Creature from the Black Lagoon remake

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BlackLagoon.jpgI groaned when I first saw this from Yahoo, more remake rubbish I thought, and of not a particularly strong movie, just one that’s become a fond movie over time.

Then I thought, Brett Eisner did Sahara, and that was a lot of fun…

Part of Universal’s rich legacy of black-and-white monster movies…The studio began developing updates of its creature features after the success of 1999’s “The Mummy.”

Gary Ross, whose father, Arthur Ross, was a writer on the 1954 original, is producing the remake…writer-director of “Seabiscuit” and “Pleasantville” — wrote the current draft of the “Creature” screenplay…

…Eisner said in an interview. “We see it as an aggressive sci-fi horror film in the vein of ‘Alien’ or like John Carpenter’s ‘The Thing.’ We want to elevate the source material.”

Now that did make me sit up and take notice a little more, and perhaps that you might be interested in this too. Comparisons to Alien and The Thing are quite loft indeed, but it doesn’t sound like an offhand comment. Considering the success and scale of The Mummy, this actually has potential. Thoughts?

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