Superman Returns Teaser Poster

Well, it’s really more of a teaser poster… but it still gets me excited! My enthusiasm level for Superman has gone through the roof ever since Bryan Singer took over the project (even though I’m quite disappointed that it meant he wouldn’t be helming the X-Men franchise anymore).

This poster is obviously at some comic trade show of some sorts and was sent to me by Movie Blog Alumnist Rodney. I like the looks of it. Simple and straight forward. The only thing about it that I wonder if purist Superman fans will like is the silver “S” as opposed to the classic red one. Personally I don’t care. I think it looks just fine. Your thoughts?

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  • 1. Larry replies at 27th June 2005, 9:42 am :

    Not a big fan of Superman but if looks something like Batman did I might see it.

  • 2. Lou Sytsma replies at 27th June 2005, 12:22 pm :

    The original movies used a silver S too in the title sequences. Or is this to be on the costume?

  • 3. lizardfreak12 replies at 1st July 2005, 9:35 pm :

    Spider-Man being my favorite comic book/movie. Batman coming in snug close to Spider-Man as my second favorite. And all other great stories from both Marvel and D.C universes follow after that. And Superman falls way on the bottom on my list. I hated the Superman comics, I hated the cartoons. I used to love the 1st Superman movie with Christopher Reeve, until I grew up. Smallville kicked it up, but I still had a hate for the lack of heart and passion being put into the work and story. This movie is the last chance for Superman to fix any problems that make fans run away from it. We will just have to wait and see, I for one am not excited about this at all, but i’ll give it one last chance, then its going into the shredder for me.

  • 4. Batman Returns? replies at 2nd July 2005, 7:22 pm :

    It’s a nice poster, but it doesn’t get me as excited as Spiderman 3 or the next Batman movie which may have joker, honestly.

    I have very low expectations for this film other than it being incredible eye candy. But I can’t see anything other than some recycled x-men tricks from Singer’s playbook brought into the superman franchise …

    Then again, I was wrong about Batman sucking, so I could be very wrong about this.