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Batman Begins 10 minute trailer

By Richard - May 27, 2005 - 19:54 America/Montreal

Batman_Poster_French.jpgI was a bit wary of watching this ten minute extended trailer for Batman Begins from AllDumb through JoBlo.

I read it right though, and so did you, it’s a ten minute extended trailer, it’s not the first ten minutes of the movie. I don’t think there’s many real spoilers in it and it’s really an extension of the existing scenes we’ve, well, seen. However, if you don’t thrive on the hype and want to keep the movie fresh and clean, then don’t watch it.

After watching it though, I’m so hyped up for this movie you would not believe. There are some amazing touches in the trailer, and they are a tiny bit of a spoiler, but it makes me want to see the whole piece even more, the completed Batman hard at work.


  1. Jaboo says:

    I’m not a huge fan of comic book movies, but that looked pretty good. Seems much more intriguing doing Batman as more of a serious drama without the Tim Burton goofball stuff.

  2. Marla Singer says:

    i want to live in gotham so batman can rescue me…lol i love the story of batman, and i loved burtons doings, i dont think there was anything wrong with his “goofball” stuff, i thought it went quite well being as there were some pretty “goofball” villans. and now i’m excited to get into detail with how the BAT was conceived into a heroic icon with such mystery and passion. i’m psyched thats for sure, that 10 minutes was quite a tastey sample of the fiest that awaits in june.

  3. Franklin says:

    There was only one thing I did not like: Katie Holmes.

    I’m REALLY turned off by her, especially now to the point of absolute disgust with this staged Tom “I love the smell of women!” Cruise thing.

    I would have preferred someone else in her role. Maybe even her Dawson’s Creek co-star Michelle Williams (who still has work in indie flicks). Hell, even that “Felicity” chick would have been better.

    Is it just me? — Lately it seems like all these young starlets are annoying, unappealing, horribly acting, and or becoming more reprehensible (i.e. Lindsay Lohan)… with the exception of Scarlett Johansson.

  4. Marla Singer says:

    no its not just you, there’s so many things i wish upon their career and none of it is good. and yes with the exception of scarlett johanson and keira knightly might i add. and i might have a hard time ignoring katie holmes in batman. y did they pick her?! they go from beautiful women like kim basinger michelle pfiefer and nicole kidman and uma thurman to….katie holmes. she sucks at acting and she barely opens her mouth when she speaks..very homely looking girl. what ass clown made her famous is what i want to know.

  5. It's Seitz says:


    I’m looking forward to this even more than I was for Star Wars III.

    I like the fact that they show where he gets all of his equipment, and have him painting his own suit. It’s much more realistic than most of these other superhero flicks, especially Daredevil, where a blind lawyer who makes no money somehow has a spacious apartment with costumes and weapons and other equipment.

    The only thing I worry about is that the villians don’t seem very present in any of the trailers. Without a good conflict, this could just be a lot of story with no real resolution. even if it does look like a very good story.

  6. Simone says:

    I am with you Franklin and Marla.

    When I found out about the cast (Bale, Neeson, Freeman, Watanabe, Caine, Oldman) I was like, “very impressive”! And then somewhere I read, Katie Holmes! I mean why did they have to ruin it with her presence? I hope she gets limited screen time, oh please!!!

  7. scott says:

    katie holmes is almost the deal breaker for me with this. everything about the casting is perfect (though i would have preferred dennis quaid as gordon, but he turned down the part).

    i think michelle williams would have been a better choice. she’s been in some cool indie flicks and overall seems to be a better actor than holmes.

    but holmes fits better if the rumor is true that her character turns out to be talia. (but i doubt that this is true.)

  8. Meli says:

    It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who has these feelings about Katie Holmes. The only movie she’s given a decent performance was Pieces of April. Everytime she pops up in the trailer, I cringe and have flashbacks of Dawson’s Creek.

    For some reason Hollywood is trying to make her a mega star by shacking her up with Tom Cruise, and I think I know why….she sucks in this movie and they want to make her “America’s Little Sweetheart” so she won’t get torn apart by critics. Yep - I’ve finally figured it out.