The Movie Blog: Audio Edition Vol. 23

Posted by on 04. 05. 2005in Uncut Podcast

Good times. On this installment of The Audio Edition, we discuss the upcoming Kingdom of Heaven, the state of Orlando Bloom’s career, our take on The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg and the state of the Indiana Jones series and why I’m a lucky lucky lucky boy. You can download all the fun here.

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3 Responses to “The Movie Blog: Audio Edition Vol. 23”

  1. fgvfaf says:

    I am very envious of you right now John.

  2. Richard Brunton says:


    Guest pass?! Take me! How long is the flight? I’m heading to the airport.

    “Hold the phone Highlander”…I like that…

    Fairplay John, lucky man, go see it and don’t spoil the ending…Lucas emailed me the other night and told me the twist.

  3. Goon says:

    I just watched the BBC series….

    …and now the movie seems SOOOOOOO much better..

    all the ‘purists’ and snobby British people I’ve seen claiming the movie is an insult to the series and that the BBC show is better…

    ARE ON CRACK… its painful, its slow, it tries to be literal in geting as many lines from the book as possible even when they are entirely unncessary… the production values are below Flesh Gordon, and the movie alone is better just for getting these done well.

    the BBC series takes over 2 hours to do the first book, and yet it seems the movie covered the first book better and to better justice, and this is even considering the changes to the characters, the order, the ending, and all the lines that were cut or things not explained.

    I would NOT recommend the BBC series to ANYONE.