The Movie BLog’s Top 10 Most Gruesome Movie Maniacs

Happy Halloween kiddies! That’s right it’s me, your old pal Brad, back from some brief adventures in not so sunny California. I hope you missed me; and if you didn’t; well I’m back, to push your buttons and perhaps rub you the wrong way once again.

As promised before, I was compiling a Movie Blog top 10 List: Of the most gruesome movie maniacs in film. What makes this list special is that it was tallied up based on your comments. So after a month of deliberating on the Movie Blog, here are the results.

The Movie Blogs Top 10 Most Gruesome Movie Maniacs    
10. Bruce: from Jaws
9. The Burger King: hey this is your votes
8. The Firefly Family (inc. Dr. Satan): from House and Rejects
7. Hannibal Lecter: from Hannibal series
6. Jigsaw: from Saw
5. Jack Torrence: from the Shinning

Read on for the next five…

The Movie Blogs Top 10 Most Gruesome Movie Maniacs    
4. John Doe: from Se7en
3. Samara: from the Ring
2. Leatherface: from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
1. Michael Myers: from Halloween

Well there you have it ghouls. Happy Halloween from The Movie Blog.

5 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. stonemonkey

    Who is “The Burger King”?

  2. miles

    that is crazy!

    i love the burger king!!!

    it suprises me how many people don’t, i think he is friggin’ great.

    i love burger king’s markeing schemes, they are great, the subservient chicken…..cock rock…awesome.

  3. Pudie

    The king is indeed the king.

  4. riouxda

    well…I don’t understand why Michael Myers is there and not Jason Voorhees! He was certainly more gruesome than Michael…Same goes for Freddy Krueger. I can see Samara et Leatherface there, and some others…but I don’t see how The Burger King could have won over those I just mentionned…Anyway, still not the definitive list…

  5. Brian

    The Burger King was a joke in the comments section! How dare you tally the votes for him as being serious. Hannibal should be #1.

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