God Of War Movie

GodOfWar.jpgThe story aspect of video games are getting better and better, and the popularity of video games gets bigger and bigger. The trend of video game to movie adaptations keeps steaming along as well so it should come as no surprise that possibly the best video game in the last 2 years is probably getting a film treatment done. God Of War.

Universal Pictures has snagged up the rights to the project and Alex Gartner will produce it. Don’t know what God Of War is about? Here’s a quick synopsis for ya:

In the game, players can unleash the power of the Gods and embark on a merciless quest as Kratos, an ex-Spartan warrior driven to destroy Ares, the God of War. Armed with lethal double chainblades, Kratos must carve through mythology’s darkest creatures— including Medusa, Cyclops, the Hydra and more, while solving intricate puzzles in breathtaking environments. Driven by pure revenge, nothing can stop Kratos from achieving absolution.

No writer or director has been assigned to the project yet… but considering Universal likes to strike while the iron is hot, you can probably expect an announcement pretty soon. God Of War… that’s actually a great title for a film.

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  • 1. Garrett Wiwcharuk replies at 27th July 2005, 4:26 pm :

    God of War was an excellent game. Nothing that really pushed the boundaries beyond any other game, but it stands alone as a standard, how every game SHOULD be. Tight controls, excellent graphics and physics, a terrific score, and most importantly, enjoyable gameplay. This is accompanied by a gripping tale of Kratos in his role of “The God of War”.

    A GoW film DOES sound intriguing. With the late Gladiator, films like Troy and a handful of collesium and Roman empire films have begun to rear their heads into the film industry as an attempt to tread new ground, and with todays technology, the films do so.

    The only question, aside from casting and direction, is: “Will GoW retain that same level of darkness from which the game resonates?”

    To achieve that same level of dark mood, they would have to have a long sit down with the GoW game, as several of the level are crucial to storyline, and even in the game, they’re very movie-like already.

    Seeing CG Minotaurs, Hydra heads busting into the viking ship, accompanied by the HUGE Hydra head, cyclops’ and harpes…you know this is going to be a big blockbuster, almost takes you back to the days of Ray Harryhausen.

    My incomplete cast, for your enjoyment:

    Kratos - Luke Wilson (old school) He’s got THE facial structure,

    looks just like Kratos.

    - The Rock (The Mummy) Good size for Kratos. He suits well.

    - Vin Diesel (XXX) Voice is grisly, also suits Kratos’ body

    Aries(GoW)- Liam Nielson (Batman begins) VERY resemblant to Aries too!

    - Sean Bean (Silent Hill) Has got the grisly bad guy face.

    Medusa - Helena Bonham Cater (Fight Club) With some squirmy CG

    snakes, and dark cloth!!

    - Jennifer Tilly (Seed of Chucky) don’t wait too long to

    cast her, she’s getting

    pretty fat..

    Zeus - The guy that played Obi Wan Kenobi Yes, him. From the old

    Star Wars films.

  • 2. lizardfreak12 replies at 27th July 2005, 5:47 pm :

    If the movie has the games feel (which is hard to have since a movie is not a video game) it could be both a movie as well as a greatt game. The mythology in the game was excellent and the gameplay was extraordinary! If this movie picks up we could get a fistful of new mythological movies made outside of the gaming universe. Like a cool remakes and what have you as well as stories that haven’t yet made it televison or the big screen.

    Troy was okay, but come on, WE WANTED MORE!

  • 3. Pudie replies at 27th July 2005, 7:38 pm :

    Garret - Alec Guiness aka Obi Wan .. is dead.

  • 4. Garrett Wiwcharuk replies at 28th July 2005, 12:00 am :

    Sorry Pudie….I had no idea Alec Guiness had passed away. How about the guy from Lord of the Rings, then? The role doesn’t really matter all that much, as Zeus does not play a crucial role in the God of War storyline until part 2, when Kratos, the only mortal who’s become immortal chooses to slay Gods…..

    Oh my….that is….IF that happens in GoW 2 (game)

  • 5. Pudie replies at 28th July 2005, 8:14 am :

    I’m pretty sure it’ll happen. It was a very successful game. And I cant wait for it to happen :) Hopefully it’s a PS3 launch title. That would make me buy a PS3.

