Revenge of the Sith - How did you find it?

RevengeoftheSith_Poster.jpgWell we’ve reviewed Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith…

…John’s review…

…I really enjoyed watching Revenge of the Sith. And yes, it is quite a good film. However, the scenes with Padmé alone are enough to give you flashbacks of the worst parts of the first 2 sequels, and thus lower your overall enjoyment ofthe movie.

Still… it is a strong film with a strong story, great effects and much improved dialog (with the exception of anything with Padmé in it). Star Wars fans should be quite happy… and non-Star Wars fans will enjoy as well.

…Richard’s review…

Well, after those twenty eight years it has a lot to live up to. It has to complete the circle and bring the audience who grew up with the originals right back to that point, it also had to cater for those new generations that Lucas had pulled in with his kiddies Episode I and teens Episode II. Most importantly though, he had to get the adults back. For me, he’s done it.

…Yes, there are faults, and there are some key scenes that are destroyed but there are some amazingly strong ones.

…and we’ve both seen it twice by now. I’m almost inclined to lower my score second time around, but I shan’t. However, after reading our reviews and seeing it for yourself, what did you think?

There’s also one burning question I really have to ask. When the titles appeared and the back story scrolled up through space, could you wait until each line of text was in the middle of the screen to read, or were your eyes tearing left and right to try and read them as they appeared in huge font at the bottom?

Don’t forget to go back to the reviews we’ve done and discuss the points we raised as well, but here leave your thoughts of the movie. You have to go back to the reviews anyway, I’ve taken a photograph especially!

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92 thoughts on “Revenge of the Sith - How did you find it?

  1. awesome stuff right there :T i approve. i love ewan mcgregor . he was really emptional in this movie. my favorite part was the battle of anakin and obi wan at the end

    obi wan:you were the chosen one and that stuff

    anikan:i hate you!

    obi wan: you were my brother anakin, i loved u

    good stuff good stuff

    well my work here is done.

    may the force be with all the people who love this ,movie i say 10/10 and i saw it twice, cant wait till nov.1st. go ewan :I

  2. Purple Lightsaber

    Anyone notice when they show Kenobi looking at the hologram of Vader killing the younglings…the first youngling he kills has a purple lightsaber?

  3. i throught the revenge of the sith is a brill film and i can’t wait until it comes out on dvd me and my m8ts haveseen it about 4 times and i can’t get it out of my head hayden look so good in it but the thing what i didn’t like was when Anakin [hayden] turn evil this is gonna sound so sad but i crywhen i see the ending bit because he turns to the dark side and all the jedi die any way the film was good i wish they could make another one and hayden thank you for everything. making me beleive i can do drama for my gcse[i haven’t seen him yet it just he really makes me like drama more] and i believe in myself that i can do good it in thank you. film brill always stay in acting a never quit the job u love

    luv lauren xx

  4. I had to see Episode III:Revenge of the Sith twice in order to make
    sure my eyes were not deceiving me. And, they did not. It was a
    disappointment. It was like watching the old Battlestar Galactica
    television series. The emphasis on the droids was a bit much.
    Anakin’s reasoning for joining the Dark side were outright lame. Padme dying and all that mush. Even if we go with, that the acting was bad.

    George Lucas is now a bonafide hack. His writing and directing ability are at the level of an amateur. He killed the Star Wars name with the stroke of his poor writing and even worse directing. He has re-lived American Graffiti 2 in Episode 1-3. Revenge of the Sith fails in one major way, What are the sith getting revenge for? Where is the explanation? We also never get a backstory to the Sith. Worse still, we never get any insight into how the sith train. Do they have a meeting hall? a secret handshake? Any elders? What gives with the Sith? They are so elusive that not even George Lucas knows much about them. We may get an explanation in the Star Wars insider mag or in some interview, but Damn it George we want to see it. Movies are a visual medium, don’t make the audience infer as to what the hell is going on. The character of Senator Palpatine is a good character, but he is weak. It took him roughly 13 years to convert Anakin and take control of the republic. Not a very good tactician is he? Patience is one thing, but 13 years, that reeks of true mental pathology. Gordon Gecko would have moved faster that old Palpatine. Palpatine would fare poorly as a Mormon or Christian missionary where “we want converts now dammit not thirteen years from now” is the motto.
    Another aspect of Episode III that renders it poor is all the CGI. Lucas’ CGI is quite bad especially when digital is the format used in filming. “Sky Captain” was far better than what Lucas served us.

    Overall, all Lucas did was give you snippets of cool stuff and never delved deeper. But, he made you think that you were watching something amazing when in actuality you were watching undeveloped ideas and a lack of story continuity. Truly sad.

  5. Just came back from watching it, for the SITH time. Oh, I mean the SIXTH time.

    It gets better each time. ;-)

  6. After a long wait (because the free tickets that I got wouldn’t allow me to see it until 2 weeks after the fact), I walked into the theatre and sat down with anticipation!!
    Here’s what I liked:

    Basically, I have been craving the wrap up of the Siths and Darth Vader in particular, but as many of you have proclaimed — this episode could have gone longer. Hollywood would have hated it, but for George Lucas’s prime fans it would have been well worth it.

    Padme — Generally speaking, Natalie Portman is a dull, static actress. Yes, she’s cute, but that’s about it for me. Her part in the first 2 was a little more exciting with her bi-color lipsticks. But at least we got to see her dress down a little, and become more of a woman than a Senator. And only one line was great “Anakin you’re breaking my heart”. Oh yes, the rest of her dialogue sucked. But what can ya do… her part is minimal compared to Vader’s.

    Obi Wan — Excellent fight scenes and gosh darnit if I couldn’t jump on that dragon/iguana he was riding around with that annoying BUT cool whoop.

    Darth Vader- I read above that someone was saying that his shoulders were too small. If we recall correctly, it was the same in ANH. It wasn’t until ESB when he got broader shoulders, which fits the logical sequencing of his costumes thru-out the rest of the movies. And I was not expecting to see fight scenes with him, nor would I have wanted to see them in this one because it’s all about the transition. We see him fight in ESB and esp. in ROTJ. And yes, his kitten roar NOOOO near the end was cheesy, but what can you expect from a man who’s breathing thru a rather claustrophobic mask attached to oxygen??

    R2D2 — Now, I was surprised that they gave this cute droid more of a personality. The part where he electrocutes that one droid was hilarious. I’ve always wondered how and why R2D2 could manipulate C3PO so well… he’s a smart ass for the droid he is. And I LOVE it.

    Anakin — His dialogue was so much better, and rightly so considering the movie is about HIM. And oh so sexy he seemed with them yellow eyes of his in that one close-up shot he got leaving the Jedi towers — very reminiscent of the equally sexy Darth Maul. (So I have a thing for evil people…sue me. No I AM not evil… )

    Other things that made me happy:
    I was glad to see Jar Jar still making a presence (do not yell at me for saying this). I’m equally glad he spoke very little, but he WAS a part of Padme’s entourage. You can’t just take him out because people get all pissy about his voice or dialect he spoke or some shit. Grow up… it’s Star Wars. He fought with her. That’s like leaving the annoying private back at the front lines cuz he twitched funny. PLUS!! There are SUPPOSED to be annoying aliens; it’s apparantly “the norm” considering they fly to hundreds of galaxies. There’s gonna be one of them. Just like here on earth — ya know??

    Unfortunately, those stupid droids made a come back (the type of droid that got shocked by R2D2). Personally, I was hoping more for the Emperial troops to make more of a headway. And for Jedi — who are supposed to “sense” danger, I would have expected them to have been a wee bit more prepared when stepping into that elevator. Instead of just turning around and “whoops” *imitating lite saber noises*

    And a little pet peeve of mine… when Obi Wan and Anakin are in that big ship that gets ripped in half. Yea, even in the world of Star Wars if the ship has no wings IT’S GONNA GO DOWN MUCH FASTER and HELL NO!! if you think I’m gonna believe that soft landing of theirs *puts up the hand* They AINT Yoda you know…

    Over all — excellent film, and I loved it. For all you fans out there who might appreciate a little humor, visit the website and play the flash movie/commercial. If you have an open mind, you will laugh and absolutely love it. Tell me your thoughts about it, cuz I’d love to know what you think.

  7. The old movies rule! These new ones are no good. Any one who compares the old to the new needs a life!


  8. I was impressed how Lucas was able to cast two robots ( Hayden and Portman)for Star Wars. Also what talent to spend over two decades of work on the ending to your story and end up with such awful films. Maybe all of the Marijuana that Lucas smoked in the 70’s made him a better movie maker. Two thousand thumbs down. Time to abandon the saga general hideous!

