Fantastic Four International Trailer

FantasticFourGroupPic.jpgAnother day, another international trailer. This one’s for the Fantastic Four, and there’s not that much difference. We get a bit longer between cuts, and a few more scenes, but not a dramatic difference as with the Island trailer.

Have a look from Apple through Comic Book Movie, come back and let us know what you think - Hot, or cheesy?

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4 Responses to “Fantastic Four International Trailer”
  1. Martin Sutherland says:

    Moderately hot, actually. Saw it in front of The Pacifier this afternoon, and it looked surprisingly good. Then again, the trailer for The Pacifier looked decent, too.

  2. Meli says:

    I think the movie is going to be nothing but fun. I have a feeling it’ll get totally blasted, but I’m going to see it anyway. I still have my reservations about casting choices, but I’ll put those aside and make my judgements later.

  3. Simone says:

    My only problem here is Alba.

    I am watching it because of Ioan Gruffudd. Yummm…

  4. Alfredo says:

    The more I see about FF the more I realize that this movie is going to suck.

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