Reese Witherspoon is NOT fun to work with

Reese_Witherspoon.jpgThere have been a lot of rumours going around for years now that Reese Witherspoon is one of the less enjoyable people to work with in Hollywood. I don’t think it’s because she’s particualrly evil… apparently she’s just no fun at all

In a recent interview with MSNBC, Legally Blonde director Robert Luketic basically said he would never want to work with her again. Here’s an excerpt:

Robert Luketic, who’s currently directing the movie version of “Dallas,” said that he wouldn’t want Witherspoon to be in the flick. When asked if he would cast Witherspoon in “Dallas,” he replied, “Er, no. Moviemaking is supposed to be fun.”

Luketic also directed Jane Fonda and Jennifer Lopez in “Monster in Law,” and despite the latter’s reputation for being a diva, he got along with both. Not so for Witherspoon. “I did not bond with her like I bonded with J-Lo and J-Fo,” Luketic said, according to the London Express. “There is something impenetrable about that woman.”

Hmmm… let me be clear here… I do not know Reese Witherspoon. For all we know she could be the sweetest, kindest creature on the planet… but this just sounds to me like someone who thinks a little too much of themselves. Too bad… I actually think she’s quite good.

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12 Responses to “Reese Witherspoon is NOT fun to work with”
  1. Meli says:

    So why is it bad that he couldn’t bond with her? He didn’t say he didn’t get along with her. He just didn’t bond with her. Well, how do we know if HE’S a likeable person?

    We can’t bond with every person we meet. I think Reese sounds gaurded, and is that such a bad thing in her business? I don’t particularly think so.

    She’s an actress, she’s working, it doesn’t mean she has to be buddy buddy with the director or even the other actors. What matters is her talent and the performance she in the movie.

  2. Lilly says:

    And her professionalism, attention to detail and attention span, Meli. Nothing else should matter in any job performance, but I do understand that making movies is a guelling job that is practically non-stop from the first frame to the last frame shot, so I can see why having a sense of humour could help loosen up the atmosphere and aid in getting a great of work captured on film. Just ask any model on that Tyra Banks show how easy it is to take a good photo let alone a great one they client will like. In this case, the client is the director, and if the director isn’t happy with your attitude/personality/airs/sense of humour, you can bet he’s not going to be happy with how you look on camera. Just my opinion.

    I like Reese. She comes across as being very intelligent, affable and flirty. I could be wrong. And if I am, that’s okay, too. That simply means she’s extremely talented because I buy her act in every role she’s in.

    The way he make it sound, though, it’s as if the words came out Steven Spielberg who is talking about why he won’t work with Julia Roberts again. It’s unfortunate that actors are so passionate. That sort of temperatment often lends to spillage of one’s personal live into their professional life at time, leaving your co-workers a very small but bad taste in their mouths about your coping skills and whether or not you are the kind who can relax around them. (Can you tell I learned from my experiences in the corporate world?? :-))

  3. adam says:

    This guy sounds like a dipshit. J-Fo? Come on.

  4. Chris says:

    So the guy who is making Dallas: The Movie didn’t like Reese Witherspoon…wow, there goes some choice roles…

  5. J-Ho says:

    I think we all know what he meant by “impenetrable” *wink, wink, yknowwhatimean*

  6. Arethusa says:

    Who cares.

  7. adam says:

    LOL @ J-HO

  8. wayfarer says:

    Go to the viewaskew website and read Kevin Smith’s comments about her, if they’re still there! ;)

  9. Garrance says:

    This is rather hard on Reese. We all know actors love going around calling each other “dahling” but we all also know it’s fake. Maybe Reese is into being real.

    Did she do a good job? Was she professional, on time and know her lines? If yes, that should be the only thing that counts.

    Do we bond with absolutely everybody at work? Oh puhleeese… !

  10. Margo says:

    I do know that she was not well liked when she did an episode of Friends in years past. I have seen her work as an adolescent child, however, and that girl is an incredible actress! I suspect she simply has a strong work ethic, with a possible no-nonsense way about her. I don’t necessarily think that is a bad thing in Hollywood. Their values can be so skewed. By the way, Chris, got a good laugh out of your April 27 post..there goes some good roles…hahaha. Thanks! Margo

  11. Kaitlin says:

    Reese is my favourite person and i dont think that she would be hard to bond with i think its just that stupied director and she should be in that movie i mean she probably just to good of an actress and j-fo is so gay so just get over it o and by the way ur just so fake!!
    Reese is #1

  12. roxann says:

    i think that reese is a very good actress and that all should matter is the way that they act and the way that there work comes out if everyone liked the movie and got a good laugh out of it than he shouldnt be trippin’. I personally think that the only reason that he didnt like her was because he probably refused to do something that he wanted to do with her or wasnt to friendly like jlo and the other girl

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