The Exorcism of Emily Rose clips online

ARGGHHHHHHH!!!! I'm scared!!! WOOOOOOO! On no, it's just a tree. I think I wet myself.Well once again I can’t see these clips at all, hear them yes, see them, no. I’ve heard say that’s no good when you’re trying to watch a clip from a movie…so I shall leave the reviewing of these once again to you dear readers.

From Yahoo movies through dtheatre there are a couple of short clips from the movie itself, expanding on the hype coming out from the trailer.

Have a look at them, and if you see them, give us a short review in the comments.

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85 Responses to “The Exorcism of Emily Rose clips online”
  1. Franklin says:

    Richard, are you using a Mac?

    Try this media player (which supposedly will play WMA files under Mac):

  2. Alie says:

    This is crazy i would like 2 learn more about this $hit cuz this $hit is crazy as h3ll.

  3. Richard Brunton says:

    Franklin, no I’m on a PC. Quicktime 7. I even have to switch to IE for Yahoo movies (since it doesn’t work with Opera) and still no success.

  4. clarkehead says:

    I can’t understand why Yahoo! can’t keep things simple. I can’t see the videos either, and I’ve ever really had much luck with watching clips from Yahoo on my Mac using Windows Media Player, Real Player or Quicktime - even back when I was using OS 9.x. I don’t seem to have these problems with other web sites, just Yahoo. I think they’re over-engineering things over there - which shouldn’t come as much of a shock to any one.

  5. CRYSTAL says:

    i havent seen the movie but it looks crazy

  6. Shigg says:

    W3RD HAX0R!!!!!111!!!11!!!!1!

    Posted by: Franklin at August 26, 2005 04:53 PM

    This is crazy i would like 2 learn more about this $hit cuz this $hit is crazy as h3ll.

  7. BlueBurd says:

  8. jane says:

    Well, I guess the clip would have been good if I could actually see it! This is insane- how many sites do you have to visit to see a few seconds of footage from this movie? I have to say what’s truly ironic is that while waiting and waiting and waiting for this trailer online

    it actually came on on T.V. Why am I wasting my time?

  9. dave says:

    I didn’t try your links, but I saw a buffered,

    2min 39sec long clip at this address.

    I saw the clip using WindowsMedia Player

  10. barbara says:

    yea that was sooooo crazy i loved it when stevey ran over the shark……. it was sooo sweet, and i loved it when kristin beat up the glass of honey mustard!!!!!!

  11. omar bakri says:

    lol u gillbert poindexter geeks, download kazaa its on there

    well il be watching it tonight with my popcorn, have fun waiting lmao

  12. mary says:

    I just wanted to hear something, but………..I think I may be being attacked by deamons alot at night while falling into sleep. Contact me for more info. Mary [email protected]

  13. quinn paterson says:

    id fuck her

  14. ARLO CAMACHO says:


  15. LV says:

    The Movie Was Believable …..

  16. mrs.rose says:

    i think that just because the people not afflicted cant see what the person suffering can see, does not mean it cant happen, i very much beileve in all of this. there is a whole nother world out there. demons are everywhere. when i saw this movie a felt the need to pray for a hedge of protection over the theater. i didnt feel safe. the other thing i wanted to say is that sometimes the most easy explination isnt the right one, and sometimes it seems like it might be because you want so much for it to be that easy. but just think about it. when i saw we arent alone, i dont mean aliens. but angels and demons. there is too much crazy crap out there to not have someone watching out for us.

  17. annaliese mitchel says:

    1 2 3 4 5 6!

    We are the ones who dwell within

    Im Cain

    Im Nero

    Im Belail

    Im Legian

    Im Judas

    and I am Lucifer in the flesh!

    1 2 3 4 5 6!

    I give you tricks and treats!

  18. bloodz130 says:

    man my buddys got done seein this movie said it was fuckin fraky…its real weird to know that this all happend to that girl and it can happen to anyone is just…FUCKED UP!!!!u have to think to your self what would u do if u were possesd?

