni (but possibly better as the Penguin)

    3) Craig Bierko

    4) Lyle Lovett (maybe, if you’re going for a Killing Joke feel)

    5) Carla Gugino (but is the world ready for a female Joker?)

    Dennis Quaid - nice choice. The smile is definitely there.

  13. crackerjack

    Adam I don’t know what made you think of Carla Gugino but I don’t mind, reminded me of Sin City and her scenes and that is always a good thing. So thank you.

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