Zoom’s Academy

Aside from Galaxy Quest, I can’t really think of a film project off the top of my head that Tim Allen has been in that was any good (not counting animated films). And despite the she was once my total dream woman when I was younger, Courtney Cox hasn’t exactly lit up the big screen either.

So you put the two of them together in a film and my expectation aren’t all that high. Especially when that film project is a blatant capitalization on the success of The Incredibles. The project is Zoom’s Academy.

A comedy about an out-of-shape former superhero called back into action to save the world. The movie is based on the Jason Lethcoe graphic novel “Zoom’s Academy for the Super Gifted.”

“But John” you say… “It’s not a rip off of The Incredibles… it’s based on another source”. Yes, that’s true… but there is no way you can convince me that the project didn’t get off the ground exclusively because of the success of The Incredibles. The source material may be from a totally different source… but in my books it’s still a rip off. Especially this close together.

Oh… and did I mention it’s being directed by Peter Hewitt, who also directed Garfield The Movie? Nuf said.

Anyway, I still really want to like Cox… so let’s see what happens. But Allen’s presence in the film gives me little hope. Any of you feel any different?

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5 Responses to “Zoom’s Academy”
  1. JODSTER says:

    Doesn’t give me any hope. May as well be straight to video.

  2. adam says:

    I think you hit it right on the head John.

  3. Chris says:

    It’s not called ripping off when it comes from another sourse material, it’s called coat-tailing.
    It’s sort of like when Jurassic Park came out and 100’s of dinosaur movies flooded the Blockbusters across the country. In a way coat-tailing is actualy more amaturish and pathetic than just ripping off. It’s like saying to the person who wrote “Zoom”, “Hey, your stuff isn’t good enough to stand on it’s own, but if we throw it out now we might make some money from folks who think their going to see The Incredibles.”

  4. moviebuff23 says:

    Um, this comic came out long before The Incredibles was released. If I am correct, it came out in 2001. It is definitely not a rip off of The Incredibles.

  5. Lucky says:

    Just an FYI people. The only thing that makes the story or the script resemble Incredibles in anyway is that they have super powers and they are kids. So by that reasoning The Incredibles coat tailed Xmen and Xmen coat tailed Witch Mountain and so on. Kids having super powers and learning how to use them while learning to grow up is a staple in the movie industry.

    The script is good. It’s funny and it has some action. Plus the VFX should rock.

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