Max Payne movie

The videogame Max Payne is a superbly visual and immersive game, as you play you just feel you’re in a modern day film noir movie, and therefore it’s just perfect for a movie adaptation. That’s exactly what 20th Century Fox have thought too, from The Hollywood Reporter through Coming Soon:

Producer Scott Faye of Collision Entertainment has teamed up with Firm Films head Julie Yorn to turn Max Payne, the action video game franchise, into a feature film for 20th Century Fox, says The Hollywood Reporter.

Max Payne is a man with nothing to lose in the violent, cold urban night. A fugitive undercover cop framed for murder, and now hunted by cops and the mob. Max is a man with his back against the wall, fighting a battle he cannot hope to win. The movie will focus on the origin of the vigilante character.

It’s a brilliant game and a fantastically crafted storyline. It really does pull the old fifties cop feel together with some modern effects, like bullet time, and violence, perfect. Yet they haven’t just relied on the violence factor, they made it real rather than completely over the top gore-fest. It’s a great fun game, and I think it has huge potential for a movie version.

What do you think? I know there are loads of fans out there of the Payne series, and I’m sure that they’ll turn to the screen version too. Will you?

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  • 1. shadopup replies at 27th June 2005, 1:47 pm :

    Apparently in the second Max Payne video game they changed the actors for Max & Mona that they used to make their 3d models because of the possibility of a movie. Maybe they were going to use the same actors? However, the developer kept the same voice actors who are completely different people.

    The thing about Max Payne is that voice. It’s so distinctive that having a movie without that voice would be a bit strange. I guess you could always have the voice actor doing his internal monologue or narrative while the actual actor on screen would speak with a different voice like the Wonder Years TV show.

    I like the games a lot. Short but incredibly fun, especially the second one. For the most part I’m not very keen on ANY video game to movie adaptation. I really don’t see the point.

  • 2. Alfredo replies at 29th June 2005, 11:19 pm :

    Wow this is a cool idea. I played the video game to no end but… I can’t think of a single videogame movie that was even kind of cool.

  • 3. ICEMAN replies at 3rd July 2005, 2:44 pm :

    Well i think the idea of this video game becomming a movie is SICK man it will be AWSOME if they do it correctly i mean there is alot of things they could Mess up but lets just hope that they stay true to the story and not throe in any BULL but what do you think, do you think that they will make it so 1 and 2 combine or do you think that if the movie is successfull that they will make a sequel. well thats my opinion and yes THE GAMES KICKED ass ON THE EDGE OF YOUR SEAT ACTION and the story was sooo deep.

  • 4. trevor replies at 7th July 2005, 6:02 am :

    i have to tell you, when i heard max payne was going to have a movie, i was stunned cus i’ve been waiting since the first game. i have to agree that max payne without his voice will not only be strang but it will make the movie useless because it makes max payne look and sound cool plus it makes him look like a victim with nothing to lose.

  • 5. jerome replies at 21st July 2005, 10:33 am :

    i think that the guy from hellrasier hellseeker doug bradley should play as maxpayne because i know that he is a good actor not only that he look like max.also i think that people would come and see this movie if it had a little more dromatic and action seens in it because people craves for that kind of stuff because i know for myself just for being a guy

  • 6. Martini replies at 26th July 2005, 2:24 am :

    I love the Max Payne games. The first was a break through in the games industry winning many awards including a BAFTA award. The first to put proper bullet time in a game. The second also was great adding enhanced interactive cinematics. So you can interact with really cool action moves e.g. occasionally an enemy will fly back dramatically after nailing him. Watching slow-mo dives is one thing but interacting with them is another. But I still have faith that a max payne movie will be visually stunning but hopefully story driven just like the games.

  • 7. DogLoop14 replies at 28th July 2005, 10:15 pm :

    Well, I really hope it is done well. I personally wouldn’t go with the whole fancy look, nothing digitally touched up, no CG effects, because that will just mess the whole thing up, majorly. I would make it look as real as possible. DO NOT USE BULLET-TIME IN THE MOVIE! That would just be stupid! Things are useually always better in games, comic books, or books than in movies. I am warning the director, writer and producer of the film to NOT USE BULLET-TIME! I also wouldn’t over do Max’s voice, because in a movie, it’ll look to dramatic, and over done, which in turn would make it look stupid. I have a bad feeling about this one… I think it could be better, even though I haven’t even seen ANYTHING from the film yet, I already have that feeling. But, we shall see. If it fails, then my version will hopefuly go into production as a “re-make” I suppose.

  • 8. Gabe Talamantes replies at 10th August 2005, 12:14 pm :

    I have played Max Payne so many times. The story is …. beyond words, and the action of the game is an added bonus. I fear that the movie will not live up to the game. Without the original models and voice talents, I think it will negatively affect the whole movie. The dialogue IS the story. All the metaphors and the nihilistic mood make the story great. You almost feel like Max, because you know all of his thoughts. But in a film, the narration could easily be ruined.

    Well, I am certaintly looking forward to the movie, and hope it lives up to its potential.

  • 9. Gajan Sivarajah replies at 20th August 2005, 3:12 pm :

    This could be good, chances are though it will be a cock up. The point made about voices is true max’s voice is distinctive and could be overdone in the movie, also a good actor who looks like max and sounds like max will be hard to find. There’s no chance someone like Bruce Willis would step into the role, its not that big a picture. Possibly Tom Jane from the Punisher, he has the look and voice, and isnt too famous. That said rumours are going around linking christian bale of batman fame to the role. Fingers crossed……

  • 10. Midnight Rider replies at 2nd September 2005, 10:42 pm :

    I’ve heard that Johnny Knoxville was going to be playing Max Payne, but my personal opinion is if you’ve ever see Sin City, then Clive Owen is definitley the man for the job.

  • 11. Sam Lake replies at 24th September 2005, 3:52 pm :

    I would just give advice to the director to sit down and play the game thousand times,and then there would be less chance to screw up the movie and another thing Max Payne without Sam Lake (STYLE) is just another action movie full of explosions and tons of bullets…we want Sam Lake

  • 12. blah replies at 19th October 2005, 6:36 pm :

    I love all the Max payne Games. They are all so cool. I love the story line. ANd one of my favorite parts is the bullet time. The weapons are better in Max payne 2 for instance the Mp5 is a new weapon and is fun to play with.But the weird thing is that in the second one a lot of things changed. In the first payne, Max seams a bit more violent. In the second one it seems that he is more interested in having sex with mona. {just my opinion}. But also the Graphics are better in the second one. In the first one, when you shot a man or beet him with a club or bat, Blood went everywhere. In the second one however the ragdol physics are much better though there is not as much blood. The second installment in the franchise was m for more reasons. Like in the first one there was basically no cursinf. LOl which was pretty boring. In the seccond installment there is a lot of cursing. Coool!!! and in the second one there is sex in one of the comic strips. Lol that strip in the comic made me laugh. WHat im trying to say is that the plot in the first one was much better tough the killing in the second one was better. I liked them both the same. But what pisses me off so much about the sequel is that if u die, and u didnt save, u have to start from the beggining of the game. IN the First one, It automaticlly saves in the beggining of the chapter. Which isnt the best because u cant pick a spot to save. Im talking about the ps2 versoins. And in the second one MAx moves his mouth. HE doesnt in the first one. OH ya also the gun noises in the second one are much much much better. I love rockstar. Exept u screwed up with midnight club and that idiot who made the hot cofee thing on san andreas for the PC