This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 31st, 2005 at 6:47 am.
Categories: News Chat.

SupermanBatman.jpgI know their releases are almost a year apart… but I’m interested in knowing which one of these two films you’re more looking forward to.

Hands down and without question the top 2 Superheroes are Batman and Superman. The two are polar opposites and bring a totally different mythology to the table. Both films have fantastic directors at the helm (Nolan and Singer) and both films have solid casts (although I think you have to give the casting nod to Batman).

So come on and tell us… which of these two films are you looking forward to the most… and why?

48 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Simone

    Batman. Hands down.

    I have always been attracted to the more mysterious and darker character of Bruce Wayne than the seemingly coy Clark Kent.

  2. Simon

    batman, cause even if I wanted to see Superman more I will see batman before.

  3. Pablo

    This is an unfair question as superman isn’t neccessarily a superhero; wait before you starting shouting at me…..

    Superman(and all his fellow citizens of his planet) are only a superhero on earth, where as batman(and other superheros) can take their skills to multiple planets. If superman is a superhero on other planets like mars/mercury etc, which is currently unknown, then i would say “superman”, but as he is only a one-planet-wonder I’d have to say that Batman is getting my vote.

    NOTE: yes my post is meant to be tongue in cheek. Batman for me because its darker and superman is too-much of a goody-goody. Lets face it, X-ray vision and able to fly? what would you be using your powers for?

  4. Joseph Simmons

    I’m really looking foward to Superman, but Batman is in two weeks, Superman’s in a year, so Batman.

    (Though if they were both coming out this summer, it would be Superman hands down.)

  5. Pudie

    Batman. Im not a big comic nut , but when it does come to comics , and movies I’ve always cared more about Batman. But I am very much looking forward to seeing what Singer can do with Supes.

  6. SpideyFan

    Someone up there posted that Superman isn’t really a superhero because anyone from Krypton can be a ’super-hero’ on Earth.

    But there’s only one Superman, not many supermen, so that point is irrelevant.

    As for who I want to see more, honestly, I’m all “batmanned-out” and I really am looking more forward to Superman at this point, although I hate the fact that Brandon Routh was cast as an overweight super-hero simply because he looks like Christopher Reeves as Clark Kent .. sad, really.

    It’s been so long since we’ve seen a Superman movie that to have the guy who did X2 do this one is going to at least be some great eye-candy.

    As for Batman, yes, the casting looks good only from the small trailers we’ve been privy to. But trailers can lie - look at what we were given for Matrix 3 - I thought that was going to be the best of the bunch from the trailers they showed us.

    Trailers mean nothing, casting means nothing. The final product means everything.

    Simple answer:


  7. Igmar Fillipé

    Little Orphan Annie

  8. Ryan

    “Superman(and all his fellow citizens of his planet) are only a superhero on earth, … If superman is a superhero on other planets like mars/mercury etc, which is currently unknown”

    That’s not true at all. Superman has traveled to other worlds in the official continuity. He wasn’t super on Krypton because the sun the planet was orbiting was a Red Dwarf, which is a dying star that burns red, dimmer, much hotter, and has a larger gravitational pull.

    “Hands down and without question the top 2 Superheroes are Batman and Superman.”
    I completely agree with you, but apparently it’s not a hands down type of opinion. In a special bravo just aired “Ultimate Superheroes, Vixens & Villians” The top three heroes went

    3. Batman
    2. Superman
    1. Spider-man

    They’re list was made from “More than 50 experts, ranging from comic book creators to filmmakers and producers to the actors who brought these characters to life, were consulted for the formation of the super-powered top 20 countdown lists in each category.”

    As to which movie I’m looking forward to more? It’s tough to say. I probably love both characters equally, each for different reasons. If made to chose I’d say Superman only because there’s a limited number of ways the character can/has been interpreted. Where as Batman has a different persona to each person/fan so no movie will get the Batman I want 100%.

  9. metalordie

    Altho I always liked Batman more than Superman…I have to say am looking forward to Superman cos its been nearly 20 years since we had a Superman movie.

    Any news on reports of a pre-prequel Star Wars movie?

  10. Eric in Philly

    I have to go with Batman. Not only is he a human superhero without any powers, he was a very complexed backstory. The fact that he is a grown man still haunted by the deaths of his parents, is enough for fans (or non-fans) to be intriged with both of his personalities.

    Another reason is the villian dept. The only supervillians that really give Superman problems are Luthor & Brainiac. Batman has a host of villian, that are both psychotic & creative.

    The Batman universe is hands down the better, hell, in the comics Batman & Superman are even good friends.

  11. Tan The Man

    Batman… Christian Bale is so hot and dreamy.

