Audio Edition - October 12th 2005

After a 1 day hiatus, the Audio Edition is back!

Today Doug and I discuss news of True Lies 2 (and if the first one is the best Arnold movie of all time), new Serenity news and thoughts, Kristen Dunst perhaps being finished with Spider-Man, the Disney Marketing strategy with Narnia, Harry Potter, Rocky 6, and podcast wanna-bes taking pot shots at my mom. All this and a whole lot more.

You can download this installment of The Audio Edition here

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SHOW NOTES: Running Time: 26:13 File Size: 6 megs
- Why there was no Audio Edition Yesterday
- Trailer for The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe

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  • 1. Ray` replies at 12th October 2005, 7:50 pm :

    I scorn you, scurvy companion. What, you poor, base, rascally, cheating, lack-linen mate! Away, you moldy rogue, away!

    thats what I would of said to him.. but that’s just me..

    great audio edition as always..

    where’s wormwood??

  • 2. Terry Letourneau replies at 12th October 2005, 9:12 pm :

    Arnold and Sly should have done a movie together by now. Maybe they can do it the same way as Clint Eastwood’s Space Cowboys. Like what you said, add Jean-Claude van Damme, Chuck Norris, Dolph Lungren, Steven Seagal and Bruce Willis and a couple other former action stars and have them all get together like the Magnificent Seven.

  • 3. Terry Letourneau replies at 12th October 2005, 9:14 pm :

    oops…I already mentioned 7 didn’t I..nevermind. Think I have been drinking too much Moosehead Beer.

  • 4. Donna A. replies at 12th October 2005, 9:24 pm :

    Great show guys. Keep up the great work. And I agree with John, True Lies was a good movie. I would say Twins comes in second.

    Donna A.

  • 5. lizardfreak12 replies at 12th October 2005, 9:29 pm :

    “The ghost of Peter Jennings is in my ear!” LOL!!!! great stuff

    Not only should Kirsten Dunst be killed off of the franchise with the death of Mary Jane, but it would give a great ending!

    A True Lies 2 would be awsome, i’d see that 3 to 5 times!(Depending on whether or not it sucks)

  • 6. darren seeley replies at 12th October 2005, 10:56 pm :

    True Lies the best Arnold S. flick? I disagree. It was ‘Total Recall’ for me, ‘Terminator 2′ second and…’Commando’. As for a Arnold S./Sly teamup, yeah, that would be great. There was, back in the late 80’s and early 90’s where two action stars would team up or play good guy/bad guy in a film - e.g. Jean Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren in ‘Universal Soldier’, Stallone and Wesley Snipes in ‘Demolition Man’ …which should be the only sequel Stallone should be a part to. Especially if producer Joel Silver returns along with Sandra Bullock. There’s another film he did- ‘Driven’ which I loved the first time I saw it. Then I realized Stallone’s character wasn’t really that important.

    I also loved Sly in the comedy ‘Oscar’, but I don’t think he’d ever get a sequel to that.

    Seagal would be wonderful if he did one or all of the the three:

    1) Get over his ego

    2) Shave his head and get a bead/goatee *hides the chin*

    3) Take on more of a producer role instead of being in front of the camera.

    Jean Claude Van Damme, by the way, has done some fairly decent DTV films in the last year or so. Shockingly, despite my own fondness for ‘Bloodsport’, I think Van Damme should not make the sequl. He’s remade ‘Bloodsport’ twice, for gosh sakes. (Lionheart, The Quest)

    Last best martial arts/action star showdown? Jet Li vs. Marc Dacascos. (Oddly, ‘Cradle 2 The Grave also had…Tom Arnold in it! )

    Now, on to greener pastures.

    The Mouse House is crazy for putting out three soundtracks for Narnia. You said two, but there has to be the score… anyway, there are Christian recording artists who have had crossover appeal in the past (Jars Of Clay, P.O.D., Sixpence None The Richer, Karl Franklin/God’s Property, Yolanda Adams) and there have been mainstream artists who have either a faith based background or have connected on some level with those of faith (Randy Travis, U2, Scott Strapp/Creed, Aaron Neville) and some studios have put out soundtracks which combine both.

    However, I could not agree more on the filler regarding most ’soundtracks’. I refuse to buy these, maybe get a song or two off iTunes, but no more. Most of the ‘inspired by’ music on soundtracks, well, they suck. I like hearing music that appears in the film itself, opening credits, closing credits, somewhere in between. Anywhere in the film. Whole thing, ten seconds of it, something. The last best soundtrack like this, not counting ‘Chicago’, was the ‘Matrix’ films, where everything was used, but clevery edited in the film. Downside was that some of that soundtrack was also previously released music.

  • 7. Lou_Sytsma replies at 13th October 2005, 10:31 am :

    Ahnuld’s best all around movie was Predator.

    BTW did you ever explain why there was no podcast yesterday?

  • 8. Lou_Sytsma replies at 13th October 2005, 10:32 am :

    Never mind - saw the separate post for the missing show.

  • 9. en replies at 13th October 2005, 10:44 am :

    john campea please let me in on your favourite podcasts, i know your podcast is the best going but i need some more please, please

  • 10. Ray` replies at 13th October 2005, 12:05 pm :

    You want a topic for a new show?.. Talk about that annoying lil` kid in the new Zorro movie, haven’t even seen it yet and I already wanna strangle this kid, this would of been my favourite movie if all they had to do was let Zeta-Jones walk around for a couple hours (naked), because she’s the best lookin` women alive..

    but a movie like zorro could be so much more then its bein` played as, give it the Beings treatment, make it more dark(which it should be).. sure your might haveto take out that really really adourable kid who noone wants to strangle, but I have no doubtthe movie would do twice as good(at least)


  • 11. matlot139 replies at 13th October 2005, 4:22 pm :

    John, Are you crazy? True Lies the best Arnie film. It was crap - Tom Arnold was the only good thing in it. Terminator 1, Predator, and Total Recall were the best Arnie films, and I’ll fight any one who says different!!