Serenity Trailer News

Firefly.jpgA lot of people have been looking forward to the Joss Whedon Project Serenity… the big screen version of his short lived TV series Firefly (that a lot of folks thought was his best).

However, all Joss Whedon related news these days has focused on his choice to direct the new Wonder Woman flick… so Whedon put up an announcement on his message board that all Firefly fans out there will salivate at:

But there’s more! I’m talkin’ movie news, peeps, so no more drumroll: Trailer. Serenity. Tuesday.

Yeah, kids, the haps is hap’nin’, and it runs thus: EXCLUSIVELY on Apple movie trailers (and linked through this site as well of course) will be a small, medium, large or FULLSCREEN trailer for Serenity the major motion movie. Yeah, THE trailer. And the following Friday said trailer hits theaters. Which theaters? Until I get confirmation you’ll have to guess, but I’m betting you can.

So there you have it! Tomorrow there should be a Serenity trailer available for download. Hmmm… I wonder what film the trailer will play in front of. You have any ideas?

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4 Responses to “Serenity Trailer News”
  1. Flyby says:

    We should assume that “hmmm” to be sarcastic?
    Because I’d think topical synchronicity would make Firefly fronting Hitchhiker’s a no-brainer.

  2. Meagan says:

    Well…still no signs of the trailer today. Maybe later on… *sighs and waits*

  3. Keith says:

    Well the trailer is there for the viewing, but not for downloading as far as I can see. (drat, wanted to get it up on my TV)

  4. Dark Matt says:

    Wow - just watched the trailer and it rocks hard!!
    Looks like they went overboard to deliver some truely beautiful space scenes… have got unreasonable high hopes for this one!

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