  • 6. darkbhudda replies at 29th July 2005, 12:01 am :

    Knowing Hollywood they’ll add a wacky sidekick (Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn or Owen Wilson) and tone it down to get the PG-13 rating. And then replace everyone with 20 somethings from the OC.

    Hollywood, don’t destroy this movie. Get a Bollywood producer for the wonderful cinematography and costumes, then get Luc Besson to direct it.

  • 7. Garrett Wiwcharuk replies at 1st August 2005, 7:04 pm :

    If this IS GoW we’re talking about, and DOES in fact make it to the silver screen, there will not be any comedy. At all.

    Incognito, the designers of GoW strictly made the title with a dark mood, as it would happen in real life. Kratos is seriously pissed throughout the story, he killed his wife and children, while being manipulated by the very Gods themselves, and forever wears their blood and ashes imbedded into his skin, so that everyone knows he’s the “Ghost of Spartans”. Because of this label, not a single soul is Kratos’ friend. Only a God would talk to Kratos in friendly manner, and that would only be because they needed a favor…..to kill the God of War. (Gods may not kill other gods, as they are non-mortal)

    After Aries is killed, Kratos becomes a god, himself….an immortal, with Mortal origin….so he could easily still slay the rest of the Gods, if he wanted.

  • 8. brad replies at 17th August 2005, 2:43 pm :

    i think that we need someone who can shout LOUD like “AARRRRRREEEEESSS!!!!!!!”(quote)i think that vid deasle would be the perfect role as kratos.

    kratos—vin desle


    posiden—shwartsenegger (PLEASE NOT THE VOIS!)


    hades—the necromonger leader fom chroicles of riddick

    every1 els it is UP 2 U

  • 9. brad replies at 17th August 2005, 3:29 pm :

    if thay make a movie that will need like 40000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 peeps. remember when u first see ares? i guess thay could edit it in…..if thay had to that is.

  • 10. Scott replies at 1st September 2005, 11:23 pm :

    Me and my friends have made up our own cast for the hopefully amazing movie:


    Vin Diesel

    The RocK

    Tony Jaa “Ong-Bak” could also play Prince of Persia

    Dracula from “Blade Trinity”


    Kevin Nash

    Sid Vicious

    King Agememnon from Troy


    Angelina Jolie

    Connie Nielsen

    Jessica Alba (just cause we want to see her)



    Kris Kristofferson Whistler from “blade”

    John Voight

    Benny Hill sorry kinda ran out of people there


    anyone who isn’t picked for Zeus



    Jessica Biel

    Jessica Alba

    Charlize Theron

    (just cause they are hot and we want to see them a lot)


    anyone who hasn’t been picked yet from our list

  • 11. brad replies at 3rd September 2005, 11:41 am :

    lol you are girls right? so i dont get y u want to see dis movie other than your reasons.it is gunna be vilont nerv wreking etc.

  • 12. johnston replies at 10th September 2005, 9:22 am :

    Vin diesel would be perfect for Kratos, in terms of his appearence and his voice. but (and i mean no offence) he isn’t that good an actor and the role of kratos is an increidbly challenging role to play. but who knows, he might surprise us.

  • 13. brad replies at 10th September 2005, 8:23 pm :

    hey buddy! cant u see grandma’s watchin her storys!!(witch happens to be the chronicles or riddick) listen buddy kratos IS the most important roll in the movie but vin can ppull eanything off! i saw in interview wit him he said “yes,i do my own stunts.” but it kinda makes you wonder how hes gunna get impailed by the big log thing after u get pandoras box. eany way yindesle is a great actor.

  • 14. joey replies at 14th September 2005, 7:19 pm :

    dude they would just have to find some bada$$ to play kratos that probably aint famous cause i cant think of nobody. Tony Jaa ( or jet li or donnie yen, or any them asain badasses) would be quick enough to pull off some cool stuff for the fight scenes, but i couldnt see any of them as the big muscular kratos with a deep voice and dark mood. i hope universal really does right cause it seems like it will be tough to do right. It will go good if the get a good director. I dont think the creators of the game would let that happen anyway. When you work years and years on a video game, you wouldnt want some studio to f it up in a movie, they shouldnt let that happen.

