AFI’s Top 100 Film Scores

StarWars92.jpgThe AFI list has become something I look forward to every year. Lists are great. Pure subjective fun that always starts a discussion. I’m sure this years list is no exception… The top 100 musical scores in film.

To my total delight, the #1 score of all time was John Williams’ work for Star Wars (the original, even though I thought his stuff on Empire Strikes Back was even better). Here’s the rest of your list


To see the full 100 list you can go here. Thanks to Simone for letting me know the list was out!

19 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Simone

    You’re welcome John. ;-)

    I didnt even notice until a friend brought it to my attention but the score for Superman (John Williams) was omitted.

  2. Mat

    Actually John, it’s the Top 25 film scores of all time (The title, AFI’s 100 years of film scores, is mistaking =) ).

    I’m really disappointed every movie (and therefore score) in the top list was made before 1987. There has been great film composers in the last 2 decades (who said Danny Elfman?), and I believe some scores in the top 10 are overrated(who said Jaws?).

    However, the list of nominated scores is diverse and interesting… It makes me want to watch some classics again or listen to their soundtrack.

  3. Simone

    I own just two soundtracks from this list, and its also my top 2 fave films- “The Godfather & Star Wars”. I really should be looking at getting a few more. Interestingly enough, has anybody here at least seen half or maybe all of these films?

    Fabulous scores from the ones I can remember.

    Mat is right when I saw John wrote 100, I figured, maybe Superman made the top 30 at least. *winks* Late nights catching up on you John?

  4. jason

    Raiders was robbed

  5. You Know My Name

    LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring should have been in the top 25 if not the top ten. Hacks.

  6. Terry

    Oh my…nothing from James Horner? His soundtracks from Glory, Braveheart and Titanic were great. I also love Hans Zimmers work. I also agree that LOTR should have been included.

  7. Terry

    One other thing. A lot of those soundracks seem to be on the list because of the movie and not the music. From Psycho, I can only remember the music from the shower scene. From the other soundtracks we only have the main themes (ie. Jaws, Godfather).

  8. Morbius


    Superman (one of Williams best scores) was one of the 250 nominees for the list.

  9. Simone

    Morbius, I noticed, but I felt it should have made it to Top 25. Dont you think so too?

    John Williams clearly rules!!! 3 of his work made it to Top 25.

    Yeah surely Lord of the Rings would have made it to the Top 25? Or maybe even Top 50?

  10. Joseph Simmons

    *Looks for Ennio Morricone’s Good the Bad and the Ugly score in the top 25.*

    *Doesn’t see it.*

    *Doesn’t even read list*

  11. Morbius

    Simone, Superman is without a doubt a great score. But of course Williams has written many great scores. Close Encounters is often overlooked. If Jaws is in the top 25 then Superman definitely should be!

    Josef, I think “Once Upon a Time in the West” is a better Morricone score than “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly”. That should be in the top 25 without a doubt.

    The late English Composer Ron Goodwin wrote some of the best move themes ever (633 Squadron, The Battle of Britain) but I don’t see his name anywhere?

  12. Simone

    Morbius, I am glad we agree on that. ;-) What about the Star Wars theme taking number 1 spot? *winks*

    My friend also mentioned the glaring omission of Morricone’s score in “Once Upon A Time in the West”.

  13. morbius

    Simone, was this the same friend who also mentioned the omission of the Superman score?

    Your friend obviously has good taste in film music.

  14. Simone

    Nah, we both noticed the Superman theme being left out, but he noticed the other one, as he is a big Western nut, indoctrinating me all the time! LOL

  15. morbius

    Hey, who are you calling a nut??? You Star Wars Freak!

    Oh Doh!!!

  16. Morbius

    For the benefit of any onlookers here, the reason I share Simone’s friends “good taste” in music is that I am he! Not that she knew that for a while of course! I thought I would join in the fun here but not let her know for a while. Yes I know, pretty sneaky! :-)

  17. Simone

    You really should have played with it more Morbius. LOL

  18. Morbius

    I know but I hate keeping secrets, especially from friends. Besides I already had my fun winding you up about those awful Star Wars prequels! :-)(Though I did not lay into you as much as another poster around here did!)

    In any case I can alway introduce another personality around here to sort you out if you keep reviving ancient Star Wars threads!

  19. Eric

    1. Where Is 2001

    2. Where is “The Good The Bad The Ugly?”!

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