The Audio Edition Vol 35

Posted by on 22. 08. 2005in Uncut Podcast

It’s time for the Audio Edition yet again. Man… I can’t believe this is the 35th installment… time flies.

This week, we talk about and review Steve Carrell film The 40 Year Old Virgin. Also, we take some time to discuss the loss of Joe Ranft to a car accident earlier this week and what a terrible tragedy this is for the film industry as a whole. We also take some time to talk about the concept of a movie ticket system where each ticket is for a specific seat in a theater. All this and a few things more.

To enjoy all the audio goodness you can download it here.

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7 Responses to “The Audio Edition Vol 35”

  1. Lou_Sytsma says:

    Great show as usual. I like the reserved seating idea and am concerned it would add an extra cost to the ticket.

    The NO KIDS showings is an excellent idea. Doug, please make it so!

  2. lizardfreak12 says:

    The worst ive ever sat through was during Spider-Man 2, the fact that it was during this movie pissed me off the most, this lady walks in with 3 little girls who looked about 3-5, and they wouldn’t shut the hell up!

    The one of the girls was laughing at nothing and another kept saying mommy mommy, and the lady screams at her kids to be quiet. I WAS SO PISSED OFF! I wanted to go up to her myself and tell her to take responsibility of taking your kids out of the theatre you fat lazy bitch. But I think she felt the tension in the room of a more than a hundred eyes pulsating red, as she left the theatre……thank goodness.

  3. Cabbe says:

    so you guys are asking in the Audio Edition how long we have had this “pay per seat” thing here in Europe

    well i’m 25 and i can not remember that we ever had anything else. Ofcause the online booking thing is not that old since the internet didn’t really kick off till mid/late 90′s…

    but stil before the internet u had to phone the theater to book tickets…and they would sell you a specific seat.

    so yeah…we had it here in Denmark all my life…

  4. Donna A. says:

    Great show!

    I agree with no kids in adult movies. If you can’t get a babysitter then wait for the DVD. Kids shouldn’t be seeing such movies anyway.

    Donna A.

  5. Christina says:

    The worst moviegoing experience I ever had was when someone had a screaming infant at Kill Bill Vol. 2. I totally agree with you guys that people need to take responsibility for their kids, but unfortunately parents can be amazingly selfish and “entitled.”

  6. Kristina says:

    They need to ban kids under the age of five from theaters. Ban all those motherfuckers!

  7. Anonymouse says:

    why arent you guys listed on itunes? ive tried to manually add you but your xml links are dead. i need my audio edition.