Audio Edition Vol 33

Posted by on 12. 08. 2005in Uncut Podcast

Greetings folks! Well, it’s that time again. Time to grace your ears with the pointless rantsing of John and Doug again and the first Audio Edition since my return from Nashville.

This week on The Audio Edition, we review and discuss The Dukes of Hazzard, rant about why on earth movie studios launch official movie websites when they don’t have them ready yet with any content, more Batman sequel talk, how Sony got away with nothing but a light slap on the wrist for their lying to the public with the fake movie critic… and a few things more.

To get all this audio goodness, you can download it here.

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9 Responses to “Audio Edition Vol 33”

  1. lizardfreak12 says:

    Ha ha ha, that was hilarious and a good listen.

    Steve Carrel would make the next Batman film campy like the older films. Since these movies are taking Frank Miller’s Dark Knight path, we need someone who can creep the hell out of the audience and make them laugh at the same time. That can be any actor who has ever played a bad gu role and played it well, Nicolas Cage and his perofrmance in Face/Off shows us he could play the role; but could we take him serioulsy as the Joker, or would we roll our eyes at his performance? Crispin Glover, yes, yes, and yes. But whoever gets the role i’m sure will do good.

  2. Ray` says:

    No matter who gets the role of The Joker, they are gonna have to put in one-hellava performace to match or even come close to Jack’s Joker… I mean he played the Joker perfectly, you could of not asked for a better joker, so I say the invest in a time capsule and put Nicholas in it a rewind about 35-40 years.. and get him to play the role :)

  3. John says:

    Just for your information, the filename in the feed is still for vol. 32, that’s why my ipodder didn’t pick it up. Luckily I checked the site this morning.

    Can’t wait to listen to it.

    Keep up the good work!!

  4. jack says:

    Dear John,

    Movie websites suck! You complain about Domino’s site, but practically all movie sites are like that. They all have a trailer, cast, story, downloads (which consist of a screensaver, and wallpaper), and that’s it. But, I got to admit they have great graphics, all of them do. All flash and no substance.

  5. lizardfreak12 says:

    No shit jack! Where did ya park the spy car Dick Tracy? ust kidding ith ya jack, anyway, I don’t go to movie sites to often unless its for the trailer.

  6. lizardfreak12 says:

    And whoever does end up playing the Joker better bring it, or i’m done with this franchise.

  7. Donna A. says:

    Another good one guys!

    Donna A.

  8. Joseph Simmons says:

    I agree about the websites, when Goblet of Fire’s site launched I though “Cool, now I can get some of my questions answered about film”.. erm, I guess not.

  9. Drewbacca says:

    I have saved all of my movie ticket stubs for many years. It is kind of fun to go back and look at them every once in a while. Like, Oh I saw “Independence Day” on opening night at 11:15pm at the Mall of America (theater sucks by the way). I remember that now, and who I was with, etc.. Cool. Kind of nostalgic.

    I bet I’m not alone.

    I also save all of my sporting event ticket stubs too.

    - Drewbacca