War of the Worlds Video Review

So I went to see War of the Worlds yesterday. When I sat down to write my review I (being the lazy oaf that I am) decided it would take less energy to just video myself giving a review.

So, if you’d like to see my 3 minute review of War of the Worlds, just click here. Just so you know it’s in Real Media format so you’ll need to Real Player.

Just so I’m clear, this is NOT the Video Edition that I talked about last week. If we do a weekly Video Edition it will be much higher quality and much better production value then what you are about to see. This review is really just for fun. Let me know what you think of the format.

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  • 1. Joseph Simmons replies at 2nd July 2005, 8:56 pm :

    Great video review. I think it looks pretty good and the only thing that would make it better would be some video clips if only from the trailer.


    Good work John.

  • 2. JohnIan replies at 2nd July 2005, 9:57 pm :

    Good job. I can play the video.

  • 3. drew replies at 3rd July 2005, 12:27 pm :

    Solid vlog, my man. But I have to disagree with your statement that Dakota Fanning is the “only true legimate child actor in this last 15 years.”

    Ummm…Jena Malone? Scarlett Johansson? The Pepsi girl in Paulie? (I kid, I kid) If you ever catch the French flick Ponette (1996), Victoire Thivisol gives the best young kid performance I’ve ever seen, and she was four at the time. I’m just not blown away by Dakota but hey, I know I’m in the minority…

  • 4. Igor replies at 3rd July 2005, 12:31 pm :

    I didn’t watch the video yet, but I’m almost sure, that my opinion of RealPlayer won’t change much after watching either. So, for the future, I would recommend another Codec, like Divx. It’s stands for better quality and it don’t requiere the realy bad RealPlayer.

    (Bad english may be excused, since I’m not a native english speaker. :)

  • 5. tyler durden replies at 3rd July 2005, 1:12 pm :

    realplayer? i think not.

  • 6. Lou Sytsma replies at 3rd July 2005, 2:56 pm :

    Great job! Hope you and Doug are still going to do an audio review!

  • 7. Martin Sutherland replies at 3rd July 2005, 3:57 pm :

    Speaking from a personal convenience point of view, I prefer to see text reviews. Although recording a video review is faster for you than writing it out, the opposite is true for the audience. Nothing personal, just outright selfishness :-)

  • 8. lizardfreak12 replies at 3rd July 2005, 4:19 pm :

    Dakota Fanning reminds me of where Kirsten Dunst was when she was young. Shes going to be a big star one day in the ranks of Kirsten Dunst and maybe even higher. But i’ve been proven wrong before.:(

  • 9. Marla Singer replies at 3rd July 2005, 6:04 pm :

    I thought the movie was terrific! it was better than i expected and i expected a lot. i saw a lot of speilbergs movies shining in the movie such as minority report, close encounters, A.I. and a little bit of ET (dakota fanning-drew barrymoore) it was intense throughout and it was terrifing too. i will definately see this one again…and again and again! by the way, i dont care what people think, i like tom cruise, i think he’s underated.

  • 10. louis replies at 3rd July 2005, 6:12 pm :

    any chance of just and audio version?

    (who really wants to see john’s big boof head anyways ;)

    never been able to get real player working.

    wasn’t much of a fan of the movie anyways. would have like it seen a bit more ass kicking from the aliens (ie. a humvee on fire rolling down a hill, big deal!!). It took it’s self way to serious for its own good. The sound design was great but.

  • 11. Donna A. replies at 3rd July 2005, 9:04 pm :

    I loved you video review. I also love your audio. You can tell you guys put a lot of love in it.

    Donna A.

  • 12. Al-x replies at 4th July 2005, 2:31 am :

    Video review? Great idea! More video! Real Video works fine. Why not record yourselfs doing the Audio Edition? :)

  • 13. Sean replies at 4th July 2005, 10:33 am :

    I’m not sure why so many people complain about RealVideo, but as an acceptable alternative I’ve found Windows XP’s built-in Windows Movie Maker program to be very useful for converting to Windows Media format. That might be worth looking into.

    I thought the video review was pretty well done John, bring on the full blown video edition!

  • 14. Sean replies at 4th July 2005, 10:34 am :

    I’m not sure why so many people complain about RealVideo, but as an acceptable alternative I’ve found Windows XP’s built-in Windows Movie Maker program to be very useful for converting to Windows Media format. That might be worth looking into.

    I thought the video review was pretty well done John, bring on the full blown video edition!

    On a side note, I thought War of the Worlds was fantastic though. I don’t know why I’m the only one I know who seemed to be completely floored by it, I gave it a 4 out of 4 in my own review.

  • 15. mediamelt replies at 4th July 2005, 12:09 pm :

    Awesome John. Color me impressed.

    For those of you that *hate* Real player as much as I do, I recommend Real Alternative. It plays Real files without all the bloat-ware.


  • 16. Igor replies at 5th July 2005, 4:49 pm :

    It’s not only the player, the codec is also crapy and realy very closed source. It would be of course perfect to record the video in vorbis and suggest VLC as player, but that would be probably to much to ask. ;)

    Anyway, maybe VLC get its chance soon enough, since Google is using the open source player. They took the code and converted it for their GoogleVideo stuff. We’ll see how it works very soon.

  • 17. Kev replies at 10th July 2005, 9:18 am :


    comment/question about “WAR of the worlds”….

    WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED AT THE END? WHY DID THE DAMN THINGS DIE? i really didn’t get the ending….

    anyone can put it in perspective for me?

  • 18. John Campea replies at 10th July 2005, 11:38 am :

    Hey there Kev.

    The Narrator pretty much spells it out at the ending of the movie. The Bacteria in the earths water and air killed them.


  • 19. Pablo replies at 15th July 2005, 6:24 am :


    Audio and video reviews are a great idea.

    Although, you could have reviewed this film in one line of text.

    Pile of piss aimed at the not so bright!

    Come on hollywood, we DARE you to make an interesting movie!!

  • 20. Simone replies at 28th July 2005, 4:39 pm :

    Just came back from watching it actually, I let the hype die down first before deciding to get sucked into it.

    I enjoyed it tremendously. My only gripe was Miranda Otto being under-utilised in the film. All in all, well done on this one Steven and Tommy boy! ;-)

  • 21. Richard Brunton replies at 4th August 2005, 7:36 am :

    Hey all. I did think of posting my review as I saw it just the other day, but I think it’s too late for the Movie Blog to be of interest.

    If you are interested in seeing my review, head on over to my site.


  • 22. Mecho replies at 4th August 2005, 4:06 pm :

    Sorry guys, but the movie is terrible. The acting was half ways decent and the effects were cool at first, but all in all the movie sucked balls. Nothing will ever beat the original. And someone explain to me how the son lives…no way in hell…that was one of the dumbest endings i have ever seen in a movie.