  19. John says:

    If anyone would like to know what happened with the demons inside emily did here you go:

    1. cain commited the first homocide, killing his brother Abel because god accepted Abel’s offering over Cain’s because Abel offered the best of what he had, Cain offered what he thought God should have.

    2. Nero was a Roman Emporer who had his mother killed and set Rome on fire.

    3. Refered to as “the Beast” in Revelation, Belial was said to be a prominent fallen angel, second only to Satan. He rides a fiery chariot, leaving scorched earth in his wake. Also fabled to be Satan’s emissary to King Solomon.

    4. Legion was a demon encountered by Christ in the gospel of Mark, comprised of two-thousand or so spirits. Christ apparently drives Legion out of the man it possessed and into a herd of swine that immediately leapt off a cliff into the sea, but it’s all sort of ambiguous.

    5. Judas was the one who betrayed Jesus for money, he was said to be possesed by a demon. After relizing what he had done, he hung himself from a tree.

    6. Lucifer is the Angel who led the rebellion in heaven. He was god’s left hand angel and not satisfied. So he was cast into hell with all the other angels who followed his rebellion. Lucifer is the ruler of hell. Also known as SATAN

  20. Indrid Cold says:

    The funny thing is, Lucifer isn’t even his real name. Lucifer is the god of light from Roman mythology. His real name is just Satan, or more commonly The Beast.

  21. The Prophet says:

    Judas did not kill himself for the money. He hung himself because jesus was not the prophet (mesiah) he was looking for, so he killed himself. Jesus did not fit the mesiah criteria so he killed himself….thas why none of jesus’s followers were at his Crucifixion……because they misunderstood Jesus….Jesus does not fit the MESIAH criteria.

  22. joey says:

    .. anyway.. Judas did betray Jesus and also in that he felt betrayed at the same time because jesus was misunderstood as a mesiah in which he was but the PPL feel into denial .. they fell from grace i suppose blah blah blah… but the stories together they match .. and NO satan and lucifer are not one at all satan is False .. a name invented by the Black Brothers to put blame on for the bad things in the world lucifer is his only name or “The Devil” his title… Lucifer in his own religion is the mesiah to those who worship him because he saved us from Gods “FALSE” heaven because God made nothing perfect and will never make anything perfect.. so he is the savior in thier beliefs… just as jesus was outcasted by man lucifer was outcasted by his own father …I could go on and on but BLAH BLAH BLAH look into it everything comes together there is no wrong story no roght story even greek gods are in the bible ..Like Isis and the Virgin Mary are one and the roman gods and greek gods are one… it all connects ..think bout it i have spent alot of time putting it all together but everything comes together… think bout all of it put some time into it you’ll see what i see..BLAH BLAH BLAH…LOL

  23. demon says:

    What was the 3 o’clock in the morning part about?

    Something about the hour of haunting.

    Can somebody explain?

  24. Infektid says:

    3AM was the haunting hour… used by demons and satan to taunt the holy hour which is 3PM

  25. Francis says:

    Does anyone know if the 3am thing has any Biblical validity?

  26. slayer says:

    3 pm is not the holy hour…so they weren’t tauting it…what they are taunting (according to the movie) is the Holy Trinity.

  27. Anatasha says:

    this movie was pretty good but I dont know if I want to believe in this kind of stuff. People say that when they were filming this movie people were dying left and right

    is it true I hope not

  28. Ana says:

    this movie was pretty good but I dont know if I want to believe in this kind of stuff. People say that when they were filming this movie people were dying left and right

    is it true I hope not

  29. Matthew says:

    I just saw the movie. Let me just say that I loved it. I think some of you are missing the point. It doesn’t matter whether or not you believe in the kind of stuff, just the fact that you are thinking about it and not just writing it off without any consideration is what Emily must have wanted. I’d say this film rates right up there in horror movies with “Sixth Sense.”