  9. Gag me! What happened to the evil seduction Anakin was supposed to undergo? R2D2 and General Grevious had more screen time than Ewan or Hayden did. I was dissapointed with how soon Anakin turned evil, he cries on tear and then saves Palpatine. His lack of emotion and poor acting was awful. By the way, why did General Grevious just have a uterus for organs?

  10. The new triology was a pathetic sham. These movies were all based on computer graphics and not plot or acting for that matter. Lucas Arts was interesting in trying to break ground with special effects again, instead of focusing on the story. I think that a junior level acting student could have done a better job than Hayden and Portman. Also why don’t people realize that several of the lines from all of the main characters were lines from the original movies! This film was not intelligent, and I would agree that it was the best comedy of the year.

  11. Revenge of the Sith is quite simply “the” best Star Wars film. Anyone who still thinks the “overrated” Empire is still the best is just wrong - FACT!!! It’s about time that the prequel-bashing losers out there realise that Lucas has beaten you. Ha, Ha, Ha!!

  12. Hey lets be honest - ROTS was good but like most things you can’t beat the original. Its good to see that Lucas learnt from his mistakes and gradually improved things from Episode 1 and 2 - it really did look like we were going to end up remembering the series for all the wrong reasons. Altho’ why he had to show Binks in the final episode is beyond me!

    The best bit? The way all of a sudden you start to notice things from Episode 4 - nice clean white ship interiors, blokes who looked like stormtroopers and the foundations of the death star….

  13. Nothing seems to be good enough for you eh kelltrenzer? *sigh*

    I really liked this soundtrack, pumped up the volume!

  14. I thought they really hacked up the score. It’s out of order and the opening Star Wars theme goes right into battle music unlike the film which builds up to it. It seems like a real disservice to Williams music.

  15. I am listening to the RotS soundtrack and I am sure you will agree with me that the new score is just excellent, a real complement to the feel of the film. John Williams did it again!

  16. Paul - very funny. We were using that line all the way home after the movie…and trying to use the force to open automatic doors. Worked every time!

  17. Exactly: Sith changes the way we view ALL the rest, prequels and sequels. That is very clear.

    Anakin rulez!

  18. LOL @ Peter. The FORCE is strong with you!

    I have always been wondering how the chosen one will bring balance to the FORCE, so your theory is actually the best one I have encountered so far! Big fan of Anakin Skywalker are we Peter? :-)

    I actually want to change my ranking from an earlier post.

    1. Episode III
    2. Episodes I, II, IV, V, VI

    To be perfectly honest, after Episode III came out I love all 6 films as much. Not fair to prefer one over the other. IMHO.

  19. Here´s MY ratings:

    ANH: 9

    ESB: 8

    ROTJ: 6

    TPM: 6

    AOTC: 7

    ROTS: 10

    Now, if you make some sums and partitions, you will discover why Anakin was the chosen one. The Old Trilogy is 23 point worth, at a 7.6 average. It was close to beat the New! But then… Anakin enraged, added a 10 to the second, and… BOOM! 23 points to the New Trilogy. Anakin has brought the balance to the Force.


    1) Anyone who despises Sith and claims to be a SW lover is lying in some way or another

    2) Hayden´s performance is amazing. He´s phenomenal depicting anger and frustration.

    Kind salutations :>

  20. Riiight.

    These are not the plot holes you are looking for. You can go about your business. Move along.

  21. Very intelligent point Rich. :-)

    If everybody wants to be CYNICAL about it, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS FORCE?

    For a film like Star Wars, you have to suspension of disbelief to enjoy it.

  22. “but that seems awfully thin.”

    Eh? Try the premise of the Jedi, or the whole space opera epic! Come on guys, the whole story seems awfully thin!

    Little green men who can fly around a room and throw you around by raising a hand, and you’re concerned that a baby might not have remembered an image of her mother at birth?

  23. No offense John and Greg, but I have to agree with Paul on this one. Leia should know who Luke is talking about in ROTJ when he says real mother especially when Luke then adds the fact that her real dad is Vader. What…does Leia think Vader boinked Mrs. Organa???? Not likely.

    Lucas screwed himself with this crappy “died of a broken heart thread” in which Leia saw her real mother for about 10 nanoseconds.

    I think it’s brutal how so many people idolize GL and other directors when these storytellers can’t get their **it straight…..some of us amateurs could do better if given the chance.

  24. “She has images and recolections of her mother from that brief moment she saw her as a newborn through the force… but Leia hd never understood how.”

    So, when Leia said that her mother died when she was very young, she meant several seconds? No offence intended, but that seems awfully thin.

  25. This is a very possible theory actually John. And when Luke said to Leia that theyre brother and sister in Episode VI, she said, “somehow I have always known”, the theory blood is thicker than water rings so true here. And the Force possibly.

  26. Hey Greg and Paul

    I think the point that many people are missing as far as Leia “remembering” her mother is that she was born strong with the force…

    She has images and recolections of her mother from that brief moment she saw her as a newborn through the force… but Leia hd never understood how.


  27. “Sorry, Paul, but you missed the main point here: Leia thought her adopted mother WAS her real mother. Leia never says that Bail Organa is her “adopted” father, nor does she ever mention anything else about being adopted. Luke apparently didn’t know this when he asked her about her mother. For this theory to be correct only requires a slight stretch of imagination, and is not contradicted by anything in the movies, so I’m sticking by it.”

    Are you adopted? If not, do you refer to your mother as your “real mother”? Probably not. The phrase “real mother” is only ever used in the context of adoption, to refer to the birth mother.

  28. Anybody seen Episodes IV-VI after viewing Episode III?

    I felt that the OT are even so much better now after Episode III. :-)

  29. “A fairly minor point, but one that seems to come up frequently: How could Leia remember her mother in ROTJ (“She was very beautiful…but sad”)? Simple: Leia was given to Bail Organa to raise as his own, along with HIS WIFE. Considering her true lineage, she was probably never told she was adopted in order to head off some potentially dangerous questions. So Leia is remembering her ADOPTED mother in her conversation with Luke in ROTJ.


    LUKE: “Leia… do you remember your mother? Your real mother?”

    LEIA: “Just a little bit. She died when I was very young.”

    So, no. Luke specifies Leia’s real mother, not adopted. And Leia specifies that her mother died when she was very young.


    This is nothing more than a Lucas plot-hole. I’m not sure why anyone is surprised by this.”


    Sorry, Paul, but you missed the main point here: Leia thought her adopted mother WAS her real mother. Leia never says that Bail Organa is her “adopted” father, nor does she ever mention anything else about being adopted. Luke apparently didn’t know this when he asked her about her mother. For this theory to be correct only requires a slight stretch of imagination, and is not contradicted by anything in the movies, so I’m sticking by it.

  30. Here’s my ratings for each:

    A New Hope: 10
    The Empire Strikes Back: 10
    Return of the Jedi: 10
    The Phantom Menace: 8
    Attack of the Clones: 6
    Revenge of the Sith: 3

  31. I miss Yoda. I miss the masterfully operated muppet.

    I miss Darth Vader. The original trilogy gave us the ultimate incarnation of evil, a good man who fell from grace. The prequel trilogy has given us a whiny little prat who had no grace to fall from, and reduced his seduction by the darkside to a temper tantrum, a hissy fit.

    I also miss Leigh Brackett and Lawrence Kasdan, the writers who fixed up Lucas’ script for Empire, and Irvin Kershner, the masterful director who gave us the best of the Star Wars movies (Empire).

  32. A few (other) gripes:

    Sorry but I’ll take a pantomiming David Prowse, over Hayden Christensen any day. If Hayden “suppplied the emotion” needed for Darth Vader where was it? If you go on the Star Wars website you can buy cardboard standees of the characters from the prequels. I hear they act just like they do in the movies.

    It’s just sad that our love for Star Wars has people saying this movie is great, yet also stating that it was poorly acted. Isn’t acting 90% of the movie? Oh my mistake, 90% of the movie was an ILM commercial.

    Why can’t Yoda be a puppet, if even just for one frame of the movie. He doesn’t look like a 3-d character at any point. I miss Yoda.

  33. Very good point Paul. This is one of the reasons why Lucas should have made Sith 3 hours long (Ala LOTR) and had Vader come in a bit earlier so we could have seen Padme die 3 years after child birth instead of after giving birth to 20 pound twins….which is probably what really killed her.

    But GL wanted the final scene to be on the dune with the Luke and the twin suns which screws continuity. If I were at the helm of SW I would have first set the story to mesh up with eps IV V VI and then worried about the rest of the script. That way the hardcore, bread and butter fans are looked after…then throw in some other scenes.

  34. “A fairly minor point, but one that seems to come up frequently: How could Leia remember her mother in ROTJ (“She was very beautiful…but sad”)? Simple: Leia was given to Bail Organa to raise as his own, along with HIS WIFE. Considering her true lineage, she was probably never told she was adopted in order to head off some potentially dangerous questions. So Leia is remembering her ADOPTED mother in her conversation with Luke in ROTJ.”