  12. Triflic

    i Agree with Eric in Philly…The way to judge a superhero flick is by the villians…and batman wins hands down…the villians are more interesting than Spiderman or Superman (or Blade, or Hellboy, or … you get the idea)

  13. Marla Singer

    Batman is WAY hotter than Superman. i mean come on, blue tights and red bootys vs BLACK LEATHER, please there is no competition. i think the pointy ears have a lot to do with is as well…teehee. batmans just more cool about things and he has more vengeance and he’s got gadgets and a bat cave whereas superman just changes in a phone booth and his glasses are the only thing protecting his identity..pffft. right. batman has much more intrigue in his style that u want to engage more. plus he’s intelectual and rich which equals irrisistability. superman is pretty dorky. he works in a newspaper place and he’s always pushing up his glasses and cant get the nerve to ask out lois and has severe allergies to kryptonite.

    so ya, batman rules over superman

  14. dan aho

    batman more so than superman, because the threshold has been broken for seeing different actors play batman. im really worried about the guy playing superman. when people in their thirties and twenties when they think of superman, christopher reeves pops in their head.

  15. Movie Props

    i’m a big comic book fan, i’m more of a superman fan, but this is a tough choice. so, i’m glad that it’s not coming out the same year. but if i had to choose, it would probably be batman. i think the movie would be more geared to young adults rather than younger children, which superman would be. yes… i know there are toys out there. i guess what i’m trying to say is that i’m not a big fan of ‘campy’ movies and i don’t have any feelings that batman begins will be, but i don’t know much about superman yet. i’m rambling… i’m gonna stop.

  16. Richard

    The superhero movie I’m most anticipating is SPIDER-MAN 3. Who can relate to an alien demi-god or a billionair? Sure they are great characters and fantasic movies, but the hero everyone can truely relate to is Peter Parker.

  17. Bob

    Batman, He’s the coolest.

    (I know thats not much of a reason, but it’s true.)

  18. yodaf

    Interesting question. When looking at the three superheroes most mentioned here: Superman, Batman, and Spiderman, the next movie I am most looking forward to is Batman. It just looks like it’s going to be a great movie.

    Everything else I write here is referring to the comic books only, not the movies:
    That said, my favorite superhero has always been Spiderman. People here have said that the villians really make or break the character. The only Superman villian I like is Luthor. Joker and Riddler for Batman. But Spiderman has a host of baddies I love to read, including Venom, Green Goblin, Doc Octopus, and Carnage. Although I’ve always thought Marvel comics were superior to DC anyway, so I’m admittedly biased.

  19. Arethusa

    Oh dear I think I double-posted. If so, my aplogies. Based on the movies alone, as I have not read the comics, Batman is my preferred super hero, if only for the costume.

  20. Alfredo

    Batman. The guy playing Superman looks like a wuss.

  21. Joe

    Superman! That movie will have a lot more special effects and Superman is a better superhero.

  22. Mark Kawakami

    Ultimately, I’m looking forward to Superman more, because it’s been so long since we’ve had a good Superman movie. But “Batman Begins” does have my blood pumping.

  23. Herby


    Always has been the better of the two super heros. There are real characters and emotion in the Batman Univers.

    Also Christopher Nolan has directed three incredible films. Following, Memento and Insomnia. Batman Begins is going to be F-king Great!!!

  24. bigwig

    batman and superman are the top 2? hands down? without question? thats 3 questions right there.

  25. _ram-jaane

    batman begins …
    superman has been relived thorugh ‘the adventures of clark & lois’ and even smallville …

    batman will be refreshing’ it also helps the inner psycho’s in us to see a darker hero ;) i’ve booked the day off work to see this in the biggest screen in UK … {imax waterloo} .. i don’t see myself doing anything of the sort for superman next year’

  26. Matt Fantastic

    Superman, by far. How do you make a Batman movie about his beginnings, without Joker? It’s blasphemous, really.

  27. Triflic

    I thought people might enjoy this read on “HOW TO BUILD A BETTER SUPERHERO film from here

  28. B A T M A N

    my namesake for sure. :)

  29. _ram-jaane

    Superman, by far. How do you make a Batman movie about his beginnings, without Joker? It’s blasphemous, really.
    Posted by: Matt Fantastic at June 1, 2005 11:01 AM

    I’ve heard mention that if they do a sequel they will ignore the other 4 and incorporate the Joker in the next .. seems reasonable’
    In addition they don’t want to kill the Joker & he will be the cause behind the origins of Two-Face as in the comics. No signatures but they want Guy Pearce for Two-Face …

    who’d be ideal for the joker though?
    a bit odd mayhaps but i thought ‘matt damon’ would be a good candidate or ‘ewan mcgregor’

  30. WayBob

    Batman wins this one for me, as said superman is too goody and was made too tough to really be challenged by anyone, batman on the other hand is human and doesn’t rely on superpowers but hard work and ingenunity and is also a double hard b**tard with a dark streak that appeals to all of us.

    any news on a Justice League movie?