    And lastly JESUS, would it kill you guys to use a single bit of punctuation? I mean, come on! You can’t all have no idea what a period or comma is? This post is an example you can base your writing off of. Hopefully the practice of writing to be understood will spread to other blogs, and yea, the rest of the internet!

  30. Insane says:

    the real chick that this is based off is Annelies Michel, check this out..

    the actual people who suposidly possesed her

    “Among the demons who claimed residence were Judas Iscariot, Nero, Cain, Hitler, a disgraced Frankish priest from the 16th Century, a host of other damned souls, and even Lucifer himself” (passage from link)

  31. N8vbaby says:

    The movie was not even scarey only when she starts jumping on her knees.

  32. jeff says:

    “The funny thing is, Lucifer isn’t even his real name. Lucifer is the god of light from Roman mythology. His real name is just Satan, or more commonly The Beast.”

    lucifer is the devils real name… the beast is not lucifer. lucifer is considered the dragon in the bible and “the beast” comes from the mark of the beast which in the last days (now) will start having the mark of the beast (i dont know anything about it except for people who take a chip or whatever into their right hand or forehead and they deny christ and they are on the devils side), the beast stands for everyone that takes the mark of the beast which will be the army against zion. i know a lot of you dont know what zion is but maybe some of you do.

    you guys are taking this movie a little too serious, not everything in movies is true.

    the actual people who suposidly possesed her

    “Among the demons who claimed residence were Judas Iscariot, Nero, Cain, Hitler, a disgraced Frankish priest from the 16th Century, a host of other damned souls, and even Lucifer himself” (passage from link)

    im not sure if i believe hitler is a demon now, i only believe that if you sinned in your life, KNOWING gods love, then you will be condemned forever in hell. but hitler, probably never experienced that, though he led a vicious army of destruction, he couldnt be condemned in hell for all eternity without knowing gods love. i mean think of it, you kill millions of people and stuff during your life, but you do know about religion and god but you never got to experience his love, you go to hell and you sit there saying “aww man there really is a god, i wish i could turn to him” god wouldnt sit there and let your soul perish forever. theres more than one theory about how hell is like. what i believe is that someone like hitler was evil and sinful and god sent him to hell and he probably experienced something like (for example), you know how you do something behind a teachers back, something they dont want you to do? then you turn around and they are right there looking at you? you feel so guilty and you know youre in trouble depending on how bad the situation is? thats how i believe it is. i think you feel that way, and god will allow you to convert your soul from the bad side to the good side with god.

  33. jeff says:

    i meant to put quotes around this

    the actual people who suposidly possesed her

    “Among the demons who claimed residence were Judas Iscariot, Nero, Cain, Hitler, a disgraced Frankish priest from the 16th Century, a host of other damned souls, and even Lucifer himself” (passage from link)

  34. jeff says:

    same thing with nero, though he knew about christianity because he killed christians, he probably never experienced the love of god, so i doubt he is a demon… theres nothing in the scriptures that i have read that says those people are demons now. so whatever the movie showed is probably false, dont believe everything you see/hear

  35. jeff says:

    though the movie is based off a true story, those names might of not been included in the REAL exorcism of emily rose when the priest asked the demons name… i also doubt that people were dying during the movie or that the actor for emily rose was actually possessed after she was done with the movie, because it just sounds like retarded stuff for ignorant people to believe and start new theorys about stuff that really doesnt even make any sense. dont worry about anything off of that movie, its just a movie for entertainment, not for you to think up stupid stuff just because its based off of a true story

  36. Morgan says:

    The names of the demons are Cain, Nero, Belail, Judas, Lucifer and Pontus Pilot…he is the roman governer that “okayed” exicution of Jesus.

