The Movie Blog Turns 2

Greetings folks. John here.

This announcement is a little late in coming, but better late never. On Sunday July 24, The Movie Blog turned 2 years old. Two years! Wow. When I wrote that first post about the marketing for Seabiscuit, I never imagined I’d still be doing this. I thought it would just be a fun hobby for a couple of months until I really got settled in after moving back to Ontario. But here we are… 24 months later… and I can honestly say I hope I’m doing this for at least another 5 years.

The Movie Blog gives me my outlet for my unstoppable urge just to talk about movies…. but it’s also a ton of fun to do because of the great discussion and insight left by you guys in your emails and comments.

So thanks to everyone of you who reads this site on a regular or not so regular basis… you’ve made these last 2 years a lot of fun. Here’s looking forward to more.



  • 1. lizardfreak12 replies at 28th July 2005, 3:26 pm :


  • 2. adam replies at 28th July 2005, 3:36 pm :

    Congrats John! I’m glad you stuck with it! This is one of the best on the net!

  • 3. Simone replies at 28th July 2005, 4:31 pm :

    Is it really just 2 years John? It feels like you’ve been here forever, and I meant that in every positive way possible. *winks*

    Cheers and keep up the great work. Kudos also goes to Rich and Doug. ;-)

  • 4. Donna A. replies at 28th July 2005, 11:09 pm :

    Happy #2!

    I love your Movie Blog!

    Donna A.

  • 5. Joseph Simmons replies at 28th July 2005, 11:14 pm :

    I just foung The Movie Blog this year, but I plan to enjoy your witty and sometimes whiny commentary for years to come.

    (Maybe I’ll be around for an Audio Edition Vol. 100)

  • 6. David Blue replies at 29th July 2005, 2:02 am :

    It took me a lot of time to find you, but I’m glad I did, because you really like movies and it shows, in a good way.

    Rave on you crazy movie fan, you. Two more years! Two more years! (grin)

  • 7. aleq replies at 29th July 2005, 2:38 am :

    Hi John!

    Congratulations! FYI, I am one of your so many avid visitors. I’m always looking forward to read all your new posts. Do visit my blog sometime soon too.

  • 8. Marla Singer replies at 30th July 2005, 3:07 am :

    holy cow…2 years…i guess i must have started bloggin like…right on its b-day, 2 years ago…july 4th long weekend..was bored, and i found on your site my first blog (TOP 10 best actors list)>wonderful list by the way! this is now part of my routine almost everyday. good stuff. thanks for giving birth john, and to richard of course. cheers!

  • 9. Ryan replies at 1st August 2005, 2:17 pm :

    Congrats! Really this is one of the few sites I still check everyday! Keep up the awesome work; seriously you guys rock.