This entry was posted on Friday, October 28th, 2005 at 6:29 am.
Categories: News Chat | By Richard

Hostel looks good. I’m one of those guys for whom my enjoyment of horror style movies comes and goes. One year I’m all about horror flicks… the next I could care less. But the new Hostel trailer has me freaked out… mostly because it’s something that I can actually imagine happening.

From what little I can gather from the Hostel trailer, it looks like it’s a place where you can go and butcher, maim, kill, or rape people. Sound horrible… well yeah it should… I think that’s the point. This little synopsis I found makes it sound even more horrible:

An amalgamation of many of the terrifying things about human nature and the world at large, culled from lots of pulpy-but-true stories of international organized crime, human trafficking, and sex tourism. Relentlessly graphic and deeply disturbing, the film is rife with explicit sex and brutal violence that may delight hard core genre fans, and prove difficult to stomach for general audiences.

Yikes! Sounds totally freaky. Quentin Tarantino is an executive producer on the film… which really doesn’t mean much but it was at least worth mentioning.

To see the Hostel trailer you can just head over here.

2 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Richard Brunton

    The farting sound at the end kind of gives me some laughs!

    Although the trailer itself is not too terrifying, the concept behind it is. Paying for the ability to orchestrate a moment of snuff is a terrifying thought. Especially if you were caught up as the victim.

  2. Frank

    Cool concept. They should put van damme in it and call it Hard Target II.