Underworld 2 Pictures

Underworld_Viktor.jpgI watched Underworld again the other night on DVD. I wasn’t really thrilled with the movie the first time I saw it (you can see my old review here), but I seem to like it more and more each time I watch it. Strange how some movies can do that to you.

Anyway, even when I didn’t think Underworld was all that great, I was still quite interested in seeing what they could do with a sequel. Well Underworld: Evolution isn’t all that far away, and new production shots have been hitting the web almost weekly.

This picture, which you can see a much larger version of here, is a little strange. It shows Viktor (so obviously it’s a flashback) and a couple of Vampire warriors who have obviously been going through the Lord of the Rings costume trailer and stealing the Elves battle armour (no seriously… take a look at the larger photo!)

Still… you can put this one down as one I’m really excited about. They mythology alone in the first one makes this one worth anticipating.

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  • 1. Alfredo replies at 9th May 2005, 8:31 am :

    Ok John for real now… Why do you keep pushing this stupid movie like it’s something people care about. I understand you posting about it because it’s news but telling people that it gets better everytime you watch it. Come on! that’s like saying, “This poo sandwhich gets beter everytime I take a bite”.

  • 2. John Campea replies at 9th May 2005, 9:04 am :

    Hey there Alfredo.

    My standard saying is this: “The most beautiful thing about film is the pure subjectivity of it”

    I can understand you not likeing Underworld… I didn’t care too much for it the first time I saw it… but you’ll have to learn that just because YOU or I don’t like it… doesn’t mean there aren’t a LOT of other people who do.

    Underworld took in over $100 million, and I guarantee the sequel will make more… so I think it’s a little silly to say something like:

    Why do you keep pushing this stupid movie like it’s something people care about.

    When clearly many people do care about it.


  • 3. Triflic replies at 9th May 2005, 11:59 am :

    Not looking to antagonize anyone or anything, but I strongly disliked Underworld. It is exposition hiding out as a movie…And a waste of an extremely interesting genre-idea…Romeo & Juliette with Werewolves…Shame on them for going with an extremely unpolished script and getting only awful acting from the leads (Bill Nighy excepted…the man is a god..)

  • 4. Triflic replies at 9th May 2005, 11:59 am :

    Not looking to antagonize anyone or anything, but I strongly disliked Underworld. It is exposition hiding out as a movie…And a waste of an extremely interesting genre-idea…Romeo & Juliette with Werewolves & Vampires…Shame on them for going with an extremely unpolished script and getting only awful acting from the leads (Bill Nighy excepted…the man is a god..)

  • 5. Simone replies at 9th May 2005, 12:32 pm :

    I actually quite liked it, but have yet to see it again since I saw it on the cinema.

  • 6. Alfredo replies at 9th May 2005, 11:14 pm :

    All I have to say is… http://ter.air0day.com/?script=underworld

  • 7. Meli replies at 10th May 2005, 4:21 pm :

    I saw Underworld with low expectations and was still disappointed! The story had potential beneath the surface, but no one bothered to say - “hey, how about another re-write?”

    Granted the 2nd time I watched it I knew what I was watching and enjoyed it a bit more.

    My overall opinion is the whole movie plays out like a bad RPG on the internet.

  • 8. Carrie replies at 11th May 2005, 12:34 am :

    I loved the movie. Come on it was not bad, could have been better, but it was not bad.I am glad they are making a part 2. I am interested in where the story is going to go. Maybe with a higher budget who knows what will happen.

  • 9. movie-brat replies at 7th September 2005, 1:14 pm :

    I really enjoyed the first movie, and i agree that this movie gets better and better everytime you see it, i enjoyed this movie because it doesnt try and make these vampires and werewolves extremely demonic or supernatureally gifted , and the story line was really good, it could have been portrayed a little better on screen but hopefully they will get it right the second time around

  • 10. crackerjack replies at 7th September 2005, 1:25 pm :

    I am with John on this one. I enjoyed the movie quite a bit. I didn’t go into it expecting a story as strong as Usual Suspects and knew the action was on the heels of the Matrix so I had an idea of what to expect. Kate Beckinsale is one of the most beautiful actresses and is fun to watch. She genuinly seems to enjoy making movies. Scott Speedman is like a male version of Tara Reed. Not much of an actor so far but I guess the ladies might like to look at him. I am realy looking forward to the sequel and I hope they begin on the third soon after. I think the film has a great style to it. Sure most of the acting could use some work and the story is silly but regardless its a fun movie and I am sure the sequel will be also. Just keep Kate in tight pleather please.

  • 11. klineox replies at 16th September 2005, 2:24 pm :

    I thought first movie was alright…at the first time I saw it, the second time I watched the movie it got better.The actors could have done a little better but no one gets anything right the first time so they’ll most likely

    do better in the sequel.

    Note to Alfredo: Could you do any better? If not than don’t criticize others who at least tried to make a good movie or someone else’s opinion of that movie.