    LUKE: “Leia… do you remember your mother? Your real mother?”

    LEIA: “Just a little bit. She died when I was very young.”

    So, no. Luke specifies Leia’s real mother, not adopted. And Leia specifies that her mother died when she was very young.


    This is nothing more than a Lucas plot-hole. I’m not sure why anyone is surprised by this.

  35. Apologies for all the nasty line breaks - it showed up as a single paragraph in the preview so I added line breaks, and then it obviously added it’s own. Pah!!

  36. OK, here are my thoughts on the movie…

    1. Acting was abysmal from most people (except McDiarmid, who I thought was very grounded as Palpatine, but a TAD pantomimey as the Emperor) especially Portman’s, that was laughable!

    2. The creation of Darth was about 45 minutes too late I think. Would have been better if they’d brought him in earlier to show his tyranny rather than have it just “rumoured” with Episode IV. If we’d seen it, it’d have made him more menacing for the other movies.

    3. Why bother featuring the wookie homeworld if it’s only for a few minutes?? I reckon it was just so they could spend a fortune on loads of wookie costumes and give Peter Mayhew a few quid as Chewie again.

    4. Dath Vader screaming “Nooooooo” at the end??? Please, hated that when I was in the cinema.

    5. Padme’s death was because she “lost the will to live”… that was ridiculous. She was in the middle of giving birth and was SO looking forward to it, so she wouldn’t have done that in reality just because her dood went all “bad guy” on her.

    6. Anakin became evil just a tad too quick for my liking. He was swithering, then he’s like “cool Emperor dood, I’m with you” and then starting slaying children all over the place - very unrealistic and rushed

    7. The CG was a bit much I think, it could have done with being less saturated with effects and would still have worked

    8. Sprogs pop out of Padme and she’s like “luke” and “leia” as if she knew she was having twins and had spent the last 9 months coming up with cool names. That was stupid.

    9. Why did Chewie do a Jonny Weismuller Tarzan warcry? That was kinda weird and made me squirm!

    10. I HATED the crappy childish american voices that the droids had. They were like young teens with skateboards :((

    11. The death star being built at the end… we’re talking 20 years before A New Hope here and it takes them THAT long to build the death star, but in Jedi they rebuilt a bigger, better one in the space of what… a few months? They just wanted to add another nod I think.

    12. The dialogue is perhaps some of the worst I’ve witnessed in a very long time. Even seasoned actors such as Chris Lee (albeit a very short role in this particular movie!) and Sam Jackson couldn’t deliver the bad lines in such a way as to make them sound good.

    13. I just don’t think Lucas knows how to direct. He has good ideas, but he needs someone to help him to take it to the next level. It can’t be any other reason why so many great actors came across as wooden newbies with no idea what they were doing.

    I could go on, but I have work to do!

  37. Boy o’ boy o’ boy! Too many disappointing scenes along with good scenes! Grevious was a weakling that kept running away. In clone wars, he was the strongest thing to exist. Mace’s force push caused his wheezing breath? Dooku was a weakling too. C’mon, Ani is strong, but Dooku was suppose to be very strong. At least a longer fight scene, please. Who is suppose to be Sypho-Dias? One can only speculate that it’s Palpatine. Ani and Obi’s fight was cool! Yoda and Palpatine’s fight was cool! But, we all knew Yoda was going to lose. Failed, he has!

  38. I saw it again (2nd time) Saturday night and have to say this is indeed a strong, solid film. Even after following the film from pre- to post-production, I was constantly surprised by the way events unfolded. Excellent visuals, camerwork, production design, visual & special effects, sound, score, acting, costumes and writed produced one of the best Star Wars films every (head to head with Empire, IMO).

  39. Somehow, my posting was removed from the archives so here we go AGAIN:

    I have seen Sith thrice now and there’s something that bothers me (actually two little things to be exact):

    1. What happened to the critically important scene where Mon Mothma, Padme, Bail Organa, Fang Zar etc sat in Organa√¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s office and decided there and then to form the Rebellion against the Empire? It’s NOT in the movie I saw. BUT IT IS IN THE SCRIPT as well as the novel and comic adaptation as well as Visual Dictionary from DK. Where the hell is this scene?
    2. In the version I saw, Yoda is NOT shown arriving on Dagobah and starting his exile. Why is this missing in the movie? SAME HERE: IT’S IN THE SCRIPT as well as the novel and comic adaptation. What happened to this scene?

    Can anyone PLEASE shed some light on these mysteries? It feels like I’ve somehow been cheated and the another version of the movie exists somewhere! Unless of course, Lucas cut these scenes (1+2) for the DVD-release… but I’m really disappointed by the absence of the other scenes (1 and 2 above). Apart from these flaws (and the feeling that the scenes are “rushed” in some places especially at the end) it was an excellent attempt (but still not as good as Empire Strikes Back, sorry. Then again, that was Lucas’s mentor directing in 1980, wasn’t it?).

  40. Saw Revenge of the Sith yesterday and thought it was excellent. Echo lots of people above that it could have been longer to allow the plot to develop more slowly.

    Did anyone else see the Millennium Falcon landing in after the crash landing? When Anakin and Obi-Wan deliver Palpatine to the council in that little shuttle I thought I saw the Millennium Falcon landing on the lower tier.

    Have trouble believing that Anakin would turn to the dark side after dobbing Palpatine in to Windu. Could have done with a bit more confused Anakin “What have I done” and Palpatine being a bit more manipulative “ooh what will the Jedi council say, haven’t you been a bad Jedi”, etc!!

  41. well i think the movie was good………
    better than their prequel, the history very convincent, very intense fights and some thinks i dislikes.
    it starts with action, thats good everything was going well.
    but the part i was dissapointed is the part when anakin accepted to be Lord sith`s aprentice…… was like very easy, i thought that it will take more time to him to become to the dark side, it happens like to fast.
    the actions scene of jedis dying Excellent part!! and the fight of obi wan and anaking very cool.also the fight of yoda and the emperor.
    but then when anakin was about to become Darth Vader was like they only do little things what happen to obi wan who says in Episode V that -he was more machine now, i saw only they doo few things to him and then they put him the mask on.
    at the end Padme dying , luke and leia, good part.
    well this is what i think but he movie stills good and very seductive to make fans goes crazy with his characters and action scenes.
    i will rate this movie and the last two before this one.
    Phantom Menace 4/10( i think a bad story but good action)
    Attack of the clones 6/10 (good story but actions starts almost at the end, the other stuff are just romance between anakin and padme.)
    Revenge of the sith 8/10 (the best movie of this trilogy- great action scenes AND a very well designed story just with a little bad things of course but that doesnt make the movie sucks).

  42. The first hour was a real suck-fest. The pacing was off, the diolog was just awful, the light saber scene with Grevious was just comical, and I’m still trying to figure out (and this goes back to clones) what the hell Padame saw in this guy. I was thinking Uh-Oh here we go again.

    But when Anakin and the film turned to the dark side, the film really picked up. The pacing and editing became so much sharper. The light saber scene between Anakin and Obi-Wan was sensational (almost as good as Luke v Vader in Empire), Padame’s tragic death. It all came together beatifully until Vader channelled William Shatner (show of hands, when Vader looked up to the sky and yelled “NOOOOOOO!!” Did anybody else substitute the word KAAAAAHHHHHHNNNNN!!!”).

    Overall a good film.

    My ratings now for all the films

    Star Wars: 4.5/5

    Empire: 5/5

    Jedi: 3/5 (Hated those soul sucking Ewoks)

    Phantom Menace: 1.5/ out of 5 (the pod race brought the score up)

    Clones: 2/5

    Sith: 3/5

  43. Hiya Woodsy, have you noticed how after several viewings of this film, it actually gets so much better? :-)

    Have you noticed the Millenium Falcon in a hangar somewhere? Or George Lucas’ cameo?

  44. I am of to see the movie a fourth time. This movie is classic Star Wars from crazy unusual blend of characters to cheesy dialogue this what makes Star Wars so awesome. To all those who complain about the horrible dialogue your nothing but “scruffy looking nerf herders!” The prequels offer a breath of fresh air to the Star Wars galaxy and the ROTS is one heck of a movie though i believed it could have been longer in time. But overall what a movie Bring on the 6 movie box set!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. A fairly minor point, but one that seems to come up frequently: How could Leia remember her mother in ROTJ (“She was very beautiful…but sad”)? Simple: Leia was given to Bail Organa to raise as his own, along with HIS WIFE. Considering her true lineage, she was probably never told she was adopted in order to head off some potentially dangerous questions. So Leia is remembering her ADOPTED mother in her conversation with Luke in ROTJ.