  37. jeff says:

    no… the demons in the movie are belial, cain, legion, lucifer, nero, and judas. dont know where you got pilate at. pilate didnt “okay” it, he ordered it. soemone else okayed it is the one who okayed it

  38. Beelzebub says:

    Pilate didnt Order the Killing of Jesus, he agreed to the crowd but as he agreed he told them that he washed his hands of it and that the blood was on there hands and he didnt agree

  39. Andy Duong says:

    I could be wrong but I thought those names beside “Lucifer” and “Beliel” aka Belial wasn’t the name of demons, but are the names of people who were possessed by the other four demons inside of her. I agreed with Jeff about going overboard with this movie, as I was to understand that demons will possess those who invite them in or those who are borned with a so called “sixth sense,” for whatever reason they are gifted I do not know.

    I’m sure everyone knows about Lucifer.

    Belial(Beliaal) is Hebrew for “without value.” In some section of the Jews, this demon was considered to be the chief of all the devils. In The War of the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness.

    “Belial is also mentioned in the Fragments of a Zadokite Work (which is also known as The Damascus Document (CD)), which states that at the time of the Antichrist, “Belial shall be let loose against Israel, as God spake through Isaiah the prophet.” (6:9). The Fragments also speak of “three nets of Belial” which are said to be fornication, wealth, and polution of the sanctuary. (6:10-11) In this work, Belial is sometimes presented as an agent of divine punishment and sometimes as a rebel, as Mastema is. It was Belial who inspired the Egyptian sorcerers, Jochaneh and his brother, to oppose Moses and Aaron. The Fragments also say that anyone who is ruled by the spirits of Belial and speaks of rebellion should be condemned as a necromancer and wizard.”

  40. chicana says:

    why was emily the one that had to be possesed why was she the chosen one ? how come i couldnt be some one else. my cousins first name is emily and her middle name is rose and i wont tell her last but when she seened the movie and heard about it she freaked out. cause it can happen to anyone!!!!

  41. dre says:

    I think its lame to put in nero in the movie he only set rome on fire and gave order to kill his mother.

    So if nero is a demon in the movie why not hitler he was the one who wanted to wipe out every jew on the planet and very important (don’t know if its true tho) he had the spear of destiny do why not make him a demon right.

    Can you guys help me there was another great leader who had the so called spear of destiny don’t what his name was.

    And what with the demonic hour i never heard it till i watched the movie.

    Ok how many people in history are possed by demons ?

  42. Dohnut Ali says:

    i just think it’s a good movie that should be enjoyed. and yes, it does feel tempting at times to go overboard and be fascinated about demons and angels. i believe in them but i’d prefer if we carried on with our normal lives, subconsciously knowing facts about exorcisms and demons, and just pray for the best. if it could happen to anyone, then why not we seek redemption for our sins rather than talk about a dead girl who’s only mistake was to be showcased as a tool of marketing and false belief that Satan will kill you if he gets possesion of you. think of God, whichever you pray too. and pray that he has you in his loving arms. for that what really matters when Judgement Day looms.

  43. Dov says:

    And the moral of the story - religion is useless.

  44. redbrain says:

    “And the moral of the story - religion is useless.”

    Or religion causes all.

    Without religions perhaps could be better.

    Gods as devil as demonds. For example Ala

    For other hand i’m agnostic.

  45. Chuy Adriano says:

    Anyhow…this is the best movie that I have seen this year. Harry Potter is bullshit.

  46. Kakaroto says:

    can somebody tell me, how does the script says exactly, in the moment that Emily says the names of the 6 demons, and in the right order please???… something like…” i was inside of Kain….” and the rest or something like that

  47. The Light Commenth says:

    Know people that for every demon is a gift. This is an opposite

    Know that jesus christ will return soon and those with no faith will surely burn

  48. The Light Commenth says:

    I have been asked to say one more thing:-

    For protection wear the cross, say the lords prayer at least once a day and when you feel the demons you need only say ‘Get away from me satan in Jesus Christ name!

    For the word was from god and the word was with god

    Amen. Hallejuah!

