The Audio Edition Vol. 28

Posted by on 24. 06. 2005in Uncut Podcast

Hey there Folks! It’s that time of week again… time for another installment of The Audio Edition! This week we cover topics such as Love interests in action films, killing kids and dogs in movies, the Tom Crusie sprayed in face incident, Alan Cumming dropped from X-Men and a few things more. You can get your weekly Audio fix by clicking here.

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7 Responses to “The Audio Edition Vol. 28”

  1. Lilly says:

    Here’s another story about yet another chick joining the infamous (and puke worthy) M:I3 for you, John.

  2. Joseph Simmons says:

    I love Hollywood.

  3. Dom Dunc says:

    Just a quick correction, those ‘reporters’ who squirted Tom Cruise weren’t from the BBC, they were from Channel 4. I’m not being picky, just don’t want you to get into any trouble. ;)

  4. Donna A. says:

    Once again a wonderfull show.
    Donna A.

  5. Lou Sytsma says:

    Great show - any chance you could try for half a hour? Especially with a roundtable format.

    BTW your X-Men topic shows the big problem. Everyone has their own favourite character. There is no way to please everyone. The biggest hurdle is recovering from the loss of Bryan Singer and Brett Ratner is definitely not the answer.

  6. Maykel says:

    Hello ! Don’t know if you’re aware about this problem, but your Podcast doesn’t work.

    You’re on iTunes Podcasts, but when someone click on your name, there is the message ‘this URL is not a correct podcast URL’.