  46. I’ve seen every new movie and re-release on opening day since I was four. I expect cheese anytime I see a new Star Wars installment. I expect for Lucas to leave open plot lines so he can expand his retail empire and squeeze more money out of his ever willing fans. What I did not expect was the Vaderstein (Frankenvader?)scene that ruined the best movie of the prequels for me. What what was Lucas thinking? “Oh, let’s just turn Vader from the fearsome, youngling killing, Dark Lord of the Sith to a moronic, near slapstick cliche?” I was just as shocked at the end of Empire when Han is still encased in carbonite, and just as pissed off after viewing the sappy ending of Jedi. Yeah, I get that it was end to Anakin’s humanity and the creation of the real monster, blah, blah, blah…But that ungraceful, visually ridiculous scene has proven that Lucas has joined the Dark Side and left his fans behind. If I say anymore, I will have to repeat the stream of profanities that flew from tongue on opening night. It took me a couple of days to even talk about it. In sum, close your eyes for 15 seconds during that scene and you will not be too disappointed.

  47. Mat says, “Hayden Christensen did not make a good David Prowse substitute.”

    Hey Mat, Simone here. Well we needed an actor who can act before the mask is put on. I have nothing against David Prowse, physically he was the perfect Darth Vader and in Episodes 4, 5 and 5 we know that its him behind the mask, and I am not taking that away from him, but Hayden supplied the emotions required for a new Sith apprentice, which you obviously dont agree with. Saying that, if the prequels didnt do anything to you, there’s always the OT to ease the pain. :-)

  48. One more. At the end of “Revenge of the Sith”, Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru cradle the infant Luke and gaze into a sunset, a direct quote of “A New Hope.” It should have been a sunrise, a new day, the start of Luke’s life with his surrogate family. All of that begins to unravel in “A New Hope” just after sunset when Artoo leaves the Lars homestead to find Obi-Wan. Although he doesn’t know it, his day has ended and he enters a very dark night. Sunrise to sunset. I’m nitpicking. I’ll stop now.

  49. Star Wars Democracy is great. In a democracy, Queens are elected. Like Queen Amidala.

    The Tantive IV spaceship comes equipped with a labor and delivery droid crew, just in case one of the rebel blockade runners start having a baby.

    Shmi Skywalker was purchased from Watto by Lars, freed, and then married. From the brilliant mind of George Lucas… from slave, to virgin mother, to mail order bride, to sand people punching bag, the Shmi Skywalker story.

    The special effects were great, though. CGI technology made Natalie Portman’s hair look naturally curly.

    I feel so cheated.

    Anakin, as a Sith signing bonus, I’ll teach you how to arrest the natural process of death… I don’t know how to do that, but, hey, we’ll figure it out together. Try this first, force choke the person you want to save, okay? Oooh, a little too much there, you’ve killed her and she ain’t coming back. Why did you join the dark side again?

    This film insulted every meager brain cell in my pathetic little brain.

  50. David Prowse is Darth Vader. Hayden Christensen did not make a good David Prowse substitute. Do Vader’s cyborg leg’s and arms now grow and lengthen over the next few decades? Is Vader going to hit the Sith gym to bulk up for the Galactic Civil War? Hayden Christensen wasn’t tall enough, and all that padding didn’t help enough. I saw the bonus footage on the Star Wars DVD were Lucasfilm sculpted a Vader mask/helmet for Christensen, something was wrong with the original mask and actor. Like that was the big thing about the originial trilogy, people weren’t afraid of the original Darth Vader mask, we had to do something about that. I know, I know, it’s just a movie! I’ll get over it.

  51. As I so enjoyed the original Star Wars Trilogy, I was as much disappointed by the Star Wars prequels, Episode III in particular. I never connected with the main characters of the prequels-I actually found the characters, Padme and Anakin specifically, hard to like-and find them grossly under developed. So much has been made of the computer generated special effects of the prequels. However, as George Lucas himself once said, “A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing.” I agree, and I think Lucas unfortunately demonstrated this throughout Episodes I, II, and now, painfully, III.
    The most intriguing character of the prequels, in my opinion, was Darth Maul. Upon his frightening introduction, I really thought that “The Phantom Menace” was off to a fantastic original-rivaling beginning. The character really held his own when compared and contrasted with the ground Lucas had already covered with Darth Vader. Darth Maul’s statement to Darth Sidious, “At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have… revenge.” Chilling! Tell me more? Where did all of this hate come from? Visually, Ray Park’s makeup and stunts were the best of the saga. Unfortunately, the demise of Darth Maul was premature. Darth Tyrannus/Count Dooku was a poor substitute for Darth Maul. What if Darth Maul survived Episode I, although seriously wounded, managed to flee Naboo, and reappeared in Episodes II and III in Dooku’s stead, wielding cyborg anatomy like General Grievous, prototype Vader? What if we were given an explaination of Maul’s disdain and loathing of the Jedi? That would have been fascinating if developed. Darth Maul was a missed opportunity.
    Anakin’s upbringing as a “slave” was also poorly developed. What ever happened to this device that “blows you up” (according to a young Anakin in Episode I)? The notion of slavery has significant psychological ramifications in American fiction given the grievous treatment of American blacks throughout U.S. history. I felt that George Lucas diluted the slave motif with far too much freedom, opportunity, and tranquility. A much better depiction of the slave-to-hero motiff is found in “Conan the Barbarian,” a child made strong by cruel treatment and atrocity who becomes a cunning warrior. Perhaps Qui-Gon could have happened upon Anakin as the slave of sand people, harnessed like a beast of burden for his force abilities and cruelly treated. I don’t think that Anakin’s character should have been written with the benefit of a loving mother nor do I approve at all with the use of an immaculate conception or messianic prophecy motiff as a vehicle in anything as trivial as Star Wars. I think that Anakin should have been the orphan that Luke was, but, unlike Luke, painfully unsure of self and unnurtured early on with absolutely no sense of from where he came or where he was headed. By the sand people, Anakin is made to fight frightening beasts for sport before an audience of the Hutts, forced to pod-race and beaten into submission by the sand people. Anakin’s life should have been a life of greater pain than was written by Lucas. Episode II finds Anakin smitten with Padme, a member of the royal house of Naboo. He should have been rejected by Padme’s father who is wary about Anakin’s lineage and past. For Padme’s love, for resolution, Anakin then returns to Tatooine, confronts the sand people who once kept him in bondage, seeking answers to where he came from, who were his people, etc., so that he would be less of a stranger to Padme and himself. For all his growth and development, these same sand people mock him as they slave they once knew, at which time, Anakin bursts into his murderous rampage. In Episode II, this rampage had a much different, I feel, weaker pathology, and was cut too soon from the view of the audience, for the sake of children in the audience. The massacre of sand people should have been between Anakin and the audience. Anakin should never have burdened Padme with this event, nor should Padme have condoned Anakin’s actions the way Lucas depicted them. It was unbelievable that the humanitarian Padme would not have been appauled by Anakin’s slaughter of sand people and not have rejected him outright. And then in Episode III she’s actually surprised that Anakin is savage? Eventually, Darth Sidious alone would gain this knowledge of Anakin’s dark past and use this information to lure Anakin to the dark side of the force. Anakin should have been an innately more brutal fighter than all other Jedi, and the audience should not have been told this, this should have been shown on screen. Throughout the prequels, Lucas has characters discussing things that we should have been shown rather than having a boring explaination. Some things were better left unsaid. I didn’t need the force dissected like a sea anenome for me, midi-whatsa-callits? Episode II, as well should not have contained the ridiculous waste of resources fighting a military campaign on Geonosis. Why would the clone troopers confront battle droids on the planet that created them? What were the clones protecting? The arena scene of Episode II should have been a ploy to lure the Jedi away from an attack on the wookie home planet. The Jedi should have been rescued from Geonosis and re-deployed to Kashyyyk to reinforce the wookies besieged by droid armies. Why wait until Episode III to give us the Wookies we’ve been so badly wanting all of these years? Come on, George! We hardly even mention the Star Wars Holiday Special anymore, the least you could have done is given us more Wookie sooner. That should have been the first, lengthy battle of the Clone Wars-in Episode II-and the clones should have lost to the Separatists, only to retreat, regroup on Corusant, and see the wookie race enslaved for forced labor, as the expanded universe tells us. As a result, the Senate would have resoundingly approved of military intervention on Kashyyyk and elsewehere throught the Republic, tragically playing into the hands of Sidious more convicingly. The grand army of the Republic storyline left a lot to be desired. As the Clone Wars were written, droids and clones destroyed each other pointlessly, without gain for either side. More systems should have been dominated by the CIS, under the direction of Darth Maul and Darth Sidious, specifically to injure the Jedi, dwindle their numbers, spread them throughout the galaxy, and make them increasingly vulnerable to Episode III’s Order 66. Anakin should have distinguished himself in the Clone Wars above and beyond any of his Jedi peers on camera in Episode II or III or both, making the blocking of his promotion to Jedi Master all the more insulting and disrespectful in a way the audience could empathize with the rejection he felt standing there before the Jedi council. Anakin intimidates his Jedi peers because he craves battle rather than engaging in battle as a last resort, it should have been demostrated. “Anakin, you are a cunning warrior, and the Republic is grateful for your service, yet you’ve not begun to understand the Jedi way. Even as you fight, I sense you would be lost in the realm of peace and justice, the purpose of our order, the reason for this war. It is the war you desire, not its end. A Jedi craves not these things!” Mace Windu could have explained, or something to that effect. The Jedi tend not to take aggressive preemptive military measures Anankin suggests in waging the Clone Wars, and Anakin blames the fall of systems to the Separatists on the inaction of the Jedi, although this blame is seriously misdirected. In my version, Anakin confronted the Trade Federation in Episode I with skills learned as a slave, and requested training so that he may pursue the Neimodians to their home world and confront them with Jedi authority and was denied. Anakin was defeated by Darth Maul on the wookie home planet of Kashyyyk only to be saved by Yoda. Anakin saw the wookies enslaved at the end of Episode II, something he feared, slavery. “You sit here then, Master Windu, on this council. Speak, talk, discuss, as entire worlds become slaves on account of your indecisions. I’m going to return to what I know best. Battle.” Saving Padme’s life turns Anakin to the dark side? I don’t think so. Anakin should see Padme’s pregnancy as an opportunity to provide a life for his child devoid of the hate and cruel treatment that Anakin dealt with as a child. The Separatists aren’t leaving the Republic-system by system-they are enslaving the Republic, and the clones are not enough. The Jedi are not enough. Anakin has to find a greater power. Quicker, more seductive, the dark side. Master Sypho Dias is never revealed in Episode III. The Chipor Snippet (sp?) the, trinket Anakin carved for Padme in Episode I was wasted-its potentially poignant. The weakest scene in the whole of the original trilogy occurs right after Luke and Leia discuss Leia’s mother, Luke leaves. Just before Han Solo interupts, a close up on Leia’s reveals the Snippet around her neck in an inserted scene, directly connecting Leia to Padme and her relationship with Anakin. The final confrontations between Yoda and the Emperor I did not care for. I wanted to see Yoda bested by an overwhelming force, a legion of Royal Imperial Guards to contend with in addition to Palpatine. Likewise, once Anakin becomes Darth Vader, Obi-Wan has to fight Vader and a multitude of clone troopers. Vader and Obi-Wan are separated from the clones, where Vader is felled and left because Obi-Wan’s top priority is rescuing Padme, knowing even in those moments that the unborn Luke is the only hope. That is why Obi-Wan doesn’t finish Vader off the way he reasonably should, for the sake of urgency and mission. Padme should not have been deliberately injured by Anakin. This ramble is ridiculous, I realize. I just imagined a very different set of prequels. A very different course of events. Blah, blah, blah. If he wanted to go darker, Lucas should have gone darker. I’m going to post this. So go ahead and bite my head off. I really expected more from all the prequel films, Episode III in particular.

