Is Uwe Boll finished?

UweBoll.jpgA little while ago I wrote about how Uwe Boll is managing to keep making such awful movies at a loss in this post. Basically he’s exploiting some extremely favourable tax laws in Germany which mean he gets just about all his money back.

Today Twitch are carrying news that the tax laws look set to be closed and therefore Boll won’t get his money back anymore! Yipppeeee! He’ll either have to start thinking about making money on his productions or he’ll go bankrupt. From Wikipedia:

It has been recently reported that the loophole in German tax law has been revised. Starting January 2006, contributors to failed films will no longer be able to profit from failed films through a tax writeoff at the end of the year. This may well result in an end to Boll’s film career, as it would make it impossible for him to capitalize on films that fail at the box office, resulting in a loss of investors.

Three cheers for the German Finance Minister…

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