Avi Arad talks of more Superhero movies

MarvelTeam.jpgAvi Arad is talking superhero movies again, and more new ones too. Through Comic Book Movie he gives us the details of…

Magneto, Captain America, Ant-Man, Dr Strange, Black Panther, Captain America, Silver Surfer, Iron Man, Punisher 2, Shang Chi, Luke Cage, Namor, Thor, Luke Cage, Nick Fury, Deathlok, Hulk 2, Daredevil 2 and Elektra 2!.

It’s worth checking this one out.

Magneto spin-off: “I will always want Ian McKellen,”…”Ian is an ambassador for this, and he needs to be there.”

Ant-Man, Dr. Strange, and Black Panther: “The Ant-Man is also in there, a ‘Honey I Shrunk the Superhero’ kind of story,” Arad says. Dr. Strange is also in the works, as well as a movie version of Black Panther, “which is a big, big, big deal. When you say ‘10,’ some of them may be sequels.”

Captain America: “I have a writer,” he says. “And I have someone in mind to be the star, and I definitely have someone in mind to be the director. This script is going to take a little bit of time, because it has to be a masterpiece. It’s ‘Back to the Future’ kind of stuff.”

Silver Surfer: “There is a director who should make ‘Silver Surfer’ √¢‚Ǩ‚Äù he is mentally committed to it. He’s doing another movie now. What’s most important to me about this guy, first, is that he’s incredible with visuals. But he’s also a spiritual guy, a Zen Buddhist.” Arad also confirms that the enormous planet devourer Galactus will be in the movie, but chances are he’ll be all-CGI. “Galactus is a force of nature, not a being. That’s all I’m saying.”

Iron Man: “It’s been a war with [co-producers] New Line Cinema. I had a four-hour meeting with [’The Notebook’ director] Nick Cassavetes in my house. If everything is cool, in the next few weeks there’ll be an announcement about Nick writing it. Nick has a unique emotional attachment to Iron Man’s alter ego, Tony Stark. Think about John [Cassavetes] and Nick, father and son √¢‚Ǩ‚Äù the father was a great visionary director, and here’s the son, an actor and a writer and turned out to be a very gifted artist himself.”

Punisher 2, Shang Chi, and Luke Cage: The Punisher; Arad confirms that Jigsaw will be the villain and that, with the first movie, “blood and intestines should have been blown out on the wall, because that’s the Punisher.” He added that the sequel will be among a handful of Marvel films with an R rating.

” ‘Punisher,’ of course. Maybe ‘Cloak and Dagger.’ I think ‘Shang Chi’ we can do PG-13, and ‘Iron Fist’ maybe an R. ‘Luke Cage,’ I don’t know. Big studio movie. We’ll try and do PG-13.”

Namor, Thor, Luke Cage, Nick Fury, and Deathlok: Arad then speaks like a proud papa of films about Cage (John Singleton’s directing; Jamie Foxx had been considered for Diamondback, who will definitely be the villain); …Thor (”We are feverishly working on Thor. It’s a vast ‘Lord of the Rings’ sort of universe”); Deathlok (”There is an actor, a very big star, that we want to do it, and we’ll talk to him within a month”); and Namor. Comparing the last film to “Jurassic Park,” Arad says, “a lot of design work has been done on it. The script is gigantic.”

Hulk 2: Arad says, insisting that “I had a meeting with Universal [a few] weeks ago. We are going to make a Diet Hulk.” He says the sequel will arrive in theaters “no later than 2007.”

Daredevil 2 and Elektra 2: “I would make it in a second, as soon as could I get the rights back. We licensed it. If they’ll give us the rights back, we’ll make the movie.”

I’m dead excited about Silver Surfer personally, I’d love to see a much better Daredevil 2, Deathlok and Iron Man are also ones that grab my interest. What about you? Personal favourites? Disagree with any of his musings? I actually think he’s making a lot of sense and talking very true to the characters roots.


  • 1. chengautomatic replies at 21st June 2005, 2:27 pm :

    How far are they going to take this superhero genre? Are people going to be interested? Instead of spending so much money making a million possibly mediocre films, they should focus all their efforts on a GREAT MOVIE ADAPTATION OF THE WATCHMEN!

  • 2. ShoeStringBudget replies at 21st June 2005, 8:19 pm :

    It seems Avi’s in a race to get his name on as many movie credits as possible because the quality of the more recent Marvel movies has been sorely lacking. He’ll whore the Marvel characters to just about anyone.

  • 3. lizardfreak12 replies at 23rd June 2005, 2:20 am :

    Well, its the era of the movie genre. I mean the best stories have been kept in comic books, and people have waited decades to see their favorite characters along with their stories made into movies. And it won’t stop until every comic book has had a good movie to go with it. An example would be The Mask, a comic book movie, and would be better if the movie was made darker but, ya know, its better than the crap we saw in Son of the Mask right? This genre will grow and become more and more popular as time goes on, I say about 30-40+ years when these films become classic and the genre hits its, not new anymore phase. Many things will keep new genres in and old ones classics, and movies will always be made becuase of Nature, History, and a genre becoming as popular as Comic Book Movies is….you guessed it….Video Games!!!!

  • 4. Richard Brunton replies at 23rd June 2005, 7:02 am :

    Yeah, but Silver Surfer…come on guys, does it matter how much is in the pipeline as long as the great ones really do transfer well?

  • 5. lizardfreak12 replies at 23rd June 2005, 2:34 pm :


  • 6. John Swan replies at 23rd June 2005, 3:06 pm :

    Avi should give Elektra a nemesis who becomes an ally a black girl with a sai

  • 7. Shaggy replies at 9th July 2005, 5:42 am :

    They should push Thor on earth to the back of the movie and make it a “Tales of Asgard” style movie. That would be great, and play off the Lord of the Rings genre for it. Asgard could be a fantastic background for a movie, and Hogun the Grim, Fandral the Dashing, and Volstagg the Enormous are great backup characters. Make it a Loki vs the Aesir thing plot and it would be great. But Thor in NYC fighting a lame comic book villian like The Cobra or MR. Hyde would be rather pathetic.

  • 8. Sammy replies at 21st July 2005, 9:47 pm :

    Cage as PG-13 is a disappointment, I was thinking it could be a pretty good dark, R-rated movie. Some of these have the potential to be really cool - Dr. Strange, Silver Surfer and Black Panther all have definite potential. But Ant-man, WTF? The focus should be quality not quantity, hopefully we don’t get a slew of Elektra or Fantastic 4 calibre flicks.

  • 9. MechoPower replies at 28th September 2005, 10:27 am :

    What exactly is a Diet Hulk?? The first one was half ways decent even though it took half a lifetime to get to the point of the movie!!! As for a Punisher, Daredevil, and Electra 2s…dear Lord, please tell me it isnt true…those were the dumbest movies with the sorriest acting I have ever seen in my life. Well, the Punisher’s main dude was good (I forgot his name) but his supporting actors sucked all kinds of balls. Maybe these movies would be good if they portrayed the characters as the comics portrayed them instead of watering the character down to appeal to younger audiences. If they remade Spawn, The Hulk, The Punisher, ect…to be portrayed as the violent crazy characters that they are…then the genre will be good and the movie sales will soar.