  52. wow, I was rather unsure of what to expect from the film but I really enjoyed it. Besides the occasional bad line or scene, the movie was incredible.
    I think over all if I had to rate it, I would give it a 8/10 score. I think that the cheesy scenes were a lot less than previous films, but still it does take the over all film down a notch. But as I said before, it is incredible and my third favorite of the trilogy.

  53. I’d give it a 6/10

    It wasn’t bad, or even dissapointing, in fact I do have to say I did enjoy parts of it quite a bit, but seriously whatever happened to puppets?

    There was absolutly no reason for all the CGI they threw in for Yoda and the clones just standing around. If it looked convincing that would be one thing, but it was garish and really very distracting. Call me crazy, but Yoda in Empire was incredible to look at, because he was real, this CGI Yoda lacks pressence and energy, he’s 2-d in a 3-d world, so to speak. Not a complaint with the movie though, more a complaint in general.

    Here’s where the movie, and the other prequels fall in my mind (and no one will agree with me I’m sure), but there are too many lightsaber fights. In the original trilogy when a lightsaber was drawn you knew something big was going to go down. The fights were not just two men going at eachother they were a reflection of good vs evil, light vs dark and all that sort of stuff. Watch Luke fight Vader in Empire or in Jedi, watch how Vader draws out Luke’s anger and frustration. The lightsabers were symbolic of the characters they were weilded by.
    Now however nary a 30 minute span can go by without some emotionless, CGI enhanced battle in which you know good and well what the outcome will be. The jedi will spin and jump a whole lot and a bunch of people/droids you had no attachment to anyway die/fall apart. Am I too critical of a movie that was made for mainstream audences…yeah, yeah I am. But still, it bugs me.

  54. Ok ok so the circle is now complete and it’s time to add my 2cents worth as your american vernacular would have it. Now i love star wars, almost as much as i love being a cynical critic of many a film, so bare with my little tangent before i get started on RotS.

    I’ve tried to hate the new trilogy, i have, but it’s star wars. It must have some diplomatic amunity with my heart or somthing ‘cus i can’t. The great thing is it’s for the most simplist reasons, Star Wars was and has always been intended as a kids films, the sad fact is we’re the ones who are now adults!

    For anyone who has their own little sprog’s or younger siblings will know first hand if you want a kid to sit through 2 hours of bearded blokes in long macs jibbering on about the force and trade routes your gona need Jar Jar Binks! No seriously, i’m sick of all the star wars bashing. These films are deep & meaningful by our interpritation but were always intended as a light hearted space opera. What was the last space opera you watched? Flash Gordon. C’mon how gay was that.

    The first episode done what needed to, set the characters up, all it needed to do was give you your basic frame work, for the the proceeding episodes and dont give me “but the CGI this & the CGI that” If George Lucas had the computer technology we have now in 1977, the original trilogy would be completly different movies!

    And whats with these guys who bang on about the script and directing, ok ok, as far RotS is concerned for me it didn’t quite deliver when Anakin & Obi-Wan went toe to toe.
    I felt abit cheated by close up shots, and it didn’t quite convey enough emotion. I thought, as restrained as Obi-Wan was it might of lent to his later crazy old hermit status if he got upset or perhaps more to the point almost angry in the heat of the battle. Having abit of winge after he lobbed Anikins legs of seemed abit stunted. Was it just me or would the “you were the chosen one” line felt better whilst they were grinding light sabre’s?

    But then again before i come dangerously close to contradicting myself, once again, it’s just a kids film. The original trilogy never had any oscar winning preformances, so why should that change. I remain impressed with Hayden and even more so with Ian McDiarmid who put in a brilliant preformance as the twisted Sidious.

    I was bit upset with Natalie Portman having a script that was so whimsicly girlie it was almost nauseating. I like her character she wasn’t that much of a protagonist of the love story in episode 2. Which lets face it, only really took up 1/2 an hour of episode 2.

    And while i’m there whats not to like about Attack of the Clones? Even with the blatently obvious title i was still shocked and amazed it ended with start of the clone wars! Of course that might off had something to do with the amount of e numbers i’d ingested that day but if your still not convinced then chew a bag of shrooms, i reccomend both.

    As far as Revenge is concerned most gripes i have are mostly geeky. Yeah it would of been nice to see abit more Vader though the dramatic “nooooooooo” was a lovely little homage to Frankenstien. And so what if he’s a slightly thinner Vader, he’s got a good 15-20 years to pile on the pounds.

    Again i was cheated by the ease General Greivous’s defeat, the cheap blaster for the cheap gag marred even more by the fact that the final duel didn’t quite meet my greatest expectations.

    The Wookie teasing was abit upseting, i mean there was no real need for Chewie other than the love of a man & his Wookie. At least Han had return dialogue so as to implie Chewie had said something, is one sub-title that much to ask for?

    Yeah Mace Windu having a slightly more hardcore battle would of been nice, though i would of been happy with just a few seconds more of Kit Fisto stayiny alive as a few more seconds of all the other Jedi would of been nice.

    And yes it may of seemed like our little Ani easily dropped to his knees for Palpatine but any loose ends were tied up previosly with his fear for loosing Padme. C’mon who wouln’t go dark side to tab some of that Natalie Portman action?

    And why the hell did Padme die in child birth any way? Doesn’t Leia tell Luke in RotJ that she kinda remembers her real mother when she was young!

    All in all, i loved it but didn’t fall in love with it. It was brilliant, but it wasn’t mind blowing. I guess i’m just sad to see it go, at least yesterday when i hadn’t seen it i felt like i was 10 years old again.