  31. Pablo

    Oh dear, decided to watch spiderman 1 and 2 last night to get into the superhero mood. Both batman and superman have quite a lot to live up to.

    As mentioned by other people in previous posts, spiderman is way cool. Both batman and superman(as stupid as it may sound) will also need to be portrayed as “cool” if the films are to be successfull.

    Trailers for batman begins suggest Vale is getting that across on screen, that and a lot of darkness will ensure success.

    Is superman going to be portrayed as a nancy-girls-blouse-goody-goody like in smallville? if so, then don’t be surprised if the box office directly relates how “uncool” that is.

  32. Nilesh

    If Superman is not a superhero on Krypton, is Batman a superhero on another planet other than Earth?
    The comparison is unfair as both of them have their own flairs.

  33. a

    they both SUCK

  34. Ravi

    Get real. Superman, hands down (and America will agree in waves)!

    Superman works with the public trust and belief in something bigger; that together mankind can do anything or solve any problem. Batman works alone with the belief that society is broken and he is needed to fix what has corrupted it.

    Philosophically the world needs both, but Superman should deliver the action, drama, and sheer power you expect from a movie with today’s technology finally able to show it. Batman will rock in a movie, but his best medium is graphic novels.

  35. snake

    RAVI THE RAVI IF YOUR THE SAME ONE FROM SNAKE SOUP i have to say something YOUR REVIEWS ROCK. im new to the metal gear series i just went out and bought all 3 game’s(msg, mgs2, and mgs3) for like $35 at blockbuster.

    I go to the snakesoup and it makes you want to play the game’s even more. I’m tryin to catcth up with the timeline and i read one of your pieces on msx metal gear’s and was wondering how can i play those game. i know you probably cant post it here because it mght be deemed illegal or somthin so email the links

  36. tim jarman

    superman with out a doubt, he would kick batmans ass, the speed of light m8, aint no way batman cld stop him, superman just burn him while flying in the air around him, superman is to quick, and if it came dsown to a fight, one real punch from superman would kill batman.

  37. pliskin

    ya batman has no real powers.

    but superman is a pretty big pussy and i hope the superman movie isn’t gay and happy. i hope it’s more badass like batman

    just because he has super powers dosent mean batman begins cant pwn him

  38. BGman2x

    Dude, Superman!

    There have been so many batman movies and they have all had the chance to have some decent effects. the old superman movies didnt have good effects at all! To see what Singer can do with a Superman movie will be AWESOME! And all these people who say Superman is a big goody goody are pretty screwed up. Superman can be just as badass. Also, Superman is a different perspective on mankind. He isnt human, but he takes it as his responsibility to protect us from ourselves. My theory, partly influenced by a quote from Kill Bill, is that Supermans alter ego, Clark Kent, is really his idea of what the human race is. He sees us as petty and weak, and even tho he has the power to destroy us, instead he protects us. While I agree, the darkness of the batman movies are super cool, Superman has a much bigger picture. I can see somebody making a superman movie and really screwing it up, but c’mon, this guy made X-MEN and those movies ROCKED. I have faith that he will make this an awesome movie. AND dudE! Enough with the “superman doesnt have any enemies cept for Luthor and Braniac”. that is bullshit. obviously none of you know much about him. There are awesome villians like Bizarro, Conduit, Doomsday, Metallo, Livewire, The Eradicator (who is actually a different version of braniac, but cooler), Darkseid, the Parasite, Toyman, uh, Lobo the bounty hunter, and of course the fricken best of all, Mr. Mxyzptlk! And there are a lot more. I hope I made my point.

  39. Cameron Burson

    Ok. Diagnosis and prognosis. Much fun.


    Love the fact that it is coming back. Hate the fact that he isn’t being played by Tom Welling, who is the shit.


    I was looking forward to this. A lot. But after seeing it I was dissapointed yet again. For some reason, no idea why, I picture Batman as a slugger, a big, muscular juggernaut of a man with dark but attractive features. And not once have I seen a Batman like that. I still await it. (And, honestly, I am hoping the ideal guy will play him in the Dark Knight role. That would be pimp.)


    Funniest and yet most realistic and compellign character of them all. Hence the popularity.

