Campbell reveals Bond casting

MartinCampbell.jpgWe’re getting there, slowly but surely. Here’s news that Martin Campbell the Director of the new movie Casino Royale has talked about the Bond casting and no gadget rumours. From Dark Horizons:

…he[ ]confirmed that Goran Visnjic, Henry Cavill, Daniel Craig, and Sam Worthington had indeed all screen-tested for the role of James Bond and that the announcement will be made in “less than three weeks.”

…also added that Pierce Brosnan…will NOT be 007 in the new film…searching for a James Bond “between 28 and 32″…

…refuted screenwriter Paul Haggis’ recent comments about how Casino Royale would feature “no gadgets”. “There will be some gadgets in the film”…

…then revealed that he’s still looking for an actor to play the main villain, Le Chiffre, and that he is considering French actors for the part.

Okay, some gadgets is fine but that doesn’t mean no Q. Perhaps we’re looking at having a very young Q? I can get that, but if the franchise goes back to current day then we should look towards having Cleese back as Q, I thought he was a perfect casting choice.

The big news though is that none of those names is in the lead role, and that someone else is going to get it. So rumours can cease until we hear…right, like that will happen! However interesting comment on the baddie, for that same day IMDB reported that the Baddie is…

Bollywood star Gulshan Grover has confirmed he’ll be the latest Bond baddie when 007 returns in Casino Royale. The My Bollywood Bride star revealed all to newspaper The Times of India…

…”I met the (Bond) producers in LA a week ago. They are yet to announce this on their official website. That’s because they first want to announce the next Bond. As of now, they haven’t zeroed in on who will play the central role.

Come on with that announcement then! In the meantime, what do you think of the other news?

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2 thoughts on “Campbell reveals Bond casting

  1. The word is out, Daniel Craig id the new James Bond. *winks*

    Check out this link guys:

    Now we can sit back, relax and wait for the film.

    I suddenly had an urge for a glass of martini, shaken not stirred. *winks*

  2. Well its about time. WE are dying to know so we can move on lol. Out of those guys lets hope the hottie gets it. Sick of lame Bonds. I think we are all waiting for the results better be good hahaha

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