Will Ferrell in Stranger than Fiction

I’m intruiged by the whole idea of Stranger than Fiction, where a character starts to hear a narrative voice in his head which is actually that of the author that is writing about him and controlling his life.

What I’m not so excited about is that this is going to be turned into a comedy, I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion I’m not a big comedy fan, or rather current comedy from Hollywood. There are comedies I love, but for instance I just haven’t found anything by Ben Stiller that has made me laugh, however it’s all subjective so I’m sure someone finds it funny. I’d actually like this to be straighter, a more darker look into the idea. Coming Soon have the news:

In Stranger Than Fiction, Will Ferrell plays Harold Crick, an IRS Agent whose world is turned upside-down when he begins to hear his life being chronicled by a narrator only he can hear. The Narrator, Kay Eiffel (Emma Thompson), a nearly forgotten author of tragic novels, is struggling to complete her latest and best book, unaware that her protagonist is alive and uncontrollably guided by her words. Fiction and reality collide when the bewildered and hilariously resistant Harold hears the Narrator say that events have been set in motion that will lead to his imminent death.

Desperate to escape his fate, Harold seeks help from eccentric English professor Dr. Jules Hilbert (Dustin Hoffman) and finds unexpected comfort in a burgeoning romance with a defiant audit subject, Ana Pascal (Maggie Gyllenhaal). Unluckily for Harold, Kay’s impatient publishers have unleashed a stern assistant named Penny Escher (Queen Latifah) to help the author finish her book and finish off Harold Crick.

Oh dear. Queen Latifah, her past performance hasn’t exactly been glowing. Sounds like a great premise, but will it make it well to the big screen?

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12 Responses to “Will Ferrell in Stranger than Fiction”
  1. Simone says:

    I agree, why make it comedy, this plot seems a lot better as a straight thriller.

    Dustin Hoffman in another comedy, now that is not surprising. He has done 2 comedy films last year and I thought he did great as Father Focker. Anybody seen him in “I Heart Huckabees”?

  2. Triflic says:

    Sounds Kaufmann-esque…and if he had written it, it would have likely lot more serious and bleak. Of course I’m speculating at this point, but having Will Farell in a movie tells something about that movie.

  3. Lilly says:

    So what if Will is in it? Have you forgotten Jim Carrey’s turn in The Trueman Show? And everyone thought that was going to be a screwball comedey when in fact it turned out more serious, much to everyone’s delight. This plot has the potential to be a lot like Being John Malkovitch, Trueman and Adaptation all rolled into one if the producers and director allow it to be.

  4. Triflic says:

    Absolutely, I would love to be wrong on this…It’s all about the execution…If Will can go dramatic and not ‘Old School’/Stiller-Comedy…Them I’m all for it.

  5. Simone says:

    But Will Ferrell is not of the same acting caliber as Jim Carrey, no offense to his fans. I didnt take Jim Carrey seriously at first but he changed my mind after “Eternal Sunshine” and even “Lemony Snicket’s”, still, who knows what direction this film would go to?

  6. Nala says:

    I hate to say it but I totally loved Dodgeball. I didn’t expect to. I didn’t care about it. But I laughed my ass off.

    Then again I need a stupid film like that every now and then.

  7. Skull Nine says:

    “… I just haven’t found anything by Ben Stiller that has made me laugh …”

    You should sue the doctor that took out your funny bone by mistake. Hard to believe you didn’t find at least “Meet The Parents” funny.

  8. Meli says:

    I’m not of the opinion that it can be said that Will Ferrell does not have the same acting caliber as Jim Carey.
    The two may be in the same age range, but Ferrell doesn’t have the length of a film career Carey does - not yet.
    I think both men are extremely talented, but I wouldn’t compare their talent because they have two different styles.
    And how do we know that Ferrell doesn’t have a drama actor side to him that we just haven’t seen yet?

  9. Ray` says:

    Trueman show SUCKED… and Ben Stiller in Something About Mary is funny stuff (pee ur pants funny in some parts)

    not that I pee’d my pants….

  10. bigwig says:

    i quite enjoy ben stiller and most of his work. in fact that whole clique is enjoyable, on dvd at the very least. http://film.guardian.co.uk/features/featurepages/0,4120,1455914,00.html

  11. Hugh Jass says:

    r u people stupid?? how can u dillute ureself into thinking a movie starring Will ferrel AND queen latifah isnt gonna be a quirky comedy??..it sounds like its gonna be good…but please..its not gonna be some dramatic serious thriller

  12. Chyina Young says:

    Question: How do you go about finding out help needed on the sets that are filmed in your local city?

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