  49. Pauline says:

    I think I like the statement of the lawyer in the end.

    We don’t know if Emily Rose’s death was because of epilepsy or psychosis or exorcism. It could be one, or none at all. But they weren’t able to establish it as a fact.

    But we can all agree that it is a possibility.

    I believe that if you research about exorcism, there are a lot of accounts about it across the world. Although the Western part wouldn’t accept it as such because of their “omniscient” standard of what they call “science”.

    The Bible has accounts for exorcism which dated more than 2000 years ago. Even History books, and other sources have accounts on it.

    We also have to admit that there are things that SCIENCE CANNOT EXPLAIN (and that science is predominantly a Western-dominated field).

    It all boils down to POSSIBILITIES.

    (And I believe that everybody has already experienced times when they want to resist doing something really bad but it seemed to be uncontrollable, dark forces perhaps, against one’s will but still happened)

  50. liquidice says:

    all of you are stupid. why bother looking into this film in depth, you dont see many people looking into lord of the rings or the simpsons in great deal do you.

  51. ret says:

    There isn’t 6 demons in Emily Rose

    Emily (possessed) said

    I am the one in Nero

    I am the one in Cain

    I am the one in Belial

    I am the one in Judas

    I am the one in Legion

    I am Lucifer

    So I think there is only 1 devil that possessed her. And that is Lucifer himself

  52. Jennifer says:

    I thought there were 6 and that was why the demons kept repeating “one two three four five SIX”.

    The movie was great! caused quite a stir though i can see very similar to the exorcist back in it’s day. The real emily rose was called anneliese michel for anyone who didnt know and is interested.

  53. Belal says:

    Omg this film seiously freaked me out!

    One of the demons is the same name as mine!

  54. Someone says:

    You all missed the point.The demons said:”We are the ones who also were in: Nero,Cain,Judas (meaning who guided their actions.Possession takes many forms.There is the kind of possession that Emly had that of suffering and there is the one when a demon guides a person’s conscience by strategically offering him ideas on how to behave and conduct his life.After some time that person becomes corrupted.)Moreover there was one who was also in the legion,belial and lucifer.Four lower profile demons,a bigger demon and the ”chief”.

    That’s how the film said it.

  55. terry davids says:

    umm…i cant remember……….nothing………someone woke me up at the end ,i was asleep, and dribbling….

  56. Wayne Kerr says:

    where am I? im lost…can someone tell me how to get out of here….

  57. STEVE(fri-sun) EVE(mon-fri) says:


  58. Mikey says:

    Emily says

    I am the one who dwelt within CAIN

    i am the one who dwelt within NERO

    I Once dwelt within JUDAS

    And i was with LEGION

    I am BEBIAL

    And i am Lucifer the devil in the flesh

  59. kezz says:

    it must be the devil because the devils sign is 666 and she said 3 time one two three four five SIX!

    well that’s what i think

    and i also think lucifer the devil was the only one in her because he/she possessed all the others.

  60. Lizzy says:

    ‘why was emily the one that had to be possesed why was she the chosen one ? how come i couldnt be some one else. my cousins first name is emily and her middle name is rose and i wont tell her last but when she seened the movie and heard about it she freaked out. cause it can happen to anyone!!!!’

    I believe Emily Rose was chosen by God, so she could help the world understand that Lucifer( which I believe was his angel name from when he was Gods left hand) and demonds are very much real. My mom once told me that demons get most of their powers by people not having enough knowledge of their existance.

    And yes it is scary because it could happen to anyone at anytime. Just keep close to your faith. Whomever your God is. Mine resides in Heaven.

  61. Angelbabyinphx says:

    WHEN did this happen??????

  62. Manasi says:

    This movie is freaky, and thats for sure! I’m doing my Theory of Knowledge presentation on ‘exorcism, and thekind of stuff that i have come across is even freakier. There is definately another world out there.. with angels and demons. Just keep faith in God, and things will be alright.

