In Memory of Ailsa: Your Favourite movie animal

WestHighlandTerrier.jpgThis weekend one of my family dogs passed away, a very traumatic experience for the family as we really do treat dogs as part of the family, a testament to this is the food and titbits they receive from my parents!

Ailsa, our West Highland Terrier passed away on Sunday, quite suddenly, quite unexpected, and after a very long and we hope happy life. I’m not ashamed to say I had a little cry yesterday, and while I was thinking of finishing the Movie Blog Top Ten lists page, I thought that this would be a good way to say something for her.

So here’s to Ailsa, a dog the Brunton’s dearly loved, and here’s to Prince who’ll miss her just as much. (As soon as I get a photo scanned in I’ll put it up)

Now, with that, what is your favourite movie animal? We’ve always had trouble watching movies with animals in our house, we all get very upset when something bad happens. However there are a few I remember with fondness. Lassie, Tarka and Orca.

What movie animals hold a fondness in your heart and why?

9 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Donna A.

    I am so sorry to hear of you loss. It is always rough when there is a loss in the family. Even if it is a four footed fur babie.

    Donna A.

  2. MechoPower

    When I was young, I was infatuated with Benji…I thought he was just the coolest thing since sliced bread!!! I remember begging my mom for years to get me a dog like Benji, but it was all to no avail!!! My other favorite movie animal is the saber-toothed squirrel from Ice Age…that little thing is hilarious!!!

  3. Meli

    Hi Richard, sorry about your dog.

    My favorite animal movie is Milo and Otis.

  4. lizardfreak12

    Beethoven, I love that movie and the dog. I hate the second and however many others they have made, they suck. My other favorite movie animal is Milo from The Mask. These dogs cracked me up as well as amazed me.

    And sorry to hear about your loss Richard.

  5. Drewbacca

    Sorry about your dog man. That sucks. I know how it feels.

    I like the dogs and cat in both the original and remake of “The Incredible Journey” aka “Homeward Bound.”

    The dog (Boomer) that narrowly esacpes the fire in Independence Day

    Jerry Lee in K-9

    Black Beauty

    Old Yeller

    The white Dog in “Beastmaster” that drags Dar to safety with an arrow in his body


    and of course…WANDA!

  6. Richard (not Brunton)

    Hi Richard,

    Truly sorry for your loss. We have a black lab named Shiksa (and she is one) and I can honestly say that she’s my best friend in the world and I don’t even want to imagine what it would be like without her.

    Favorite movie animal? I have to go with Falcor from Neverending Story.

    A close second would be John Candy playing ‘Barf’ in Spaceballs. He was half-dog, that counts right?

    I suppose now is as good a time as any to say thanks to you and everyone at The Movie Blog for all you do. It’s one of my favorite sites and I check it daily (when possible). Cheers to you all!

  7. Brian

    Actually, one of the first animal movies ever made starred a noble British dog, perhaps not unike Ailsa. It was called Rescued By Rover, from 1905, and you can see it on a DVD set called The Movies Begin. It’s actually a very entertaining little film, and Rover is guaranteed to win admiration from the most cynical audience.

    After that, I guess the horse from the Black Stallion.

    I might like the cheetah in Duma, if Warners would ever release the damn thing…

  8. Richard Brunton

    Thanks for all the nice words guys, I’ll direct my parents here and they can read your kind words too.

    I love the suggestion of Barf! I would have been expecting Ladyhawke to pop up…she was a fox!…Well an eagle.

    Thanks Richard (not Brunton), it’s always nice to hear that we are appreciated. I struggle to balance life, work and this together…and more often than not this wins…and it’s really done for the fun and the discussion, so keep coming.

  9. Simone

    First off, I am sorry to hear about Ailsa, Rich.

    I have loved just one animal in my entire 35 years of existence. I am not sure what breed that dog was but we called it Elvis, my dad being a big fan of the King. I was about going on 12 years old when Elvis came into our lives, and about 2 years he was gone, poisoned and died a horrific way. ” years prior to that I lost my favorite granny and my first experience of losing a loved one in death. After Elvis died I was in mourning the whole week, I was sobbing and could not be pacified. We had a long line of dogs that lived with us but I have never been attached to another, that was my promise to Elvis, silly I know but I was a kid! Until Mulder (a new dog) arrived when I was in my 20’s, he was with us for like another 8 years and I heard of his passing away after I have arrived in England.

    “Beethoven” for me too. What about Hooch (”Turner and Hooch”) you guys?

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