The Audio Edition - Monday September 12th 2005

Posted by on 12. 09. 2005in Uncut Podcast

It’s Monday, so that means it’s once again time for The Audio Edition. First off, let me take this opportunity to announce that The Audio Edition will now be brought to you TWICE a week (Mondays and Thursdays). Is this too much? Too Little? Let me know.

Today, Doug and I discuss Richard’s story of the announcement of the new “Special” Sin City DVD with tons of special features and how we’re getting sick and tired of these companies blackmailing us… the fans… into purchasing multiple versions of their DVDs. We also look at the discussion of “Who are the best actors working today” and about how much hate mail I get because I don’t include Al Pachino or Robert DeNiro on my list. Finally we chat about the fact that Superman Returns is apparently going to cost $250 million to make. Isn’t that crazy? All this and a few things more.

You can download all the audio goodness here.


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6 Responses to “The Audio Edition - Monday September 12th 2005”

  1. Lou_Sytsma says:

    Two shows a week sounds great to me.

    Am I the only one that knew ahead of time a SE of Sin City was in the works?

  2. Jorse says:

    For some reason I haven’t wrote to Movieblog anything lately, but reading has gone strong nevertheless. And making 2 audio editions / week, man, that’s great and really the reason why I’m now writing this short message.

    About vol. 38, really liked the “best actor today working” -part and yeah, I’m huge fan of De Niro but I do think that nowadays Crowe really is the most impressive actor: from Insider to Gladiator to Beautiful Mind to Master And Commander. Add Cinderella man and La Confidential. Man, that guy can play anyone. He has huge amount of charisma, but in movie like Insider he can totally turn it off to make his chacacter look vulnurable.

    Although I was quite surprised that you made so big number about Sin City the special edition. Yeah, releasing two editions of movie away from each others kinda sucks BUT: Rodriguez has told in every interview that there will be extended edition with huge amount of extras. I think that originally it was meant to come out sometime early next year.

    Keep doing great work!

  3. Anonymouse says:

    twice a week is nice.Hopefully you guys can figure out those microphones though. I like to listen in the car but the high pitched sound and the audio levels going up and down so often make it really tough. I did a “hey, you gotta listen to these guys. theyre really good” to a coworker in the car and i think the experience turned him off of podcasts forever.

    Also, if you’re going to put that annoying girl on the show then please limit her to only one per week. I’m going to be skipping her episodes in the future since she really has nothing to add and her joke routine has gotten pretty stale. One joke hinting at lesbian activity, one joke about male anatomy, 5 minutes about her movie nobody is going to watch. It really derails a great show.

  4. lizardfreak12 says:

    Sweet! Audio Edtion twice a week!

  5. Drewbacca says:

    I haven’t listened to it yet, but you ARE SO RIGHT!

    Robert DeNiro has to be the most over-rated actor of our time.

  6. Ryan Cross says:

    I enjoyed the discussion about multiple DVD editions. But I wanted to add that besides financial concerns (i.e. studios wanting to get people to purchase multiple editions of the same film), there might also be time concerns.

    After all, it probably takes awhile to produce all the documentaries, extra features, etc. you see on some movies. Using The Lord of the Rings as an example, it seems unlikely the extended editions could have been released at the same time as the theatrical editions. The directer had to incorporate extra footage, there were very thorough documentaries, etc.

    I think studios being upfront about future special DVD releases is really vital if they’re not going to release both versions at the same time. After all, at least Lord of the Rings fans knew there would be extended editions coming out later. But I absolutely hate it when a new (and much better) edition just shows up without any warning after everyone’s bought the old edition…

    Considering how popular DVDs are today, I can undertand studios wanting to get there movies out on DVD very quickly, so maybe the idea of having low-priced “movie only” DVDs could be a good one. I could see them potentially being released very soon after a film leaves theatres. In that way, they’d almost act as an alternative to seeing the film in theatres. But I’d like to see them marked that way.