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X-Men 3 Gets New Kitty Pride In Ellen Page

X-Men 3 continues to be in total disarray. Losing 2 directors, ridiculous plot leaks, the loss of Nightcrawler, over casting and now to add to all of that casting a character just 3 days before the character’s scenes are supposed to start shooting. Has any GOOD new come out for X-Men 3 yet?

At any rate, it is being report all over the place today that Ellen Page has signed up to play Kitty Pride, the mutant with abilities to walk through walls and other intangible stuff like that (Some Canadian fans may recognize her from Trailer Park Boys). The good folks over at Empire give us the following:

[Kitty Pride had] appeared, in small cameos, in both previous X-Men movies, played by Sumela Kay and Katie Stuart. Page is almost totally unknown in this country, having appeared in Sundance entry Hard Candy (not yet released here), and such previous films as, er, I Downloaded A Ghost and Wilby Wonderful.

Presumably Kitty’s role is going to be bumped up a little this time, but to what end, we don’t yet know. In the comics she has a, ahem, close friendship with Colossus, the steel-skinned mutant who appeared briefly but memorably during the school invasion scenes in X2, but we can’t say for sure yet if that romantic subplot will get a look-in in the film.

Now don’t get me wrong here folks. I’m not saying I have any problem with this kid being cast to play Kitty. My problem is that this project is such a mess that we’re getting casting news days before shooting. Isa that totally uncommon? No, it isn’t. But when you look at all the other chaos surrounding X-Men 3 so far, it’s just another glitch to add to the pile… a pile that is already too high and sinking my expectations for this film faster than a mutant titanic. Here’s hoping they can pull this together.

9 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Anonymouse

    For me then the character is screwed regardless of who they cast. They already took the true kitty pride character as the “team rookie” and gave it to rogue so doing it again in the 3rd movie just seems redundant.

    Also, there was this incredible comic mini-series based on wolverine and kitty pride where she gets trained to fight and becomes shadowcat and wolvie’s character really shines. IMO, that wouldve been a great plot for the wolverine movie but looking at the kitty pride they cast then all hope for that is gone too.

    i guess im just an xmen hater now because i loved the old comics so much that it just pisses me off to see them uneccessarily butcher it for the bigscreen. i guess you have to know as little as possible to get the most enjoyment from the series.

  2. Franklin

    I always thought Thora Birch would make a good Kitty. What is she doing these days, anyway?

  3. Darren

    Speaking as a proud Canadian, I think Ms. Page is a great young actor. I’d highly recommend “Marion Bridge” and “Wilby Wonderful”. Not so much for her-she plays supporting roles in both, but because they’re both great Canadian films (and the former features Molly Parker, which is enough to get me watching every time).

  4. Darren

    Hate to split hairs, but it’s “Pryde”, not “Pride”. At least, it was the former in the comic book.

  5. Alfredo

    Her Fore Head is to big! That picture you have of makes her look retarded.

  6. darren seeley

    Why is the part recast again? I’m sure the lass is talented, but c’mon- the actresses playing this part keep getting younger!

  7. lizardfreak12

    I am so sick of X-Men 3 right now. How about a Space Cases movie or something else fans have been holding onto for years without any conclusion. Couldn’t Fox pick up the rights to the show and make a movie. This X-3 movie looks as if it has just killed a bunch of fans. Let’s bring in something new,

    Final Status: X-3 is dead to me………

  8. lizardfreak12

    I also heard Lindsay Lohan is going to play Jubilee………..Lindsay Lohan…….playing in X-Men…… LINDSAY FUCKING LOHAN PLAYING IN X-MEN……SHE’S FUCKING PLAYING JUBILEE………GODDAMMIT……… friend told me this and some sources online have casting rumors about this I AM SO PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. gail roman

    I have seen Hard Candy and believe me everyone will know and be talking about Ellen Page. I was lucky to catch the film in sundance.

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