You’re Just Jealous

John_Angry.jpgYou know what I hate? No… I mean really really HATE! This is a movie fan site. We talk about movies here. I talk about what I like… and what I don’t like. And the best part is that we all have different opinions and get to shares those opinions with each other…. BUT this is what drives me nuts:

If I say I like a certain actor or movie, and you disagree with me, then tell me you disagree and why you think differently. That’s cool. Here’s what’s not cool… if I say I don’t like Paris Hilton, and then some intellectual ice cube says “you’re just jealous of her”.

ARRGGGHHH!!! That is one of the stupidest, idiotic and lame ass things you can say! How does that make any sense? That’s like saying that Paris Hilton (or whoever) is such a great actress that the only possible explanation for the fact that I don’t like her is that I must just be jealous of her?!?!?!

So I’m not jealous of Julia Roberts, Tom Cruise, Liam Neeson, Scarlet Johansson, Edward Norton or any other actor I like… but I’m jealous of Paris Hilton?

I swear, every time I put up a post about a particular actor that I don’t think is good (or should be acting at all) at least one genius puts up the obligatory “you’re just jealous” comment.

Look, if I say it’s a total joke that 50 Cent is going to be in a movie and explain my reasons why I think that…. You can disagree with me. But if you disagree, tell me why you think it’s a good idea. Tell me why you think I’m incorrect and he’ll do well. That’s cool. That’s what this site is all about. Don’t do what some morons have done and just say “U just jealous cause he makin Mo Monay than U”.

Grrrr.. that drives me nuts. Almost as nuts as when I say I don’t like a certain film and someone who did like it says “well you just didn’t get it”. But that’s a rant for another day.

Doesn’t that bother anyone else??? Or am I just being grumpy today?

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26 thoughts on “You’re Just Jealous

  1. “Ooo is fek-an oz-trya-in?” ok, i can’t write that kind of language if I tried.

    But yes, fingers crossed it improves the converstational skills and general levels of intelligence of the community.

  2. I do hate being called English…much as Pablo hates being called Australian, or South African, or whatever he is! ;)

    Good comments Pab’s, we, as the higher levels of intelligence, are teaching these lower levels how to engage in meaningful discussion.

    I do like that. I’d rather have that on my tombstone than…

    “culdnt f*n spell” or “ur gay if you reed this”

  3. Rich, out of all those slurs people have cast upon you, I bet you still get more upset when people call you English! hehehehe. I to do find these sort of comments stupid and annoying. However, the ever end of the scale is when people are obviously intellectual and a) Pick holes in peoples spelling and grammer (its an internet Movie blog, not a piece of history coursework!! b) Rubbish peoples opinions on things they like because they do not deem them films / actors worthy. c) Poke fun at people who have tastes different to theirs. This is as regular occurance as the idiotic “you’re jealous” comment and to me equally annoying!

  4. Rich, out of all those slurs people have cast upon you, I bet you still get more upset when people call you English! hehehehe. I to do find these sort of comments stupid and annoying. However, the ever end of the scale is when people are obviously intellectual and a) Pick holes in peoples spelling and grammer (its an internet Movie blog, not a piece of history coursework!! b) Rubbish peoples opinions on things they like because they do not deem them films / actors worthy. c) Poke fun at people who don’t have tastes different to theirs. This is as regular occurance as the idiotic “you’re jealous” comment and to me equally annoying!

  5. I’d have to admit that while i think the uneducated individuals who can clearly use swear words, cliches and unbelievable stupidity to argue about anything BUT the actual subject of the post is everything and ridiculous, I can only hope that the more they participate in real discussions the more chance they will have on improving their own intelligence and understanding.

    In short: We are teaching them how to responsibly discuss the more interesting aspects and to build their OWN(shock horror) ideas.

  6. Meli says, “On another note…out of all the forums or chatrooms I’ve participated in this blog has a good majority of respectful people with thought out opinions”.