    May God be with you…

  63. I_am_Belial says:

    I love this kind of stuff. I pretty much am obsessed with it. Yet I find it hard to believe that God would give this kind of power to “demons” as to allow them to control us and kill us. Agency was the thing He said he could not take away which was what Satan wanted to do; and possession is the stripping of agency so that doesn’t make sense. So in turn if you believe in God you cannot believe in demonic possesion. Demons get you by tempting you to do wrong and in turn fall away from God.

  64. Simone says:

    To the last poster, do you actually know what your name represents?

  65. Mauricio says:

    the movie was pretty cool and everything but i think you guys are taking it a little to far. Wether you believe on anythig that happened in the movie or not, doesn’t matter at all. Stick to your faith and never doubt of it.

    Chances are very low for this to happen to any of us. but what is important is to think if we are ready for anything of that nature.

  66. I_am_Belial says:

    Yes I do know what my name means. Think about it.

  67. Simone says:

    I know what it means, I know what it represents, its not me who should think about it, it’s you.

  68. I_am_Belial says:

    I get the feeling your upset by this.

  69. BELIAL says:

    ok there are 4 demons who are NOT named, the one IN Nero, the one IN Cain, and the ONE who was with LEGION which was a bunch of demons inside of a man in jesus’ time.

  70. BELIAL says:

    I forgot the one who dwelt IN judas, his name was never revealed. Judas nor Cain nor Nero was a demon, so they were not inside of emily, and legion was just a mass of demons, hence the name

  71. Marilyn says:

    Hey, I’m Marilyn. IVe just spent the last hour reading ur guyses comments, why? i dont know but you guys just pretty much did my hole project for me :) i would tell you to get off ur computer and go play outside but then again. it came in handy :) but still you guys should really think about getting a life one day soon. okay wish the best for all you guys! :) all u computer nerdos out there have a nice time jacking off to startreck!

    have a super dee duper life

    and fyi im on this computer cuz one not alowed outta this room until im done the project and two i wasnt gunna leave with out saying thnx :)


  72. jesse says:

    Hey, I am Jesse and I agree with the Marilyn. You should go outside and do something other than arguing about what the fuck went down in the Bible, because you know what?? You don’t know shit, only God knows what REALLY happened, who said every single fucking word in the Bible really happened or really was going to happen?! It’s obvious that you guys what opinions are (most of you, not all of you…) and you should learn some fucking respect and be a bit more open-minded because that will make you a hell of a better person. I also agree with the one guy who talked about punctuation. Would you people mind putting a mere period or comma in your writing. And would you mind using even ONE WHOLE FUCKING WORD. Don’t say: ppl, @$$, $h!t, fu, wtf, omg!, will you just learn how the fuck to spell and take one more goddamn minute to type something that is legible. for Christ’s sake!! It’s typing!!! It’s a computer!! I should be able to read it!! Oh yeah, that movie was horrible, considering they had absolutely NOTHING that implied there being a trial going on during the whole movie during the advertising. The whole movie was based on AFTER Emily Rose died, which once again was NOT implied in the advertising.

    But to be honest, there were a couple of freaky points in the movie, for example, when she’s laying on the floor of her dorm room when that Jason guy sleeps with her (no, you dirty bastard! Not in that way!) in her bed, and he awakens to her crumpled and contorted on the floor staring at him and then she screams (or opens her mouth, whatever) that part, is fucking scary as shit. that’s all.

  73. I_am_Belial says:

    Were those last two comments really necessary? Talk about needing a life. And I don’t like Star Trek….I like Star Wars. :p

  74. ES says:

    Have you not realized that the moral of the story has worked out? That it was to tell the story of EMily Rose.. and for Emily Rose to tell the world that demons do exist. And marlyn don’t make assumptions on people’s lives. you do not know them. and neither do i. but atleast i have the decency not to be immature. and uh Jess. the movie was based on a true story. Shut your mouth. and think for a moment. Who the hell gave you the write to tell them to keep oppinions to themselves, when you just did it to them? to see how it would make them feel? or cuz your a complete… nvm. i shall not resolve to name calling. and obviously.. you don’t belong here, if you don’t know what people are saying. And if you don’t like to read about it.. LEAVE. And if you would like to know what the little ABBREVIATIONS mean.. ASK.

    thank you and good night.. don’t bother replying to me. i’d rather not listen. READ if you prefer.

