Bruce Campbell, successful author

Posted by on 27. 06. 2005in Reviews

BruceCampbell-Chins.jpgBruce Campbell isn’t just a pretty fa…an actor famous for the Evil Dead series you know, there’s a lot more to his career, and with that a lot of stories to tell. So he’s turned to the written word to get them across, probably because no one will ever make the movie The Bruce Campbell Story.

I read his first book, If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor, and I have to say it is one of the more enjoyable reads I’ve had. A few excerpts from my review of the book:

…When it really begins to get interesting for me is is the start of the Evil Dead story, and you being to hear of the long and often physically painful process of making a movie. It’s interesting to learn the cheap tricks used, and the extraordinary lengths they went to merely to raise the money for the production.

When the book moves into the days and movies after Evil Dead it really does become the story of a struggling actor. Finding out some of the inside stories of Hercules, Xena and other such productions and the lengthy traveling and tireless marketing involved by an actor is a surprise. Hardly the dream life you would expect…

…There’s a particularly excellent chapter where Campbell gets serious about his profession. He talks more from behind the scenes, preparation and what is expected from an actor and what they should give to a movie. He also does a good job of showing what a Director should expect and ask of them.

It’s an excellent read, not only of his life and that of any struggling actor, but also of the difficulties in Hollywood and how an actor should behave. It left me wanting more, and something more meaty too. Unfortunately I’ll have to drop the meaty and settle for the more as Campbell has now released a second book called Make Love! the Bruce Campbell Way. From The Statesman Journal:

It’s about a B movie star named Bruce Campbell who is quite content living in his southern Oregon home somewhere in the vicinity of Jacksonville. Then his agent — whom he hasn’t heard from in too long — calls to let him know he’s up for a part in an A film. Another one-scene wonder, Campbell thinks.

But this time it is a real part, a significant part. The film, called “Let’s Make Love!”, is to be directed by the legendary Mike Nichols and star the biggest names ever, including Richard Gere, Rene Zellweger and Christopher Plummer…

…”Make Love!” is a marvel of invention, humor and outrageous action. It goes too far, and the reader will love every word of it. With this book, Campbell proves himself both an accomplished writer and a master of self-depredation.

Much like the first book the humour is everywhere, even in the picture captions and the pictures themselves, read everything, he certainly believes in value for money! Campbell is a surprising talent, and it’s a real shame we don’t see more of him upfront in the A list, although if he was would we get to see his lighter side and such enjoyable work? I’m not so sure.

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7 Responses to “Bruce Campbell, successful author”

  1. PlutoNick says:

    Bruce Campbell is one of my favourite actors. I have seen evil dead 2 and army of darkness so many times, I have lost count. I can’t really understand why he is not getting any big roles. I feel sad, because this is an injustice. Am I blinded by my love for evil dead films, that I automatically believe Bruce is an excellent actor, or Hollywood works in strange ways?

  2. lizardfreak12 says:

    Bruce Campbell is a great actor, we even get to see him as various characters in the Spider-Man films. I am going to buy his book and won’t put it down until the last page. He has many stories to tell that him and Sam Raimi have talked about on commentaries and interviews. Aww man, I want it right now, but I gots no money. I am getting it a.s.a.p though. Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness are great. Spider-Man and Spider-Man are great. Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell are great!

  3. chengautomatic says:

    I read this book just last week and I could not put it down either! It is a really down to earth read about a really down to earth person. Its also very interesting to read about how Sam Raimi: spiderman god came to be. He directed some pretty bad movies before he hit it big with the six-movie spidey deal.

    Book: A-

  4. trysop says:

    I can’t wait to read it! My wife and I met Mr. Campbell (we even got our ‘If Chins Could Kill…” book signed) and he’s just as great in person as he sounds. He even mentioned this new book - I’m gonna have to pick it up!

  5. lizardfreak12 says:

    I was watching G4 last night and their was an awsome interview with Bruce Campbell. He confirmed that he would be in Spider-Man 3, it’s just comforting to have that new. Whats a Spider-Man movie without a Bruce Campbell cameo? They also discussed his book a little, which I still have to buy. Campbell said he was going to annoy Spider-Man in this one, lol. Its going to be great to see just what goes on with that. In the first one he gave Spider-Man his name. The second movie he defeated Spider-Man as that snobbish usher (love that part), and soon we will see him again.

  6. Somethingshiny says:

    Hi all. Fans may be interested in knowing that Bruce Campbell (“Evil Dead”, “Army of Darkness”, “Xena: Warrior Princess”, “Jack of All Trades”, “The Adventures of Brisco County Jr”) will be doing a tour promoting his second book, “Make Love The Bruce Campbell Way”. He will be hitting Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, and Portland September 27-30, 2005, signing copies of the audio version of the book, narrated by himself as well as a host of other actors! More information about the book and his appearances may be found on his site, Thanks!

  7. crackerjack says:

    I remembered hearing about his first book but forgot about it until I just read this blog. I instantly went to Amazon and bought it, I hope to read it soon and return to say what I thought. I have enjoyed Bruce’s acting and demeanor since I first saw him. I wish one of his tv series had lasted. I think a great show would star him and Patrick Warburton from Seinfield. I would watch those two sit and drink coffee together, just to hear their bizarre conversations and distinctive voices together.