    Thanks for your time,


  40. lizardfreak12

    Everyone in here needs to dust off there old comic books and do so reviewing. Superman is fun and entertaining, and yet so is Batman. Who’s movie is worth seeing more? BOTH, you have to at least give every comic book movie a shot, and a second chance. So we will have to wait and see.

  41. darknight

    batman hands down…HES THE MOST REALISTIC SUPER HERO…and plus he has kyrptonite..seen it in a Justice League episode. batman to smart..he knows everyones weakness hes the strongest PERIOD. SO GOODBYE SUPERMAN

  42. World-biggest-batman-fans

    Listen everyone! I am a really big batman fans. I have asked my friends about who are stronger, batman or superman? Then somebody says that superman is stronger because they only se the Justice League on tv so they don´t really know who are stronger. But batman is stronger because, even if superman has laser or ice from his mouth, soo has batman also unlimited batstars, and batbombs. And much more. Batman is stronger, he also always take everything serious, i mean he is never one who just lamping like superman. Only when he doe a diffycult mission, then he just smile.

    Thanks for all who reading this coment.

  43. willo

    Batman no dout.

    In terms of power, Batman CAN beat spiderman with his trained “super” power, and can get rid of superman with ease with a piece of krptonite.

    In terms of coolness, batman is by far the coolest looking superhero of all time, superman is soso (bold and goody), no offence but spiderman looks like sh*t.

    In terms of characterisation: batman is by far the most interesting character with differenct personalities. superman is a bit dumb and spiderman again is just stories about sh*t happens to a teenager nothing more.

    Batman is the most intelligent among the three, he is best detective in the world, if not better than Sherlock Holmes.

  44. Byron

    Just a reply to Simon’s Superman is a one-planet wonder comment…

    I don’t think it’s the powers that make a superhero, but rather the drive. I’ve never been a comic book fan, and I’m not even a sci-fi gooroo, but I do feel the connection to both Superman and Batman. My point is, just because Clark Kent was born on Krypton, but Super only on Earth, doesn’t make him any less a superhero than Bruce Wayne. If CK goes to Mars, per say, to fight a villain, just because his powers may be stricken, doesn’t mean he wouldn’t fight. In that case, I think it’s safe to say the CK would dawn the red, yellow, and blue suit and pull a Bruce Wayne (use his resources for good). Superman is a real superhero, and I think it’s his will, drive, and determination that support that, rather than his powers.


  45. Joey

    Superman no doubt, although I did love Batman Begins and I was looking forward to it before hand, but I’ve been looking forward to Superman much longer and I think it will be great.

  46. The remedy

    Definatly superman.

    Superman can fly, for one thing, and was actually ORIGINAL-ish in his name. I mean, batman decided to name himself after a big bug-eating flying thing. And there’s also the fact that he needs help to catch the bad guys, the batmobile and his grappling hooks and all his fancy gadgets. Superman uses just himself. He’s the one with guts!

  47. shannon

    ok we had an argument in class about who is better…BATMAN! he won! and will always win! lik who ever said up in the earlier thing…all batmans got to do is bust out some kryptonite and then he could so win…but even without the kyptonite cuz batmans got smartz and superman well he kinda smart but batman could beat him in smartz too! batman knows how to use his reasorses around him and batman has WAY better style! superman has blue yellow and red (which are the primary colors of the rainbow…we all no wat that means) and batman’s got this mystirous look going for him…hes such a ladies man and superman is a nerd!lol but i still think both are kool but batman win my vote!

  48. Spatulaman

    ok all, i no batman begins has come and gone but i really couldnt care less about the superman movie, im more waiting for begins to hit DVD

    in relation to above, yes, supes wuld b supes on other planets (depending on temp & gravity & air)the same a other heroes

    now, i know ppl say superman wuld whoop batman & this may be true, but, there is ONE RULE that i’ve learnt from web forums :if batman has enough time to prepare, he is invincible

    he could forge bat weapons from kyryptonite & make a kryptonite plated batmobile for gods sake, and, even ifthe kryptonite only makes supes normal like a human but doesnt hurt him, bats actually KNOWS how to fight and would win, hands down

    personally, i hate supes, he is the fabrication of the nazi’s dream of making the perfect person (blondehair, blue eyes etc) except his perfection is in strength

    if he needed ice suddenly, he’d get ice breath and anuything else under the sun, if he needed icecream, he could poop it, get my drift?

    he was originally made INVINCIBLE

    i luv bats and always have done, he is legendary, i wont go in2 depth with him

    sum sed b4 that batman uses a batmobile


    god i hate superman

    he’s too…godlike………..

    anyway, begins was gr8 and barely used ne special fx and was done on a huge indoor set, lol, so cool