  • 15. brad replies at 15th September 2005, 7:46 am :

    hey hey hey dude this movie could put god of war the the…. corparate gameing map! besides what if the peeps workin on this ARE the peoples that made god of war! by the way im gunna do some reserch and see weather they are going to let the god of war movie take place. p.s. no mere asin dude would do for kratos. we need someone like vid desle every1 is saying that he should be in it! he just has the stuff the look the atitude everything! and if your worried about the white ash on kratoses body they can use skin paste he just has the stuff!

  • 16. Chris replies at 21st September 2005, 6:46 pm :

    Vin Diesel would probably be my second choice for the actor who plays Kratos. My first is that guy from Gladiator, the one who tells Maximus “The gods favor you Spainard, red is the color of the gods.” or something to that effect. He has the facial and physical structure for Kratos, and chances are he can go into a bezerker rage if needed.

  • 17. brad replies at 24th September 2005, 10:46 am :

    ok ok ok i know the perfect role for kratos but well need to geneticle modify the playa vin desle with russle crows attitude!

    russle crows *beeb* off bit** is the good bit and yin desles looks are great.

  • 18. brad replies at 24th September 2005, 10:47 am :

    ok ok ok i know the perfect role for kratos but well need to geneticle modify the playa vin desle with russle crows attitude!

    russle crows *beeb* off is the good bit and vin desles looks are great.

  • 19. Yaro Hoffman replies at 28th September 2005, 6:27 pm :

    Ok fellas, Vin Diesel is no doubt the perfect guy to play kratos-he can actually pull it off. I just hope the film makers don’t rush this project and screw up the effects and visuals here. The game makers took their time and made possibly the best Ps2 game ever-ARRRIIEEEESSsSSSSS!!!!!! haha, Kratos is a bad boy!-maddenchallenge winner-beatdownking.

  • 20. brad replies at 30th September 2005, 4:41 pm :

    hey! u stol my AAAARRRRRRIIIIIIEEEESSSSS thing! but at least ur on vin deslies side. a cuple others said he sucks. but like u sed vin can pull nethin off.

  • 21. shane replies at 30th September 2005, 11:36 pm :

    vin diessel could pull it off as Kratos! gods should or could be CGI! if this movie sux im totally cutting u fu**ers in half wit my blade o’ artimes beyotches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 22. brad replies at 5th October 2005, 4:13 pm :

    ill do the same with my hades army! but really viny boy can pull it off. but i must admit: the blades of atena SUCK!!!! i mean come on! their at full butt it like blades of chaos lv 1!!!!!! i sware if they do that ill **** them up goooood!

  • 23. brad replies at 15th October 2005, 2:57 pm :

    hellooooooooooooooooo eany1 out there in the cybernetic world???

  • 24. Matt replies at 16th October 2005, 7:24 pm :

    God of War has the potential to be an amazing and mind bending movie. Here are my choices for the human roles of the movie.

    Kratos:John Malcovich(Skilled and talented actor that has build and could handle the complexety of Kratos with ease)

    Zeus: Patrick Stewart(Dr.Xavier from X-men movies; has a commanding voice and could make it work by growing a beard)

    Posieden: Anthony Hopkins(The name explains itself)

    Athena:Angelina Jolie(If you have ever seen her in an evening gown you would know that she looks like a greek goddess)

    Aphrodite:Charlize Theron(Another classic beauty and excellent actress)

    Artemis:Jessica Alba of course(Amazingly gorgeous and fits the role perfectly)

    Ares:Depends how old Ares should appear. If young(Christian Bale) If older; the guy who playsRenault de Chatillon from Kindom of heaven and King Agammenmon from Troy.

  • 25. brad replies at 19th October 2005, 7:41 pm :

    oh come on dr.xavier as zuse???? oh jees whats next? kathrez zeta jones az the grave digger??? ppfftt.

  • 26. MechoPower replies at 20th October 2005, 4:11 pm :

    I just played this game for the first time last weekend…WOW…that has got to be the absolute greatest game I have ever played aside from Halo!!! The graphics were crisp and the plot was great. For a movie…I think if the developers take Bungies approach to this thing then the movie will be totally awesome. I cant wait to see some of the things from the game put onto the big screen.