    I have to agree with you there. I visit other blogs before I settled in and decided to make TMB my home. I regularly visit Screen Rant’s cause I get on well with Vic pretty much. I like it here when some people do stand up for you like what Rich has already mentioned. Gives you a strong sense of community here which adds to the fun of sharing our opinions.

  7. “If I say I like a certain actor or movie, and you disagree with me, then tell me you disagree and why you think differently. That’s cool. Here’s what’s not cool√¢‚Ǩ¬¶ if I say I don’t like Paris Hilton, and then some intellectual ice cube says “you’re just jealous of her”.”

    Fascinating to see, that this behavior is borderless..!

  8. Concerned,

    You know what? That’s the nice thing about running your own website… you can write whatever the f**k you want. And no one is forcing you to read every post.

    Now go be good lad and go start your own site, eh?


  9. John, I know it’s completely frustrating when someone makes a comment like that. I get completely irritated when someone tells me my opinion is wrong, but doesn’t tell me why they think so. It’s much easier for their feeble brains to say “Because I’m right and your not.”
    They have no concept of agreeing to disagree.

    I’m a highly opinionated person, but at least I give a reason for the opinion I feel I must stand up for.

    On another note…out of all the forums or chatrooms I’ve participated in this blog as a good majority of respectful people with thought out opinions.

  10. Previously on the Movie Blog:

    ‘Please just shut the fuck up and write about movies. No one comes to this site to hear your whining.’

    I found this quite funny.

  11. Let’s not forget all those “haters”. If you don’t like the actor or the movie your either a hater or a troll.
    Donna A.

  12. Please just shut the fuck up and write about movies. No one comes to this site to hear your whining.

  13. It’s the same with comments like “he’s gay” or “you’re crap”, “that film’s sh**”, etc. and nothing more.

    So far, since I joined the site, various people seem to have decided I’m a gay virgin, no money, no job, nothing to do in my life, no parents and a racist. All this without knowing me.

    I’m just putting up with them because the majority actually discuss and debate well, and that is the saving grace. Plus other people have stepped in and debated on my behalf on posts, and that’s always a heartwarming step in the opposite direction.

  14. John, they just couldnt come up with a really noteworthy argument so they will come up with just anything, so just ignore those, theyre so not worth your time at all mate. :-)

  15. um THANK YOU JOHN! Because i didnt like hilary swanks oscar dress i was told that “i was just jealous”, it drives me bonkers! its such an unintelligent accusation especially on a movie blog. i’m honest is as honest does. when i like a chick i say it (angelina jolie rock my world) paris hilton and jlo on the other hand can disappear off the face of the earth. its not that i’m jealous its just that i have good taste.

  16. That’s happened to me FAR too much, on IMDB (I shouldn’t of expected it any other way) I posted that I personally (and I put ‘personally’) think Ashton Kutcher has NO talent and poof!

    You’re jealous of him…
    I wouldn’t necessarily want to have no talent, have an I.Q. of 20, and a scripted show where I jump out of bushes and yell ‘punk’d!’
    All that’s left is Demi Moore.
    Demi Moore was smoking in the 90s, now she looks like she’s anorexic, I don’t dig that.

    And I’ll admit there are some movies I don’t get, I didn’t really get Sin City, however I did ‘get’ House of Wax, and I also ‘get’ that six dollars and fifty cents of my hard earned money was wasted.
    I’m going to see if I can register a domain name throw a few random movie reviews in it and say “I’m in the press; let me see my movies for free.”

  17. Whoa someone implied that you were jealous of fitty cents?


  18. i know what you mean. theres loads of poor thinking on display online. perhaps 99% of it. not just about films, but everywhere. the most computer literate generations are the youngest ones, and more likely to resort to the kind of comment or discussion you mention. there are older generations with a large amount of computer literacy, and the capability of developing and utilising reasoning (and finding articulate ways to utilise them) but you dont have to spend much time in forums or visiting sites to disillusioned with the internet at its most obvious. to get more out of everything requires much more work than were lead to believe, more time than we have, and more inclination than most will be left with are little time spent online.

    i am sure people can think of other examples of lack of thought, i would just rather not hear them. i get them often enough…

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