Audio Edition - October 31st 2005

Welcome to The Audio Edition Holloween installment. Well… there’s really nothing “holloweeny” about the show, it just happens to be Holloween. Whheeeee!

On todays show Doug and I are join by regular Monday guest Darren “The Hammer” Conley and together the triumphant trio talk about how much comment spammers deserve to die, Doug and I review The Legend Of Zorro, the upcoming film Transamerica and how politically left and right movies get praised for all the wrong reasons and a few things more.

You can download this installment of The Audio Edition here

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SHOW NOTES: ** This is important. The Audio Edition is meant to be conversational… and it’s your turn to be involved in that conversation. Use the comments section of The Audio Editions to post YOUR show notes. Thoughts you had about the topics… interesting links to things related to the topics. Share your thoughts and links with the rest of us to keep the conversation going. The “show notes” are now yours to write!**

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