  • 27. brad replies at 22nd October 2005, 9:42 am :

    only……last….weekend?!?!?!?!?!? ugh another wanna-be. dude u gotta play for more that a mere weekend to truly understand the game. so far what is the story line?

    I wold like to know how far you are. you should have pandoras box by now.

  • 28. Daivid Jaffe replies at 22nd October 2005, 9:55 am :

    Woh…an intire site on God Of War movie? Cool. ok guys a cant make eany promises of there being a movie of God Of War. I also worked on the game Twised Metal Black as well as god of war and you don’t see a Twisted metal black movie. But I will try to E-mail a movie corporation and see if they are interested in the movie. I bet most of you are thinking “This aint David Jaffe!” but i can assure you it is.look in Twisted Metal Black credits and it wil say “head degsiner: David Jaffe.” and if you wanna know how to get the secrete messages you beat the game on hard mode and you break the Ares statue and Minitor statue in the hall of Ares and there will be a messed up code. rearange the numbers into a phone number but i am not going tell you the phone number order because that would be cheating. As for Twisted Metal Black heres a code: up x left cercle. Have fun!

  • 29. MR.XTREME replies at 22nd October 2005, 10:15 pm :

    ok at first when i played GOD OF FUCKING WAR i fell in love wit the gore and the detail of everything and it was the thing to do and still is to play the game and let loose once i got to the end and sat Kratos on his thrown of war i pictured that scene from riddick where vin diesel took his seat of power and i thought GOW would be the perfect part for him but ))<-butt his acting skills are not that good to pull off the greek accent and in riddick we only got a taste of him letting loose we never seen him really cut loose and get a blood crave one other one i thought would be good for the part is a wrestler named Nathan Jones (searchYahoo) hes the guy that died in troy by the pussy ass blade of mr.fucking pitt but thats again just my point of view here is my list of the cast OH YEA this movie shouldnt be pg 13 if vin gets the part i’ll still be happy as long as the movie is rated R!!! THEY HAVE TO UNLEASHE KRATOS ON THE SILVER SCREEN AND NOT MAKE IT A PUNK ASS rommance flick wit little to no blood or gore but yea whos wit me wit a GOD OF WAR R RATED fuck yea

    kratos-vin diesel /nathan jones

    aries-sean bean

    zeus-wasnt in the game was mentioned but not in it

    athena-my lady angelina jolie/jessica alba

    posiden-kris kristofferson(whislter)

    medusa-Helena Bonham cater(bitch from fight club)

    Hades-christian bale-was fucking creepin in american pyscho

    rest could be cgi but shouldnt look too fake somtimes it kills the movie when the hero is fighting agains a green screen oh yea no fucking comic sidekick always fuck movies up by adding a comic sidekick no fucking ben stiller or samual jackson or fucking owen wilson this movie has to be as good as the game or even better LET KRATOS SLASH THE SHIT OUT OF THE BIG SCREEN AS IT SHOULD BE (NO FUCKING TROY OR ALEXANDER SHIT)

  • 30. brad replies at 23rd October 2005, 8:06 pm :

    dude. talk about a potty mouth. your cast i shall aggre with and you are right: we have only seen a bit of vin’s power.

  • 31. MechoPower replies at 24th October 2005, 8:24 am :

    Brad, I only played the game for a weekend cause I beat it and it is no longer fun to me to play repetitively. I did love the plot and story line and graphics though. So there you go!! As for the list above…I would say Jason Stratham for Kratos…I think VIn could do it…but The Pacifier just killed my faith in him. For Athena…Monica Belluci.

  • 32. brad replies at 25th October 2005, 12:07 pm :

    oooooooooooooh i c. and iwillagree with you the pacifier was kinda….ya know wimpy. its like a childs action movie. but if you watch the chonicles of riddick then you should understand that he does have a lot of anger inside him.

  • 33. paul replies at 4th January 2006, 4:45 pm :

    if they made a god of war movie Vin Diesel would be perfect for kratos

    hes got a perfict build and the voice maches greate..all they need to do is makehim pale looking and add some red tattoos on him… overall he make a greate kratos

  • 34. kaseykayne replies at 8th January 2006, 12:59 am :