New Highlander movie

ChristopherLambert.jpgFollowing hot on the previous post, I felt this deserved a little one of its own. Christopher Lambert is coming back to our screens, yes we know this Richard I hear you say, but not just in the one movie.

He’s currently in pre-production for Highlander: The Source. It’s a bit thin on information so far, here’s the summary:

Duncan MacLeod and his fellow Immortals search for the meaning of Immortality.

Counting Down have some more information, but strangely say that Lambert isn’t in it despite a direct credit on IMDB, in fact the only acting credit there as yet.

…it’s rumoured to tell the story of four new charismatic Immortals as they quest to locate the Holy Grail of their world.

If IMDB are right, Lambert is in as Connor, obviously. The writing credits are many and come from places such as Highlander TV series, Hellboy, Foreverman, Highlander: Endgame, Highlander III: The Sorcerer, Highlander II: The Quickening, Dracula 2000 and sequels, The Prophecy and sequels, Mimic 2 and Hellraiser: Hellworld.

You getting the idea now? It promises more cheese than a bucket of the stuff. Still, for those Highlander fans out there…are there any looking forward to this?

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7 Responses to “New Highlander movie”
  1. herby says:

    Depends on how much cheese. Is it going to be so bad I love it like Highlander II. So Bad I hate it like Highlander III. A really Good Film like Endgames. A Really Great Film like Highlander I.

    I’m thinking it’ll be like II

  2. Glasseyerod says:

    They butcher a great story so much in the second one I lost interest. Now if they were going to do a good one and denouce that two ever happened then maybe it would interest me.

  3. bigwig says:

    highlander endgame was good?

  4. Herby says:

    “highlander endgame was good?”

    I thought so. I was a huge fan of the TV series so I enjoyed the film. Wasn’t great, but good.

  5. Patrick says:

    I just dont understand movie series that ignore what happens to the previous movie; #3 came out and ignored what happenned in #2 as if it were a bad dream

  6. Billy Holiday says:

    Don’t forget the winners of Project Greenlight 3 wrote on this too. Nothing but quality here.

  7. DarrenJ Seeley says:

    There Should Have Been Only One.

    Anyway, what you didn’t see in any version of Highlander 2, where it is revealed that the prize is going old or returning to the alternate dimension called Ziest. Let’s suppose Connor goes back at the end of H2, and finds out the ‘Gathering’ is one long sadistic joke.

    He and Methos create a pact. Methos becomes a watcher with perfect cover, and Connor watches in dismay as Immortal after Immortal gets sent forward to various points in history. Hence, the Gathering never ends, and paradoxes are taking thier toll. (*an alternate universe also existed with Duncan)

    By the time the events in Highlander 4 are concerned, Connor, having knowledge that a possible future and fight with Katana will never happen, goes mad.

    It was Connor who killed Duncan in H4…during the showdown with Kell, Kell thought he was fighting Duncan, but for a few brief moments, Connor’s magician power (after defeating Kane in 3) failed briefly and this sykes out Kell. Connor kills Kell, and for a brief time after appears as Duncan. Then he reveals himself to Methos, and convinces the oldest immortal to see if there is a way to go back and destroy the teleportation machine that…

    …nevermind. I have a life. I want to get back to it now.

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