    ( i agree they were completely unneccessary.)

    ( i guess so was this one)

    (oh well)

  75. I_am_Belial says:

    RIGHT ON!!!

  76. Icarus1863 says:

    Based on John Milton: Paradice Lost

    He was the angel Lucifer, highest of all the Angels, who sought to unseat God. When God called for all the heavens kneel and call his Son King. Lucifer saw it as a “demotion” if you will. Thats when he lead a rebellion (1/3 of all the angels) against God.

    After his defeat, he was cast into Hell. An angel says from then forth he was known as Satan. I could not decern if it was God who changed Lucifer’s name, or if Lucifer did this himself.

    A Quote:”It is better to rule in hell, than to serve in heaven.”

  77. I_am_Belial says:

    I wouldn’t necessarily refer to Milton as doctrine. I think you are taking the name a little to literally. Lucifer means “son of the morning” which is figurative symbolizing that he was once the most beautiful angel in heaven and fell from that status to the adversary of all mankind which is what Satan means in hebrew…”The adversary”.

  78. Angus says:

    Just saw the movie.

    Proof denies faith, and without faith there is little.

    Just as with extraterrestrial life, the possibility of there being something is much more possible (not to mention interresting) than there being nothing.

    Too much going on to completely dismiss the “what if” premise of the film.

    The rebuilding of the palace in Iraq (one of the “signs” in Revelations), the recent theory that 666 has been is actually 616…crap like that…

    Too much happening to dismiss anything outright.

  79. Angus says:

    Just saw the Milton reference…Icarus and Belial (cute, by the way)

    Look at the opening line from Paradise lost…

    It is an epistle to a midlife crisis.

    THere is nothing there but the Fisher King myth of Arthurian legend and the astrological theory of the “return of Saturn”.

    While I DO love the “abandon hope..” thing, I think that Donald Sutherland’s spiel in Animal House regarding Milton is truer to the mark.

  80. brittany says:

    hey everyone. i saw this movie like 25 times and it rox. but if you think about it, its sad really… i didnt think it was scary at all.. its more like a sad story. im obssesed with this movie now. and everytime i watch it i get it more and more.. are demons real? is god real? its just wondering around out there.. nobody can prove it. but this move is really good. really think about it the next time you all watch it.everyone on here rox! l8er

  81. BELIAL says:

    You kind of have t stop and think for a second. like, what it did happen, think of how many people in the world right now are being possessed by demons. its somewhat chilling to think of. by the way, does anyone know the names of the demons in cain and nero? and if you dont know the stories of these two men id be glad to tell them if you re-post.

  82. Janice says:

    Just saw the movie…

    the courtroom drama was superb i think.

    and the the actual exorcism was quite eerie.

    and that haunting hour?!oh, surely

    did scare me.i was afraid of waking up in the

    middle of my sleep..much worst at 3am in the

    morning…oh,how ill pray that the clock wont

    stop when it happens!its so freaky!!!

  83. rob says:

    I wanted to comment on the 3am thing. One guy said it isn’t the haunting hour. It really is though. according to various religions, it is understood that jesus either died or was crusified at 3pm. (the holy hour) 3am would be be opposite of that, showing evil.

  84. Belial says:

    She Says because of US:






    I AM BELIAL!!!!



  85. Alex says:

    She had 6 demons on her, 4 of them Don’t mention there name, but do say who they had possesed, while 2 Demons Belial and Lucifer, did mention there names.

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