  55. I saw the movie yesterday, 5/19. I am a huge star wars fan since childhood, so it’s hard to not like the movie.

    The bad parts first, and I agree with many of the folks before me -
    1. Luke turned to the darkside WAY too quickly- maybe I missed something, but he was the one who told Mace that Palpatine was the evil Sith lord - and then even though we know he was torn - not even 5 minutes later, he was kneeling and swearing allegiance to Palpatine. That was so dissapointing
    2. Padme was great when she was upset at Anakin. Natalie Portman is an excellent actress HOWEVER with Haydn Christiansen in the love scenes- kind of hokey and unbelievable.
    3. Palpatine turning into Darth Sidius - people were laughing in the theatre - his face looked too funny
    4. Cheese factor very high at end -with Darth Vader screaming.

    Overall other than the items above,I loved the story, learning the background of how Anakin turned to the dark side, the OB1 light saber scene with Anakin and all the fighting scenes really.

  56. Fanboy,

    I am a fairly big fan of Star Wars. Not to the point that my Vader cape is on too tight…like yours! Anyway, you’ll have to scroll up and read my post again. I mention that I would have liked to have seen Obi Wan use the MF to go to Tattoine with baby Luke, but I mention nothing about Han Solo flying it. OBVIOUSLY, Han is a teenager at the time, but the ship is probably built and out there somewhere. I thought I even heard rumours that the MF was in Sith, but I didn’t see it (maybe its in the opening battle scenes). The comment in the bar scene of A New Hope is something like this:

    Obi Wan: As long as its a fast ship.
    Han: Fast ship? You’ve never heard of the Millenium Falcon?
    Obi Wan (very coy):Why, should I have.

    It just would of been funny if Obi Wan had been on the MF 18 years back, knew the ship and was playing with Solo with that comment.

    Secondly, we could argue about which Jedi/Sith is a better lightsaber fighter all year. That being said Obi Wan beats Anakin at the end of Sith, which by your logic means Obi Wan is the most powerful Jedi. This is because Mace beat Sidious, Anakin beat Mace and Obi Wan beat Anakin. PLUS Sidious held his own and more versus Yoda so Anakin would have been a piece of cake as Obi Wan found out later. Open your eyes man….the Emperor was part acting and let Mace win to put Anakin into that situation. Sidious has set every situation up to look a certain way for Anakin to turn to the dark side.

    You asked above in your post “why would Anakin change his mind?” And the answer is that he did change his mind….it took 25 years or so but when he saw an opening at the end of Jedi he picked up the Emperor and chucked him into the Death Star reactor. Therefore I think he could have slightly rethought things and attacked Sidious after Mace’s death. I mean he pulled a lightsaber on Sidious a few hours before that AND told Mace and the Jedi that Palpatine was the Sith Lord… why not one last “I’m not so sure what I’m doing” moment before turning completely down the dark path?

  57. I was disappointed by the first two of this trilogy, but the third has redeemed it for me. Hayden Christiansen did a much better job in this (and his hair was a hell of a lot better, too) and he played the tortured antihero very well. Jar Jar had no dialogue and Yoda didn’t look or act like a little anime reject. This movie just had so much more depth to it than the first two and the pacing of the movie was excellent. Actually, out of all 6 of the movies, I’d say this is my favorite with the original Star Wars a very close second.

    I’d give this one at least an 8 out of 10.

  58. Posted by: Prophecy at May 20, 2005 11:53 AM
    “But what I would have liked to have seen are theses two things:

    1) After Mace flies out the window his purple lightsaber stays on the window sill. Anakin realizes he’s made a mistake in helping the Sith Lord and attacks Sidious. Sidious scoops up Mace’s saber and the fight is on. Sidious slices Anakin’s saber in half and uses some lightning bolts to dangle Anakin over the ledge, forcing him to join the dark side. Kind of a don’t screw with me I’m more powerful moment and if you do screw me I’ll kill you and Padme. In my eyes that would have been more believable than Anakin dropping to one knee so quickly and giving in….which was really lame.”

    Flaws with your desire:

    1) Anakin already made the decisin to save Sidius because he thought he knew how to save Padme, why would he change his mind? Mace was the first Jedi he ever killed, and he knew it was wrong, so that that point he was numb.

    2) Sidius isn’t more powerful than Anakin, Anakin would have sliced Sidius in half without warning, or didn’t you see that Mace was about to KILL sidius?? And Mace is not as powerful as Anakin. Therefore, this wouldn’t have happened.

    3) Anakin had to give in “so quickly” although it wasn’t quick at all. You’re ignoring all of the dialogue that preceded this fight, as well as the main reason for him turning to the dark side - to Save Padme. He even tells Padme that he’s more powerful than the emperor - he knew this. He just wanted to use the emperor to help him save padme, and then kill him. But maybe you missed that scene?

    “Secondly, Obi-Wan should have boarded the Millenium Falcon for the trip to Tattoine to deliver Luke to the Lars. It would have been a nice piece of nastalgia plus it would have made the conversation between Obi Wan and Han Solo in the bar in Ep IV more meaningful.”

    Oh please. You obviously aren’t a star wars fan and have no idea how the falcon came into existence. What are you talking about “more meaningful?” what was it that was said at the bar that was so un-meaningful??? It made perfect sense, and there’s no need to introduce Han or his ship at this point.

    Man, fanboys suck!

  59. Ok, here’s a review from a fan of Empire (Favorite of the star wars movies):

    Revenge of the Sith ties up all of the loose ends set forth by the first two movies, a few of which really didn’t need any tying up:

    - Palapatine is the evil Sith Darth Sidius

    - Anakin becomes Darth Vader

    - The republic falls and the Empire is born.

    The most fun parts of the movie are:

    - Every single fighting sequence with Obi Wan. The way he moves his saber and nonchalantly slices limbs off is really fun to watch.

    - Every dialogue scene with Palpatine. He made every word meaningful, even if the script was rather weak.

    - The fight between Yoda and Palpatine which, for me, overshadows all of the fighting done between Obi Wan and Anakin

    - The fight scene with Greivous and Obi Wan (four light sabers, very cool indeed, as was the chase that ensued)

    The best part scene of the movie:

    - Anakin being slowly burned and his face transforming into the darth we saw in Jedi, and Obi Wan walking away not caring much for Anakins fate, while taking his light saber.

    The absolutely worst and most disappointing moment in the entire movie:

    The climax! Vaders appearance! I mean, he’s too small! His shoulders are just not broad enough for the gigantic vader that I remember, nor is the way he takes his first steps - very robot like, even though there is a human being in there.

    And his scream of “nooooooo” wasn’t even all that bone chilling! What happened here? They should have spent the most time filiming and getting it right on this one scene, the only scene really that I cared about and wanted to watch! He was angry, but not PISSED OFF to the point of going bezerk, which is what I thought I was going to see.

    What I wanted:

    - I wanted to see Vader fight in the suit!

    - I wanted a better climax scene with Vader transforming into the black suit!

    - I wanted anakin to fight just a TAD bit more better … I mean, he swung that light saber like it was 50 pounds, while Obi Wan juggled it like a yo yo … (which looked very cool, by the way)

    Anyway …. overall, I’d have to swing on the high end for this movie, meaning - it beats out easily I and II, but is not better than Jedi, and not better than A New hope. If I had to line up the movies it’d be:

    New Hope
    Revenge of the Sith
    Episode I and II

    This is the movie we should have gotten without the filler that is and always will be I and II, two very disappointing movies.

    Oh, and Mr. Lucas, thank you So much for cutting out any scene with that annoying twit Jar Jar.


  60. I have the same basic grievences as listed above with regards to the droid voices, lack of wookie ass kicking, etc, etc.

    But what I would have liked to have seen are theses two things:

    1) After Mace flies out the window his purple lightsaber stays on the window sill. Anakin realizes he’s made a mistake in helping the Sith Lord and attacks Sidious. Sidious scoops up Mace’s saber and the fight is on. Sidious slices Anakin’s saber in half and uses some lightning bolts to dangle Anakin over the ledge, forcing him to join the dark side. Kind of a don’t screw with me I’m more powerful moment and if you do screw me I’ll kill you and Padme. In my eyes that would have been more believable than Anakin dropping to one knee so quickly and giving in….which was really lame.

    Secondly, Obi-Wan should have boarded the Millenium Falcon for the trip to Tattoine to deliver Luke to the Lars. It would have been a nice piece of nastalgia plus it would have made the conversation between Obi Wan and Han Solo in the bar in Ep IV more meaningful.

  61. JohnW, I felt the same way on first viewing, but after 2nd viewing I made up my mind. To me at least, it is the BEST of the 6. The first viewing just leaves you in awe I think, the 2nd one then packs it all in.

