Russell Crowe in A Good Year?

Considering the last time Russell Crowe and Ridley Scott teamed up it got Scott a Best Picture Oscar and Russell Crowe a Best Actor Oscar, them getting together again may not be such a bad idea, especially since both of them are coming off HUGE disappointments (Kingdom of Heaven for Scott and Cinderella Man for Crowe).

So now the word is that Russell Crowe will be hooking up with Scott’s new project “A Good Year”. The wonderful folks over at Empire give us this little synopsis of the project:

Crowe would be playing the lead, Max Skinner, a London investment banker who is made redundant by his company and left with a sudden hole in his life. As fate would have it, he has recently been left an 18th century chateau and vineyard in the south of France by his deceased uncle. He moves out to take possession of the estate, where he used to spend his summers as a child, but discovers that his wine leaves much to be desired, that his long-lost American cousin wants a share of the action, and that some of the villagers are less than thrilled to see him.

Yeah sign me up. Scott is a good director, and despite the fact that he constantly acts like a total Jack Ass, Russell Crowe just may be the very best actor breathing today. So yeah, I’ll see this thing. Just keep all the phones away from Crowe and everything should run smoothly.


  • 1. Simone replies at 28th July 2005, 10:49 am :

    Oh yeah, this will be interesting to watch. Have you seen “Cinderella Man” John?

  • 2. John Campea replies at 28th July 2005, 11:02 am :

    Yeah I saw it. I thought it was fantastic. Excellent film. Too bad no one else saw it. :P

  • 3. Donna A. replies at 28th July 2005, 11:15 pm :

    Sounds like an interesting movie. And I do like Crowe.

    Donna A.

  • 4. Eve Evoli replies at 5th August 2005, 5:00 pm :

    Russell Crowe is a bad ass/a good guy and the best breathing actor of the times.