The Legend of Zorro Reviews

I really enjoyed The Mask Of Zorro. So naturally I’m looking forward to The Legend of Zorro right? Well… not really. You see, where The Mask of Zorro was funny, adventurous, fun and had likeable characters, The Legend Of Zorro looks just plain campy to me.

If nothing else, the one shot in the trailer where Mr. and Mrs. Zorro both use their swords to cut out a “Z” and “H” on the guy… well let’s just say the marketing totally lost me at that point. How stupid. Not to mention the horrendously ANNOYING little boy in the movie. Oh wow!

Anyway, the critics are now starting to chime in on The Legend of Zorro… and predictably it doesn’t look very good. Here’s what some of them had to say:

“Demand a director’s cut — at least 30-40 minutes shorter — before you see … this long and tedious stunt extravaganza.”

“What have they done to the Zorro movie series? It’s turned into Spy Kids!”

“The Legend of Zorro passes corny right by and goes for silly, and stupid, and boring.”
Devin Faraci, CHUD

“Lacking any of the original thrills, excitement or personality of the first film, this legend will be a quickly forgotten one.*”
Stefan Halley, HERO REALM

Sighhh… oh well. Yet another film to add to the long list of sequels that should never have been made. They should have known that without Anthony Hopkins this just wasn’t going to fly. Listen for my personal review on Monday. As of this moment The Legend of Zorro is carrying a sad 22% rating over at Rotten Tomatoes. Ouch. But really… did any of us expect anything better?

6 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Lou_Sytsma

    Sad to hear, I really enjoyed the original plus it was my introduction to Catherine Zeta-Jones. She has never looked better than she did in that movie.

  2. Simone

    I dont give a penny to what these critics say, I am there!

  3. kmsqrd

    The swords sliced an “E” and a “Z” onto the guy, which why amusing, wasn’t laugh out loud funny. I’m going to wait for video on this one, unless I need a complete brainless break from real life.

  4. reuben

    hey this is just somthin i saw over at cinamanow and is verry off topic… but that link says marv is coming back for sin city 2. which is awsome b/c he was deffinily my fav. charachter.

  5. Cole

    I remember the mask of zorro. What a great movie and how unbelievably good looking (temporarily) was Catherine Zeta-Jones? Anyway, a few years after the movie i was glad that hollywood didn’t quickly cash in on a sequel because, despite the franchise character, the movie stands on its own very well.

    So years later when we hear Zorro is getting a sequel i was okay with it. They took the time to do it right. Well, once i saw that trailer where his kid says “i cant wait until my popi beats you up” i gave up. Kids + Happy Marriage + Action movie just doesn’t work.

  6. Simone

    Saw the movie last night, and as I wasnt expecting much, I actually quite enjoyed it.

    Rufus Sewell is wow!

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