    As for Yoda giving up, it only means that the FORCE on the Dark Side has grown much too strong for him to take on Palpatine at that time, and if Yoda didnt fully kicked butts in Episode III, we’re forgetting we will see him again in Episode V.

  62. That’s a good point though, Yoda does just give up…plot device I’m sure.

    It’s really interesting how people are ranking the movies. Different from post to post. For instance I love Return of the Jedi just for Luke being a Jedi…he’s cool.

  63. Fast, fun and furious.

    Multiple chase scenes, lots of lightsaber dueling in lowlight, perfect sound effects and Lucas-fied scripting.

    A star wars classic with all the essential ingredients.

  64. To be fair, whatthe?, Yoda didn’t want Luke to fight against Vader. He wanted Luke to train more thoroughly, if you remember. Luke had visions of his friends’ deaths, and broke off his training early.

    Only saw ROTS last night. Still mulling it over. Honestly, not sure what I thought.

  65. What the hell was with yoda? Ok, he attacks the emperor, outright in single combat fights untill… well, he decides to stop, and then escapes into the air ducts. “Failed have I, to exile I will go” What the [email protected]@## was that???? Not going to try agian? Not going to stick around and try to defeat the plans of the sith? Not going to recruit and train an army of jedi for a rematch? Nope. Just gonna go- sit in a hut for 20 years. He tells Kenobi they should be in hiding untill the time is right. When luke grows up, and has been trained for like 2 days, they send him against Vader AND the emperor that yoda couldn’t defeat? Does this make ANY sence??

  66. I’ve waited almost 30 years for this movie to come out, and it was worth it. This episode is definitely not for small children. The violence was incredible, there was little or no fart-humour, and the overall mood makes Empire Strikes Back seem like a friggin’ bedtime story by comparison. Without spoiling the plot, here’s a list of things that rule about this movie….

    - Jar Jar doesn’t get any lines.
    - No goddamned ewoks.
    - Anakin finally stops whining (after a while)
    - The scenes with Padme are short.
    - The battle scenes are off-the-hook awesome.
    - The plot comes together nicely
    - The plot has a few holes, but so what.
    - Did I mention Jar Jar not having any lines?

  67. I just got back from seeing Revenge of the Sith, and, frankly, I’m exhausted. The rapid decent of Anakin towards the dark side, the near extinction of the Jedi, the epic battle between Obi-Wan & Anakin, the death of Padme and finally the physical transformation of Anakin just wiped me out.

    Revenge of the Sith starts out as a fun romp in the Star Wars universe, and, even though you know what’s coming next, when the bad stuff starts to happen, it just knocks the wind out of you.

    A note to those of you with small children that are Star Wars fans - you may want to screen it first. Revenge of the Sith is PG-13 here in the states for good reasons. My 5 year-old has been asking me for months when the new Star Wars movie was opening. Unfortunately, I don’t think that I’m going to be able to allow my son to experience the thrill of seeing a Star Wars movie on the big screen. Call me overprotective, but some of the scenes were just plain brutal, (for lack of a better word), for me. I can only imagine what the mind of a young child would see when he’s alone in the dark trying to fall asleep. I know that I’ll have that image of Anakin, legless & burning in my mind for weeks to come.

    Don’t get me wrong, Revenge of the Sith is everything that Star Wars fans could hope for. It’s just so freakin’ dark!

    My ranking, best to worst:

    A New Hope
    Revenge of the Sith
    Return of the Jedi
    Attack of the Clones
    Phantom Menace

  68. I left this film without the sense of wonder and sheer joy that previous Star Wars films had filled me to brimming over. The dialogue is poor. Cardboard. 2D. Flat. Uninspired. The story itself was as deep as a cracked kiddy-pool. And when Obi-Wan finally puts “Vader” in his place by chopping off his legs, I had to stifle a laugh as a particular Monty Python skit immediately sprang to mind. “It’s only a flesh wound….”. I laughed again at Vader’s Frankenstein like rebirth. It could have been better. 7 out of 10.

  69. I really like the movie. But they I really liked all 6 movies. They are fun, exciting and entertaining. Sure they each have their faults, but they are just movies after all. This one was no exception.

    There were a few specific things I would prefer to have been done differently, but then this is just my opinion.

    Anakin gives in to the dark side way to quickly and easily. I was hoping for a more drawn out conversion. I wanted to see him keep taking little baby steps towards darkness until suddenly he finds himself in a very dark place, looking out at the light. How believeable is it for him to suddenly just decide to be dark? OK he had motive, but maybe he had other options also.

    The chemistry between Padme and Anakin was nonexistant. Hayden Christohper proved in this and other movies that he can act. Natalie Portman has shown in other movies that she can act. So why when they are on the screen together are they both so bad? Regardless of the dialogue those two have no chemistry together. They do absolutely nothing to make me believe that they care deeply for one another. Obi-wan and Anakin very obviously care for one another. It’s apparent even without the words. Threepio and R2D2 have marvelous on screen chemistry and that’s tough to do from inside a roll of tin foil. Heck even the affection shown between Yoda and the two wookies was more believable than anything between Anakin and Padme. I don’t think I should really blame the actors for this, as said they both can act. Is it the dialogue? Maybe. Better dialogue certainly wouldn’t hurt. But mostly I suspect that it’s the direction they are receiving. I’m sorry but whistful gazes and clumsy hugging does not portray deep emotional feelings. Where were the small touches, the caresses, the hand holding. Why do they always look so ucomfortable together? If they wanted to make us believe that they are truely in love then they should be able to just stand next to one another and look as comfortable together as an old pair of levis and your favorite tee shirt.

    Lastly, Padme’s Babies were two big, to clean, to normal looking to be as premature as they had to be. She named them way to quickly, and where did those names come from? Did she name them after her favorite brand of ice cream back on Naboo? Luke and Leia’s Lucky Lemon Surprise?

  70. It was a good movie, but not great. I’d rate any of the OT higher before the new ones. I feel like people thought it was great only cause it’s better in comparison next to TPM and ATOC. Poorly acted in parts, and just really silly in others (unintentionally so). The wookies, general grievous (the best part of Clone Wars), and Count Dooku were such throw aways. The best parts were the Anakin/Obi-Wan duel and the ANH tie-ins. Ewan McGregor is great as Obi-Wan, I just wish they didn’t make him into such a tool sometimes.

  71. Hiya Ben, Simone here, for me it is actually the BEST of all the episodes, what’s holding you back? :-)

    Chris says, “The scene where Anakin meets the younglings and turns on his lightsaber is also one that will be regarded as a classic Star Wars scene. Again very powerful.” I think it was chilling, and I agree with you for it becoming a classic SW scene.

  72. Honestly. RotS didn’t even feel like a Star Wars movie. It was like a Star Wars video game set at 900 miles per hour. I feel like I got ADD just from watching it. It lacked suspense, was filled with horrible dialogue, and lacked a good plot.

    There was a little plot there, but not much. Anakin’s fall to the Dark Side was so terribly unbelievable. And so much Computer Generated Images. Some can be cool, but enough is enough.

    I will say this. Best Comedy of 2005.
    “Love can’t save you, but my new Jedi Force Powers Can!”, Vader’s Frankenstein Walk and subsequent scream, Palpatine’s Hilarious shrivled head, “I’ve got the high ground!”, and The whole Lava Surfing scene looked like the Backstreet Boys “Larger than Life” music video…etc

    3/10 (I think you will all see the light in the near future)

  73. Well I’ve just got back from seeing the film for the first time, and i must say i thought it was, on the whole, truly breathtaking, although i must admit there were some important things missing.

    Firstly, the most important thing that was missing, is to do with the fact that in ‘Return of the Jedi’, Leia tells Luke that she remembers her mother looking at her, and that she was really beautiful etc. But yet this part is completely missout of the film, Padme barely looks at Leia, in facts she looks at Luke way more than Leia.

    The other bad points from this film are:
    The lack of wookie screen coverage was very dissapointing, and it should have got to see a lot more.

    Darth Vader screaming ‘NOOO!!’ as loud as he can, was very cheesey and overacted, the film would have benn a lot better without it.

    The childish voices for the droids was also very annoying, and their dialogue was also dumbed down, and spoilt the tenson of the opening scenes.

    I would have liked to have seen a small scene of Yoda landing on Dagobah, and maybe a camera shot of his sorrow and dissapointment.

    However though, these cannot distract from the fantastic parts of the movie (and there are lots of them). Some of my favourites were:
    The powerfully moving scenes involving the killing of the jedi masters were done superbly, and could in no way have been improved. They were very sad and emotional scenes, which summed up the betrayl of the Jedi perfectally.

    The scene where anakin meets the younglings and turns on his lightsaber is also one that will be regarded as a classic star wars scene. Again very powerful.

