Underworld Evolution Trailer

I’ve said this before… I wasn’t thrilled with the first Underworld movie… but it had enough going for it and good enough backstory and style that a sequel was something I’d be interested in. Well… now a trailer has surfaced.

It seems Underworld Evolution picks up right about where the first Underworld left off. The one last remaining Vampire Elder, Marcus, awakes and is bent on creating a new spiecies of vampires crossed with werewolves. Only Kate Beckinsale and some ancient powerful Werewolf that she imprisoned decades ago can stop him. Sounds interesting.

If they can maintain the beautiful style of the first one and clean up a bunch in the story telling department, then I think we’re in for a lot of fun. The trailer isn’t fantastic… but it’s certainly solid. You can see the trailer for Underworld Evolution here.

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  • 1. miles replies at 21st October 2005, 1:55 pm :

    kate beckinsdale, now that is a woman I can get on board with.

  • 2. wampachow replies at 21st October 2005, 2:30 pm :

    I never saw the first one. Which one should I rent: Theatrical or Director’s Cut?

  • 3. Terry Letourneau replies at 21st October 2005, 4:12 pm :

    Kate Beckinsale in that outfit..mmmmm..sacrilicious. I did enjoy the first one, and the visual effects look a little better, especially for the werewolves. In the trailer, I was waiting for Hugh Jackman’s Van Helsing to pop out and join the fight.

    Wampachow, the extended version is better. It’s about 12 munutes longer than the theatrical release and more extras.

  • 4. Meli replies at 21st October 2005, 4:45 pm :

    I’m in! The first one was enjoyable despite the weak storytelling. I actually enjoyed it more the 2nd and 3rd time I saw it.

    Wampachow - the directors cut might not be much longer, but I like it better.

  • 5. Trey Cranson replies at 21st October 2005, 9:00 pm :

    Underworld is one of my favorite vampire movies. I love how they’ve created a full history/mythology to back the storyline. I can’t wait for Evolution.

  • 6. Simone replies at 22nd October 2005, 9:17 am :

    Loved Beckinsale in this movie.

  • 7. pablo replies at 24th October 2005, 12:25 pm :

    just a few words in no particular order

    leather beckinsale tight whip

    and the first one was good fun, but most importantly not too too scary for the ones of us who still sleep with a night light. what was that noise????

  • 8. TM replies at 24th October 2005, 1:16 pm :

    The trailer definitely looks entertaining. The first movie was the same. And of course Kate’s cuteness totally justifies the movie ticket price nowadays.

    wampachow - Rent the normal, no need for Director’s cut.

  • 9. Simone replies at 24th October 2005, 5:56 pm :

    LOL @ pablo