    I wouldnt go as far as saying that padmes dialogue was awful, the line where she tells anakin he’s breaking her heart is done very well.

    obviously it goes without saying the battles are fantastic, and theres not much i can really add to whats been said by everyone else.

    Overall a very good movie, thats very powerful, and the important scenes are delievered superbly. But there are a few things missing, or that should have been left out.


  74. I am not too late am I? *winks* STAR WARS is back and boy, did it kick a lot of a**!!!

    I saw it at midnight but was too much in awe of what I have seen that I cant really make up my mind as to how I really found it. Then I came back and watched it again at the 10:30 am screening at the Odeon in Leicester Square, and I found it overpowering. Everything did it for me, the aerial maneuvers, the battle scenes, performances (kudos to Christensen, Mcdiarmid and McGregor) and although I found the film rather too short to be able to tie up all the loose ends, I felt it was the perfect way to end the saga.

    Here’s my ranking:

    1. RotS
    2. ESB
    3. ANH
    4. RotJ
    5. TPM
    6. AotC

    To those who will not appreciate this movie, it would be because they will nitpick, or that it will kill them if they actually dont find anything appalling about it and that’s how you will ruin your experience of it, just picking on those little things which you can actually just overlook. Saying that, it seems that most of us actually enjoyed it. Just feeling a bit nostalgic here now that it’s all over, and I only wanted to say it has been quite a journey doing this with all of you.


  75. Kit Fisto went out like a little bitch; on it has him in the top 20 strongest jedi…

    That’s why he gets sliced down in two seconds. I know he’s up against a Sith lord, but come on!

  76. Dude - not slice up the Younglings? What were you looking for, the rated R Star Wars? I thought that scene was chilling. I didn’t need to see little kids getting lightsabered to have it hit home.

    I agree with you on the Wookies, I was looking for a bit more from the battle on their planet.

    As for Plo Kloon and the rest of the coneheaded Jedi, their deaths were joyous. Especially that smiling little bug-eyed bastard with the tenticle hair, Kit Fisto.

    The war drum soundtrack at the first was great, too.

  77. You’re way too harsh John, Portman’s dialogue wasn’t THAT bad!

    It was the worst of the movie but in no way is it a built-in bathroom break as you put it.

    (Small spoilers below)

    Anyway, the only thing I was really disappointed by was Greivous, his lightsaber battle was short and through all of his scenes he was acting like he has asthma.

    Anyway, my list of annoyances are henceforth:

    - They didn’t show Anikan slice up the younglings.
    - The droids in the beginning battle sounded like Ewoks.
    - Barely any wookies.
    - Mace Windu’s fight scene was a little disappointing.
    - Plo Koon gets 8 seconds of screen time and that was him dieing!

    - Darth Sidious f*cking ruled.
    - Anikan/Palpatine chemistry believable.
    - Amazing visual effects.
    - John Williams’ best soundtrack.
    - The final duels are insane in a good way.
    - Anikan burns to death on screen.
    - Hayden Christensen was ten times better then he was in Clones.

    Here’s how it stacks up for me:
    A New Hope; A-
    The Empire Strikes Back; A
    Return of the Jedi; B+
    The Phantom Menace; D+
    Attack of the Clones, C+
    Revenge of the Sith; A-

  78. Star Wars is now ranked like this in my mind:

    1. The Empire Strikes Back

    2. Revenge of the Sith

    3. A New Hope

    4. Return of the Jedi

    5. The Phantom Menace

    6. Attack of the Clones

    I loved everything but Chewie’s Tarzan yell. That was gay. I also thought Grievious wasn’t so grievious after all. I laughed my ass off when Yoda sent Palpy over his desk and we saw his knickers. He definitely needs to hit a tanning bed.

  79. Well, I am going to leave my thoughts on Sith, but I doubt I will get any response -please respond, at least tell me I’m full of it-.

    We watched the second volume of Clone Wars before we left the house yesterday night -which I can see was very important, I almost would feel sorry for those who didn’t see the tail end of the series-. The Scrolling intro was fine, it built the excitement and I was ready to see the rescue scene right away. I was absolutely blown away by the visuals of the rescue aerial maneuvers. The buzz droids were a bit cheesy, but I respected the scene because it showed how much Anakin cared about the well being of Obi’Wan.

    I was very impressed with the wheezing of General Grevious - again sorry to those unfamiliar with CW, if you didn’t know how it happened you would just thing he was a heavy smoker-.

    The duel between Dooku and Anakin was to short. I mean Dooku tossed Obi’Wan once again, and Anakin swipes his hands off in 3 min. But the chills did run when Palp’s voice lowered and uttered “Kill Him”.

    The scenes did shoot by very fast and I would have liked to have seen more plot development and less moving from scene to scene.

    Padme was off. I agree that the chemistry was low, but it did get the point across and that was all that was needed.

    Palpatene was by far the best acted character in the movie. I was very pleased walking away from this flick with the new background knowledge of this sinister sith. Haden sold me on Anakin finally and he was bad ass. McGreggor is Obi’Wan, and Mace Windu hates Anakin.

    I was annoyed by the running lizard - give the guy a f’n speeder.

    Yoda and Palp was a great fight, very well done.

    Anakin and Obi’Wan - WOW. I wanted more, it was great and when it finally ended I wanted more.

    Other items I liked were the sets that looked like New Hope, splitting up of the twins, and the final scene on the dune.

    Things that upset me were - Padme named Luke and Leia way to quick, Anakin folded really fast, Obi’Wan is not a very deep Jedi (why did every one figure stuff out before he did?) and I thought Qui-Gon’s voice or blue glowy should have been in the movie.

    But I liked it very much, I was happy with the movie, and I was sad to see it end.

  80. The movie was great…of course on some level I think all of them are great.

    Sith, for me could have been longer, with more plot thrown in…maybe it was my desire to hold onto this a bit longer, but the movie was good enough to make it longer and hold my attention.

    I’ll get the bad out of the way first: The first duel was too short…The love scene dialog was aweful…the plot developement moved too quick…the obi wan /grevious fight was a bit of a disappointment (damn you clone wars and the sith book)… when palpatine changed, it was more comical than anything else…oh, and vader yelling at the end, was a bit much…leave it at him force wreckin’ the room silently and that would be awesome.

    Now the great: Everything, but what I mentioned above…I want a dragon to run around on rocks, I want to hang out with Wookies with feathered hair… I want to see Yoda throw a lightsaber into the chest of that clone over and over and over again…I want to see Mace kick Palpatine’s ass again and again…I loved that whenever Yoda got hurt all the girls were like “awe” (come on people…he is a bad ass!) and what made it all the movie you wanted it to be…the Anakin Obi Wan duel…it was so amazing that it made all of the bad things in this movie melt away (no lava pun intended)

    you can’t rate a movie like this…it is beyond a thumbs up or thumbs down… score of x out of ten…all of these movies are entertaining and that is what is important!

  81. I loved it!! I really did!!! the jedi getting killed made had me almost in tears. I loved how anakin was truly torn between doing what was right for the republic and what was right for the jedi. My heart skipped a beat at the end when Obi-wan told Anakin that he was like a brother and he loved him. Then Anakin says “I hate you”. WOW!! I didn’t find Padme annoying at all and when she tells anakin, “You’re breaking my heart”. My heart broke in a million pieces. Finally at the end when Beru and Owen hold the baby luke and there are the suns in the background on Tatooine, I just lost it.

  82. Huge font at the bottom. :p

    Even though I really don’t need to, I’m going to the theatre right now, two hours early is better then the crappiest seat in the house.

  83. I left the movie yesterday morning with a big smile on my face. I ladmit that it isnt the most soild movie but it is a star wars movie, and this one just worked for me. The thing i liked most was all the stuff they added into the movie from clone wars the cartoon. A personal favourite was General Grievous and his heavy breathing from his run in with Mace Windu.

    Star Wars is back!! Bring on the TV show!!

  84. So it’s completed at last. I went to one of the midnight showings with Richard and a few others. Richard had managed to keep a lid on the best bits despite the fact he saw it last week. He will like me mentioning that as he drops it in anywhere he can…

    I loved it. The opening sequence was amazing, as were all of the fight scenes. In particular the confrontation of Obi-Wan and Anakin.

    Hayden Christensen was much better in this one that the last. I feel sorry for Natalie Portman though, she has the worst dialogue of them all. I just don’t believe any of the scenes between Padme and Anakin, they have no chemistry on screen together. There is more chemistry between Anakin and the Emperor that those two, I enjoyed their scenes much more.

    The only other thing is that there seemed to be alot of short scence at the end just so that there would be no real gaps from the end of The Sith to the start of A New Hope. The scenes were more stand alone scenes stuck together so that it all tied up nicely.

    Overall though it was outstanding, 8 out of 10.

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